
407 lines
15 KiB

Boolean geometry utilities.
from __future__ import absolute_import
#Init has to be imported first because it has code to workaround the python bug where relative imports don't work if the module is imported as a main module.
import __init__
import os
import sys
import traceback
import zipfile
__author__ = 'Enrique Perez (perez_enrique@yahoo.com)'
__credits__ = 'Art of Illusion <http://www.artofillusion.org/>'
__date__ = '$Date: 2008/02/05 $'
__license__ = 'GNU Affero General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html'
globalTemporarySettingsPath = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.skeinforge_pypy')
def addToNamePathDictionary(directoryPath, namePathDictionary):
'Add to the name path dictionary.'
pluginFileNames = getPluginFileNamesFromDirectoryPath(directoryPath)
for pluginFileName in pluginFileNames:
namePathDictionary[pluginFileName.replace('_', '')] = os.path.join(directoryPath, pluginFileName)
def getAbsoluteFolderPath(filePath, folderName=''):
'Get the absolute folder path.'
absoluteFolderPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filePath))
if folderName == '':
return absoluteFolderPath
return os.path.join(absoluteFolderPath, folderName)
def getAbsoluteFrozenFolderPath(filePath, folderName=''):
'Get the absolute frozen folder path.'
if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'):
if '.py' in filePath:
filePath = ''.join(filePath.rpartition('\\')[: 2])
filePath = os.path.join(filePath, 'skeinforge_application')
return getAbsoluteFolderPath(filePath, folderName)
def getAnalyzePluginsDirectoryPath(subName=''):
'Get the analyze plugins directory path.'
return getJoinedPath(getSkeinforgePluginsPath('analyze_plugins'), subName)
def getCraftPluginsDirectoryPath(subName=''):
'Get the craft plugins directory path.'
return getJoinedPath(getSkeinforgePluginsPath('craft_plugins'), subName)
def getDocumentationPath(subName=''):
'Get the documentation file path.'
return getJoinedPath(getFabmetheusPath('documentation'), subName)
def getElementsPath(subName=''):
'Get the evaluate_elements directory path.'
return getJoinedPath(getGeometryUtilitiesPath('evaluate_elements'), subName)
def getEndsWithList(word, wordEndings):
'Determine if the word ends with a list.'
for wordEnding in wordEndings:
if word.endswith(wordEnding):
return True
return False
def getFabmetheusPath(subName=''):
'Get the fabmetheus directory path.'
fabmetheusFile = None
if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'):
fabmetheusFile = unicode(sys.executable, sys.getfilesystemencoding())
fabmetheusFile = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
return getJoinedPath(os.path.dirname(fabmetheusFile), subName)
def getFabmetheusToolsPath(subName=''):
'Get the fabmetheus tools directory path.'
return getJoinedPath(getFabmetheusUtilitiesPath('fabmetheus_tools'), subName)
def getFabmetheusUtilitiesPath(subName=''):
'Get the fabmetheus utilities directory path.'
return getJoinedPath(getFabmetheusPath('fabmetheus_utilities'), subName)
def getFileNamesByFilePaths(pluginFilePaths):
'Get the file names of the plugins by the file paths.'
fileNames = []
for pluginFilePath in pluginFilePaths:
pluginBasename = os.path.basename(pluginFilePath)
pluginBasename = getUntilDot(pluginBasename)
return fileNames
def getFilePaths(fileInDirectory=''):
'Get the file paths in the directory of the file in directory.'
directoryName = os.getcwd()
if fileInDirectory != '':
directoryName = os.path.dirname(fileInDirectory)
return getFilePathsByDirectory(directoryName)
def getFilePathsByDirectory(directoryName):
'Get the file paths in the directory of the file in directory.'
absoluteDirectoryPath = os.path.abspath(directoryName)
filePaths = []
if os.path.isdir(directoryName):
for fileName in os.listdir(directoryName):
filePaths.append(os.path.join(absoluteDirectoryPath, fileName))
elif '.zip/' in directoryName:
zipfilename = directoryName[:directoryName.rfind('.zip/')+4]
subpath = directoryName[directoryName.rfind('.zip/')+5:]
z = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfilename, 'r')
for name in z.namelist():
if os.path.dirname(name) == subpath:
filePaths.append(os.path.join(zipfilename, name))
print(directoryName, filePaths)
return filePaths
def getFilePathsRecursively(fileInDirectory=''):
'Get the file paths in the directory of the file in directory.'
filePaths = getFilePaths(fileInDirectory)
filePathsRecursively = filePaths[:]
for filePath in filePaths:
if os.path.isdir(filePath):
directory = os.listdir(filePath)
if len(directory) > 0:
filePathsRecursively += getFilePathsRecursively(os.path.join(filePath, directory[0]))
return filePathsRecursively
def getFilePathWithUnderscoredBasename(fileName, suffix):
'Get the file path with all spaces in the basename replaced with underscores.'
suffixFileName = getUntilDot(fileName) + suffix
suffixDirectoryName = os.path.dirname(suffixFileName)
suffixReplacedBaseName = os.path.basename(suffixFileName).replace(' ', '_')
return os.path.join(suffixDirectoryName, suffixReplacedBaseName)
def getFilesWithFileTypesWithoutWords(fileTypes, words = [], fileInDirectory=''):
'Get files which have a given file type, but with do not contain a word in a list.'
filesWithFileTypes = []
for filePath in getFilePaths(fileInDirectory):
for fileType in fileTypes:
if isFileWithFileTypeWithoutWords(fileType, filePath, words):
return filesWithFileTypes
def getFilesWithFileTypesWithoutWordsRecursively(fileTypes, words = [], fileInDirectory=''):
'Get files recursively which have a given file type, but with do not contain a word in a list.'
filesWithFileTypesRecursively = []
for filePath in getFilePathsRecursively(fileInDirectory):
for fileType in fileTypes:
if isFileWithFileTypeWithoutWords(fileType, filePath, words):
return filesWithFileTypesRecursively
def getFilesWithFileTypeWithoutWords(fileType, words = [], fileInDirectory=''):
'Get files which have a given file type, but with do not contain a word in a list.'
filesWithFileType = []
for filePath in getFilePaths(fileInDirectory):
if isFileWithFileTypeWithoutWords(fileType, filePath, words):
return filesWithFileType
def getFileText(fileName, printWarning=True, readMode='r'):
'Get the entire text of a file.'
if '.zip/' in fileName:
zipfilename = fileName[:fileName.rfind('.zip/')+4]
subpath = fileName[fileName.rfind('.zip/')+5:]
z = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfilename, 'r')
f = z.open(subpath, 'r')
fileText = f.read()
return fileText
except KeyError:
if printWarning:
print('The file ' + fileName + ' does not exist.')
return ''
f = open(fileName, readMode)
fileText = f.read()
return fileText
except IOError:
if printWarning:
print('The file ' + fileName + ' does not exist.')
return ''
def getFileTextInFileDirectory(fileInDirectory, fileName, readMode='r'):
'Get the entire text of a file in the directory of the file in directory.'
absoluteFilePathInFileDirectory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fileInDirectory), fileName)
return getFileText(absoluteFilePathInFileDirectory, True, readMode)
def getFundamentalsPath(subName=''):
'Get the evaluate_fundamentals directory path.'
return getJoinedPath(getGeometryUtilitiesPath('evaluate_fundamentals'), subName)
def getGeometryDictionary(folderName):
'Get to the geometry name path dictionary.'
geometryDirectory = getGeometryPath()
addToNamePathDictionary(os.path.join(geometryDirectory, folderName), geometryDictionary)
geometryPluginsDirectory = getFabmetheusUtilitiesPath('geometry_plugins')
addToNamePathDictionary(os.path.join(geometryPluginsDirectory, folderName), geometryDictionary)
return geometryDictionary
def getGeometryPath(subName=''):
'Get the geometry directory path.'
return getJoinedPath(getFabmetheusUtilitiesPath('geometry'), subName)
def getGeometryToolsPath(subName=''):
'Get the geometry tools directory path.'
return getJoinedPath(getGeometryPath('geometry_tools'), subName)
def getGeometryUtilitiesPath(subName=''):
'Get the geometry_utilities directory path.'
return getJoinedPath(getGeometryPath('geometry_utilities'), subName)
def getInterpretPluginsPath(subName=''):
'Get the interpret plugins directory path.'
return getJoinedPath(getFabmetheusToolsPath('interpret_plugins'), subName)
def getJoinedPath(path, subName=''):
'Get the joined file path.'
if subName == '':
return path
return os.path.join(path, subName)
def getModuleWithDirectoryPath(directoryPath, fileName):
'Get the module from the fileName and folder name.'
if fileName == '':
print('The file name in getModule in archive was empty.')
return None
originalSystemPath = sys.path[:]
sys.path.insert(0, directoryPath)
folderPluginsModule = __import__(fileName)
sys.path = originalSystemPath
return folderPluginsModule
sys.path = originalSystemPath
print('Exception traceback in getModuleWithDirectoryPath in archive:')
print('That error means; could not import a module with the fileName ' + fileName)
print('and an absolute directory name of ' + directoryPath)
return None
def getModuleWithPath(path):
'Get the module from the path.'
return getModuleWithDirectoryPath(os.path.dirname(path), os.path.basename(path))
def getPluginFileNamesFromDirectoryPath(directoryPath):
'Get the file names of the python plugins in the directory path.'
fileInDirectory = os.path.join(directoryPath, '__init__.py')
return getFileNamesByFilePaths(getPythonFileNamesExceptInit(fileInDirectory))
def getProfilesPath(subName=''):
'Get the profiles directory path, which is the settings directory joined with profiles.'
return getJoinedPath(getSettingsPath('profiles'), subName)
def getPythonDirectoryNames(directoryName):
'Get the python directories.'
pythonDirectoryNames = []
directory = os.listdir(directoryName)
for fileName in directory:
subdirectoryName = os.path.join(directoryName, fileName)
if os.path.isdir(subdirectoryName):
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(subdirectoryName, '__init__.py')):
return pythonDirectoryNames
def getPythonDirectoryNamesRecursively(directoryName=''):
'Get the python directories recursively.'
recursivePythonDirectoryNames = []
if directoryName == '':
directoryName = os.getcwd()
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directoryName, '__init__.py')):
pythonDirectoryNames = getPythonDirectoryNames(directoryName)
for pythonDirectoryName in pythonDirectoryNames:
recursivePythonDirectoryNames += getPythonDirectoryNamesRecursively(pythonDirectoryName)
return []
return recursivePythonDirectoryNames
def getPythonFileNamesExceptInit(fileInDirectory=''):
'Get the python fileNames of the directory which the fileInDirectory is in, except for the __init__.py file.'
pythonFileNamesExceptInit = getFilesWithFileTypeWithoutWords('py', ['__init__.py'], fileInDirectory)
return pythonFileNamesExceptInit
def getPythonFileNamesExceptInitRecursively(directoryName=''):
'Get the python fileNames of the directory recursively, except for the __init__.py files.'
pythonDirectoryNames = getPythonDirectoryNamesRecursively(directoryName)
pythonFileNamesExceptInitRecursively = []
for pythonDirectoryName in pythonDirectoryNames:
pythonFileNamesExceptInitRecursively += getPythonFileNamesExceptInit(os.path.join(pythonDirectoryName, '__init__.py'))
return pythonFileNamesExceptInitRecursively
def getSettingsPath(subName=''):
'Get the settings directory path, which is the home directory joined with .skeinforge.'
global globalTemporarySettingsPath
return getJoinedPath(globalTemporarySettingsPath, subName)
def getSkeinforgePath(subName=''):
'Get the skeinforge directory path.'
return getJoinedPath(getFabmetheusPath('skeinforge_application'), subName)
def getSkeinforgePluginsPath(subName=''):
'Get the skeinforge plugins directory path.'
return getJoinedPath(getSkeinforgePath('skeinforge_plugins'), subName)
def getSummarizedFileName(fileName):
'Get the fileName basename if the file is in the current working directory, otherwise return the original full name.'
if os.getcwd() == os.path.dirname(fileName):
return os.path.basename(fileName)
return fileName
def getTemplatesPath(subName=''):
'Get the templates directory path.'
return getJoinedPath(getFabmetheusUtilitiesPath('templates'), subName)
def getTextIfEmpty(fileName, text):
'Get the text from a file if it the text is empty.'
if text != '':
return text
return getFileText(fileName)
def getTextLines(text):
'Get the all the lines of text of a text.'
if '\r' in text:
text = text.replace('\r', '\n').replace('\n\n', '\n')
textLines = text.split('\n')
if len(textLines) == 1:
if textLines[0] == '':
return []
return textLines
def getUntilDot(text):
'Get the text until the last dot, if any.'
dotIndex = text.rfind('.')
if dotIndex < 0:
return text
return text[: dotIndex]
def getVersionFileName():
'Get the file name of the version date.getFabmetheusUtilitiesPath(subName='')'
return getFabmetheusUtilitiesPath('version.txt')
def isFileWithFileTypeWithoutWords(fileType, fileName, words):
'Determine if file has a given file type, but with does not contain a word in a list.'
fileName = os.path.basename(fileName)
fileTypeDot = '.' + fileType
if not fileName.endswith(fileTypeDot):
return False
for word in words:
if fileName.find(word) >= 0:
return False
return True
def makeDirectory(directoryPath):
'Make a directory if it does not already exist.'
if os.path.isdir(directoryPath):
print('The following directory was made:')
except OSError:
print('Skeinforge can not make the directory %s so give it read/write permission for that directory and the containing directory.' % directoryPath)
def removeBackupFilesByType(fileType):
'Remove backup files by type.'
backupFilePaths = getFilesWithFileTypesWithoutWordsRecursively([fileType + '~'])
for backupFilePath in backupFilePaths:
def removeBackupFilesByTypes(fileTypes):
'Remove backup files by types.'
for fileType in fileTypes:
def writeFileMessageEnd(end, fileName, fileText, message):
'Write to a fileName with a suffix and print a message.'
suffixFileName = getUntilDot(fileName) + end
writeFileText(suffixFileName, fileText)
print(message + getSummarizedFileName(suffixFileName))
def writeFileText(fileName, fileText, writeMode='w+'):
'Write a text to a file.'
file = open(fileName, writeMode)
except IOError:
print('The file ' + fileName + ' can not be written to.')