#!/usr/bin/env python import cmd, printcore, sys import glob, os, time if os.name=="nt": try: import _winreg except: pass READLINE=True try: import readline try: readline.rl.mode.show_all_if_ambiguous="on" #config pyreadline on windows except: pass except: READLINE=False #neither readline module is available def dosify(name): return os.path.split(name)[1].split(".")[0][:8]+".g" class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): def __init__(self): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) if not READLINE: self.completekey=None self.p=printcore.printcore() self.p.recvcb=self.recvcb self.recvlisteners=[] self.prompt="PC>" self.p.onlinecb=self.online self.f=None self.listing=0 self.sdfiles=[] self.paused=False self.sdprinting=0 self.temps={"pla":"210","abs":"230","off":"0"} self.bedtemps={"pla":"60","abs":"110","off":"0"} self.percentdone=0 self.tempreadings="" self.macros={} self.processing_rc=False self.lastport = (None,None) self.monitoring=0 self.feedxy=3000 self.feedz=200 self.feede=300 def scanserial(self): """scan for available ports. return a list of device names.""" baselist=[] if os.name=="nt": try: key=_winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"HARDWARE\\DEVICEMAP\\SERIALCOMM") i=0 while(1): baselist+=[_winreg.EnumValue(key,i)[1]] i+=1 except: pass return baselist+glob.glob('/dev/ttyUSB*') + glob.glob('/dev/ttyACM*') +glob.glob("/dev/tty.*")+glob.glob("/dev/cu.*")+glob.glob("/dev/rfcomm*") def online(self): print "Printer is now online" sys.stdout.write(self.prompt) sys.stdout.flush() def help_help(self,l): self.do_help("") def do_gcodes(self,l): self.help_gcodes() def help_gcodes(self): print "Gcodes are passed through to the printer as they are" def complete_macro(self,text,line,begidx,endidx): if (len(line.split())==2 and line[-1] != " ") or (len(line.split())==1 and line[-1]==" "): return [i for i in self.macros.keys() if i.startswith(text)] elif(len(line.split())==3 or (len(line.split())==2 and line[-1]==" ")): return ["/D", "/S"] + self.completenames(text) else: return [] def hook_macro(self,l): l = l.rstrip() ls = l.lstrip() ws = l[:len(l)-len(ls)] # just leading whitespace if len(ws)==0: self.end_macro() # pass the unprocessed line to regular command processor to not require empty line in .pronsolerc return self.onecmd(l) if ls.startswith('#'): return if ls.startswith('!'): self.cur_macro += ws + ls[1:] + "\n" # python mode else: self.cur_macro += ws + 'self.onecmd("'+ls+'".format(*arg))\n' # parametric command mode self.cur_macro_def += l + "\n" def end_macro(self): if self.__dict__.has_key("onecmd"): del self.onecmd # remove override self.prompt="PC>" if self.cur_macro_def!="": self.macros[self.cur_macro_name] = self.cur_macro_def exec self.cur_macro setattr(self.__class__,"do_"+self.cur_macro_name,lambda self,largs,macro=macro:macro(self,*largs.split())) setattr(self.__class__,"help_"+self.cur_macro_name,lambda self,macro_name=self.cur_macro_name: self.subhelp_macro(macro_name)) if not self.processing_rc: print "Macro '"+self.cur_macro_name+"' defined" # save it macro_key = "macro "+self.cur_macro_name macro_def = macro_key if "\n" in self.cur_macro_def: macro_def += "\n" else: macro_def += " " macro_def += self.cur_macro_def self.save_in_rc(macro_key,macro_def) else: print "Empty macro - cancelled" del self.cur_macro,self.cur_macro_name,self.cur_macro_def def do_macro(self,args): if args.strip()=="": self.print_topics("User-defined macros",self.macros.keys(),15,80) return arglist = args.split(None,1) macro_name = arglist[0] if macro_name not in self.macros and hasattr(self.__class__,"do_"+macro_name): print "Name '"+macro_name+"' is being used by built-in command" return if len(arglist) == 2: macro_def = arglist[1] if macro_def.lower() == "/d": if macro_name in self.macros.keys(): delattr(self.__class__,"do_"+macro_name) del self.macros[macro_name] print "Macro '"+macro_name+"' removed" if not self.processing_rc: self.save_in_rc("macro "+macro_name,"") else: print "Macro '"+macro_name+"' is not defined" return if macro_def.lower() == "/s": self.subhelp_macro(macro_name) return self.cur_macro_def = macro_def self.cur_macro_name = macro_name if macro_def.startswith("!"): self.cur_macro = "def macro(self,*arg):\n "+macro_def[1:]+"\n" else: self.cur_macro = "def macro(self,*arg):\n self.onecmd('"+macro_def+"'.format(*arg))\n" self.end_macro() return if not self.processing_rc: print "Enter macro using indented lines, end with empty line" self.cur_macro_name = macro_name self.cur_macro_def = "" self.cur_macro = "def macro(self,*arg):\n" self.onecmd = self.hook_macro # override onecmd temporarily self.prompt="..>" def help_macro(self): print "Define single-line macro: macro " print "Define multi-line macro: macro " print "Enter macro definition in indented lines. Use {0} .. {N} to substitute macro arguments" print "Enter python code, prefixed with ! Use arg[0] .. arg[N] to substitute macro arguments" print "Delete macro: macro /d" print "Show macro definition: macro /s" print "'macro' without arguments displays list of defined macros" def subhelp_macro(self,macro_name): if macro_name in self.macros.keys(): macro_def = self.macros[macro_name] if "\n" in macro_def: print "Macro '"+macro_name+"' defined as:" print self.macros[macro_name]+"----------------" else: print "Macro '"+macro_name+"' defined as: '"+macro_def+"'" else: print "Macro '"+macro_name+"' is not defined" def postloop(self): self.p.disconnect() cmd.Cmd.postloop(self) def load_rc(self,rc_filename=".pronsolerc"): self.processing_rc=True try: try: self.rc_filename = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),rc_filename) rc=open(self.rc_filename) except IOError: rc=open(rc_filename) self.rc_filename = os.path.abspath(rc_filename) for rc_cmd in rc: if not rc_cmd.lstrip().startswith("#"): self.onecmd(rc_cmd) rc.close() except IOError: pass if hasattr(self,"cur_macro"): self.end_macro() self.processing_rc=False def save_in_rc(self,key,definition): """ Saves or updates macro or other definitions in .pronsolerc key is prefix that determines what is being defined/updated (e.g. 'macro foo') definition is the full definition (that is written to file). (e.g. 'macro foo move x 10') Set key as empty string to just add (and not overwrite) Set definition as empty string to remove it from .pronsolerc To delete line from .pronsolerc, set key as the line contents, and definition as empty string Only first definition with given key is overwritten. Updates are made in the same file position. Additions are made to the end of the file. """ rci,rco = None,None if definition != "" and not definition.endswith("\n"): definition += "\n" try: written = False rco=open(self.rc_filename+"~new","w") if os.path.exists(self.rc_filename): rci=open(self.rc_filename,"r") overwriting = False for rc_cmd in rci: l = rc_cmd.rstrip() ls = l.lstrip() ws = l[:len(l)-len(ls)] # just leading whitespace if overwriting and len(ws) == 0: overwriting = False if not written and key != "" and rc_cmd.startswith(key) and (rc_cmd+"\n")[len(key)].isspace(): overwriting = True written = True rco.write(definition) if not overwriting: rco.write(rc_cmd) if not rc_cmd.endswith("\n"): rco.write("\n") if not written: rco.write(definition) if rci is not None: rci.close() if os.path.exists(self.rc_filename+"~old"): os.remove(rci.name+"~old") os.rename(rci.name,rci.name+"~old") rco.close() os.rename(rco.name,self.rc_filename) print "Saved '"+key+"' to '"+self.rc_filename+"'" except Exception as e: print "Saving failed for",key+":",str(e) finally: del rci,rco def preloop(self): self.load_rc() print "Welcome to the printer console! Type \"help\" for a list of available commands." cmd.Cmd.preloop(self) def do_connect(self,l): a=l.split() p=self.scanserial() port=self.lastport[0] if (port is None or port not in p) and len(p)>0: port=p[0] baud=self.lastport[1] or 115200 if(len(a)>0): port=a[0] if(len(a)>1): try: baud=int(a[1]) except: print "Bad baud value '"+a[1]+"' ignored" if len(p)==0 and port is None: print "No serial ports detected - please specify a port" return if len(a)==0: print "No port specified - connecting to %s at %dbps" % (port,baud) self.lastport = (port, baud) self.p.connect(port, baud) def help_connect(self): print "Connect to printer" print "connect " print "If port and baudrate are not specified, connects to first detected port at 115200bps" ports=self.scanserial() if(len(ports)): print "Available ports: ", " ".join(ports) else: print "No serial ports were automatically found." def complete_connect(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): if (len(line.split())==2 and line[-1] != " ") or (len(line.split())==1 and line[-1]==" "): return [i for i in self.scanserial() if i.startswith(text)] elif(len(line.split())==3 or (len(line.split())==2 and line[-1]==" ")): return [i for i in ["2400", "9600", "19200", "38400", "57600", "115200"] if i.startswith(text)] else: return [] def do_disconnect(self,l): self.p.disconnect() def help_disconnect(self): print "Disconnects from the printer" def do_load(self,l): if len(l)==0: print "No file name given." return print "Loading file:"+l if not(os.path.exists(l)): print "File not found!" return self.f=[i.replace("\n","").replace("\r","") for i in open(l)] self.filename=l print "Loaded ",l,", ",len(self.f)," lines." def complete_load(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): s=line.split() if len(s)>2: return [] if (len(s)==1 and line[-1]==" ") or (len(s)==2 and line[-1]!=" "): if len(s)>1: return [i[len(s[1])-len(text):] for i in glob.glob(s[1]+"*/")+glob.glob(s[1]+"*.g*")] else: return glob.glob("*/")+glob.glob("*.g*") def help_load(self): print "Loads a gcode file (with tab-completion)" def do_upload(self,l): if len(l)==0: print "No file name given." return print "Loading file:"+l.split()[0] if not(os.path.exists(l.split()[0])): print "File not found!" return if not self.p.online: print "Not connected to printer." return self.f=[i.replace("\n","") for i in open(l.split()[0])] self.filename=l.split()[0] print "Loaded ",l,", ",len(self.f)," lines." tname="" if len(l.split())>1: tname=l.split()[1] else: print "please enter target name in 8.3 format." return print "Uploading as ",tname print("Uploading "+self.filename) self.p.send_now("M28 "+tname) print("Press Ctrl-C to interrupt upload.") self.p.startprint(self.f) try: sys.stdout.write("Progress: 00.0%") sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) while self.p.printing: time.sleep(1) sys.stdout.write("\b\b\b\b\b%04.1f%%" % (100*float(self.p.queueindex)/len(self.p.mainqueue),) ) sys.stdout.flush() self.p.send_now("M29 "+tname) self.sleep(0.2) self.p.clear=1 self.listing=0 self.sdfiles=[] self.recvlisteners+=[self.listfiles] self.p.send_now("M20") time.sleep(0.5) print "\b\b\b\b\b100%. Upload completed. ",tname," should now be on the card." return except: print "...interrupted!" self.p.pause() self.p.send_now("M29 "+tname) time.sleep(0.2) self.p.clear=1 self.p.startprint([]) print "A partial file named ",tname," may have been written to the sd card." def complete_upload(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): s=line.split() if len(s)>2: return [] if (len(s)==1 and line[-1]==" ") or (len(s)==2 and line[-1]!=" "): if len(s)>1: return [i[len(s[1])-len(text):] for i in glob.glob(s[1]+"*/")+glob.glob(s[1]+"*.g*")] else: return glob.glob("*/")+glob.glob("*.g*") def help_upload(self): print "Uploads a gcode file to the sd card" def help_print(self): if self.f is None: print "Send a loaded gcode file to the printer. Load a file with the load command first." else: print "Send a loaded gcode file to the printer. You have "+self.filename+" loaded right now." def do_print(self, l): if self.f is None: print "No file loaded. Please use load first." return if not self.p.online: print "Not connected to printer." return print("Printing "+self.filename) print("You can monitor the print with the monitor command.") self.p.startprint(self.f) #self.p.pause() #self.paused=True #self.do_resume(None) def do_pause(self,l): if self.sdprinting: self.p.send_now("M25") else: if(not self.p.printing): print "Not printing, cannot pause." return self.p.pause() #self.p.connect()# This seems to work, but is not a good solution. self.paused=True #self.do_resume(None) def help_pause(self): print "Pauses a running print" def do_resume(self,l): if not self.paused: print "Not paused, unable to resume. Start a print first." return self.paused=False if self.sdprinting: self.p.send_now("M24") return else: self.p.resume() def help_resume(self): print "Resumes a paused print." def emptyline(self): pass def do_shell(self,l): exec(l) def listfiles(self,line): if "Begin file list" in line: self.listing=1 elif "End file list" in line: self.listing=0 self.recvlisteners.remove(self.listfiles) elif self.listing: self.sdfiles+=[line.replace("\n","").replace("\r","").lower()] def do_ls(self,l): if not self.p.online: print "Printer is not online. Try connect to it first." return self.listing=2 self.sdfiles=[] self.recvlisteners+=[self.listfiles] self.p.send_now("M20") time.sleep(0.5) print " ".join(self.sdfiles) def help_ls(self): print "lists files on the SD card" def waitforsdresponse(self,l): if "file.open failed" in l: print "Opening file failed." self.recvlisteners.remove(self.waitforsdresponse) return if "File opened" in l: print l if "File selected" in l: print "Starting print" self.p.send_now("M24") self.sdprinting=1 #self.recvlisteners.remove(self.waitforsdresponse) return if "Done printing file" in l: print l self.sdprinting=0 self.recvlisteners.remove(self.waitforsdresponse) return if "SD printing byte" in l: #M27 handler try: resp=l.split() vals=resp[-1].split("/") self.percentdone=100.0*int(vals[0])/int(vals[1]) except: pass def do_reset(self,l): self.p.reset() def help_reset(self): print "Resets the printer." def do_sdprint(self,l): if not self.p.online: print "Printer is not online. Try connect to it first." return self.listing=2 self.sdfiles=[] self.recvlisteners+=[self.listfiles] self.p.send_now("M20") time.sleep(0.5) if not (l.lower() in self.sdfiles): print "File is not present on card. Upload it first" return self.recvlisteners+=[self.waitforsdresponse] self.p.send_now("M23 "+l.lower()) print "Printing file: "+l.lower()+" from SD card." print "Requesting SD print..." time.sleep(1) def help_sdprint(self): print "Print a file from the SD card. Tabcompletes with available file names." print "sdprint filename.g" def complete_sdprint(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): if self.sdfiles==[] and self.p.online: self.listing=2 self.recvlisteners+=[self.listfiles] self.p.send_now("M20") time.sleep(0.5) if (len(line.split())==2 and line[-1] != " ") or (len(line.split())==1 and line[-1]==" "): return [i for i in self.sdfiles if i.startswith(text)] def recvcb(self,l): if "T:" in l: self.tempreadings=l tstring=l.rstrip() if(tstring!="ok" and not tstring.startswith("ok T") and not tstring.startswith("T:") and not self.listing and not self.monitoring): print tstring sys.stdout.write(self.prompt) sys.stdout.flush() for i in self.recvlisteners: i(l) def help_shell(self): print "Executes a python command. Example:" print "! os.listdir('.')" def default(self,l): if(l[0]=='M' or l[0]=="G"): if(self.p and self.p.online): print "SENDING:"+l self.p.send_now(l) else: print "Printer is not online." return if(l[0]=='m' or l[0]=="g"): if(self.p and self.p.online): print "SENDING:"+l.upper() self.p.send_now(l.upper()) else: print "Printer is not online." return else: cmd.Cmd.default(self,l) def help_help(self): self.do_help("") def tempcb(self,l): if "T:" in l: print l.replace("\r","").replace("T","Hotend").replace("B","Bed").replace("\n","").replace("ok ","") def do_gettemp(self,l): if self.p.online: self.recvlisteners+=[self.tempcb] self.p.send_now("M105") time.sleep(0.75) self.recvlisteners.remove(self.tempcb) def help_gettemp(self): print "Read the extruder and bed temperature." def do_settemp(self,l): try: l=l.lower().replace(",",".") for i in self.temps.keys(): l=l.replace(i,self.temps[i]) f=float(l) if f>=0: if self.p.online: self.p.send_now("M104 S"+l) print "Setting hotend temperature to ",f," degrees Celsius." else: print "Printer is not online." else: print "You cannot set negative temperatures. To turn the hotend off entirely, set its temperature to 0." except: print "You must enter a temperature." def help_settemp(self): print "Sets the hotend temperature to the value entered." print "Enter either a temperature in celsius or one of the following keywords" print ", ".join([i+"("+self.temps[i]+")" for i in self.temps.keys()]) def complete_settemp(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): if (len(line.split())==2 and line[-1] != " ") or (len(line.split())==1 and line[-1]==" "): return [i for i in self.temps.keys() if i.startswith(text)] def do_bedtemp(self,l): try: l=l.lower().replace(",",".") for i in self.bedtemps.keys(): l=l.replace(i,self.bedtemps[i]) f=float(l) if f>=0: if self.p.online: self.p.send_now("M140 S"+l) print "Setting bed temperature to ",f," degrees Celsius." else: print "Printer is not online." else: print "You cannot set negative temperatures. To turn the bed off entirely, set its temperature to 0." except: print "You must enter a temperature." def help_bedtemp(self): print "Sets the bed temperature to the value entered." print "Enter either a temperature in celsius or one of the following keywords" print ", ".join([i+"("+self.bedtemps[i]+")" for i in self.bedtemps.keys()]) def complete_bedtemp(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): if (len(line.split())==2 and line[-1] != " ") or (len(line.split())==1 and line[-1]==" "): return [i for i in self.bedtemps.keys() if i.startswith(text)] def do_move(self,l): if(len(l.split())<2): print "No move specified." return if self.p.printing: print "Printer is currently printing. Please pause the print before you issue manual commands." return if not self.p.online: print "Printer is not online. Unable to move." return feed=self.feedz axis="E" l=l.split() if(l[0].lower()=="x"): feed=self.feedxy axis="X" elif(l[0].lower()=="y"): feed=self.feedxy axis="Y" elif(l[0].lower()=="z"): feed=self.feedz axis="Z" elif(l[0].lower()=="e"): feed=self.feede axis="E" else: print "Unknown axis." return dist=0 try: dist=float(l[1]) except: print "Invalid distance" return try: feed=int(l[2]) except: pass self.p.send_now("G91") self.p.send_now("G1 "+axis+str(l[1])+" F"+str(feed)) self.p.send_now("G90") def help_move(self): print "Move an axis. Specify the name of the axis and the amount. " print "move X 10 will move the X axis forward by 10mm at ",self.feedxy,"mm/min (default XY speed)" print "move Y 10 5000 will move the Y axis forward by 10mm at 5000mm/min" print "move Z -1 will move the Z axis down by 1mm at ",self.feedz,"mm/min (default Z speed)" print "Common amounts are in the tabcomplete list." def complete_move(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): if (len(line.split())==2 and line[-1] != " ") or (len(line.split())==1 and line[-1]==" "): return [i for i in ["X ","Y ","Z ","E "] if i.lower().startswith(text)] elif(len(line.split())==3 or (len(line.split())==2 and line[-1]==" ")): base=line.split()[-1] rlen=0 if base.startswith("-"): rlen=1 if line[-1]==" ": base="" return [i[rlen:] for i in ["-100","-10","-1","-0.1","100","10","1","0.1","-50","-5","-0.5","50","5","0.5","-200","-20","-2","-0.2","200","20","2","0.2"] if i.startswith(base)] else: return [] def do_extrude(self,l,override=None,overridefeed=300): length=5#default extrusion length feed=self.feede#default speed if not self.p.online: print "Printer is not online. Unable to move." return if self.p.printing: print "Printer is currently printing. Please pause the print before you issue manual commands." return ls=l.split() if len(ls): try: length=float(ls[0]) except: print "Invalid length given." if len(ls)>1: try: feed=int(ls[1]) except: print "Invalid speed given." if override is not None: length=override feed=overridefeed if length > 0: print "Extruding %fmm of filament."%(length,) elif length <0: print "Reversing %fmm of filament."%(-1*length,) else: "Length is 0, not doing anything." self.p.send_now("G91") self.p.send_now("G1 E"+str(length)+" F"+str(feed)) self.p.send_now("G90") def help_extrude(self): print "Extrudes a length of filament, 5mm by default, or the number of mm given as a parameter" print "extrude - extrudes 5mm of filament at 300mm/min (5mm/s)" print "extrude 20 - extrudes 20mm of filament at 300mm/min (5mm/s)" print "extrude -5 - REVERSES 5mm of filament at 300mm/min (5mm/s)" print "extrude 10 210 - extrudes 10mm of filament at 210mm/min (3.5mm/s)" def do_reverse(self, l): length=5#default extrusion length feed=self.feede#default speed if not self.p.online: print "Printer is not online. Unable to move." return if self.p.printing: print "Printer is currently printing. Please pause the print before you issue manual commands." return ls=l.split() if len(ls): try: length=float(ls[0]) except: print "Invalid length given." if len(ls)>1: try: feed=int(ls[1]) except: print "Invalid speed given." self.do_extrude("",length*-1.0,feed) def help_reverse(self): print "Reverses the extruder, 5mm by default, or the number of mm given as a parameter" print "reverse - reverses 5mm of filament at 300mm/min (5mm/s)" print "reverse 20 - reverses 20mm of filament at 300mm/min (5mm/s)" print "reverse 10 210 - extrudes 10mm of filament at 210mm/min (3.5mm/s)" print "reverse -5 - EXTRUDES 5mm of filament at 300mm/min (5mm/s)" def do_exit(self,l): print "Disconnecting from printer..." self.p.disconnect() print "Exiting program. Goodbye!" return True def help_exit(self): print "Disconnects from the printer and exits the program." def do_monitor(self,l): interval=5 if not self.p.online: print "Printer is not online. Please connect first." return print "Monitoring printer, use ^C to interrupt." if len(l): try: interval=float(l) except: print "Invalid period given." print "Updating values every %f seconds."%(interval,) self.monitoring=1 try: while(1): self.p.send_now("M105") if(self.sdprinting): self.p.send_now("M27") time.sleep(interval) print (self.tempreadings.replace("\r","").replace("T","Hotend").replace("B","Bed").replace("\n","").replace("ok ","")) if(self.p.printing): print "Print progress: ", 100*float(self.p.queueindex)/len(self.p.mainqueue), "%" if(self.sdprinting): print "SD print progress: ", self.percentdone,"%" except: print "Done monitoring." pass self.monitoring=0 def help_monitor(self): print "Monitor a machine's temperatures and an SD print's status." print "monitor - Reports temperature and SD print status (if SD printing) every 5 seconds" print "monitor 2 - Reports temperature and SD print status (if SD printing) every 2 seconds" def do_skein(self,l): l=l.split() if len(l)==0: print "No file name given." return settings=0 if(l[0]=="set"): settings=1 else: print "Skeining file:"+l[0] if not(os.path.exists(l[0])): print "File not found!" return if not os.path.exists("skeinforge"): print "Skeinforge not found. \nPlease copy Skeinforge into a directory named \"skeinforge\" in the same directory as this file." return if not os.path.exists("skeinforge/__init__.py"): f=open("skeinforge/__init__.py","w") f.close() try: from skeinforge.skeinforge_application.skeinforge_utilities import skeinforge_craft from skeinforge.skeinforge_application import skeinforge if(settings): skeinforge.main() else: if(len(l)>1): if(l[1] == "view"): skeinforge_craft.writeOutput(l[0],True) else: skeinforge_craft.writeOutput(l[0],False) else: skeinforge_craft.writeOutput(l[0],False) print "Loading skeined file." self.do_load(l[0].replace(".stl","_export.gcode")) except: print "Skeinforge execution failed." def complete_skein(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): s=line.split() if len(s)>2: return [] if (len(s)==1 and line[-1]==" ") or (len(s)==2 and line[-1]!=" "): if len(s)>1: return [i[len(s[1])-len(text):] for i in glob.glob(s[1]+"*/")+glob.glob(s[1]+"*.stl")] else: return glob.glob("*/")+glob.glob("*.stl") def help_skein(self): print "Creates a gcode file from an stl model using skeinforge (with tab-completion)" print "skein filename.stl - create gcode file" print "skein filename.stl view - create gcode file and view using skeiniso" print "skein set - adjust skeinforge settings" def do_home(self,l): if not self.p.online: print "Printer is not online. Unable to move." return if self.p.printing: print "Printer is currently printing. Please pause the print before you issue manual commands." return if "x" in l.lower(): self.do_move("X -250") self.p.send_now("G92 X0") self.do_move("X 5 200") self.do_move("X -10 200") self.do_move("X 0.1") self.do_move("X -0.1") self.p.send_now("G92 X0") if "y" in l.lower(): self.do_move("Y -250") self.p.send_now("G92 Y0") self.do_move("Y 5 200") self.do_move("Y -10 200") self.do_move("Y 0.1") self.do_move("Y -0.1") self.p.send_now("G92 Y0") if "z" in l.lower(): self.do_move("Z -250") self.p.send_now("G92 Z0") self.do_move("Z 2") self.do_move("Z -3") self.p.send_now("G92 Z0") if "e" in l.lower(): self.p.send_now("G92 E0") if not len(l): self.p.send_now("G28") self.p.send_now("G92 E0") def help_home(self): print "Homes the printer" print "home - homes all axes and zeroes the extruder(Using G28)" print "home xy - homes x and y axes (Using G1 and G92)" print "home z - homes z axis only (Using G1 and G92)" print "home e - set extruder position to zero (Using G92)" print "home xyz - homes all axes (Using G1 and G92)" print "home xyze - homes all axes and zeroes the extruder (Using G1 and G92)" if __name__=="__main__": interp=pronsole() try: interp.cmdloop() except: interp.p.disconnect() #raise