
850 lines
25 KiB

The xml_simple_reader.py script is an xml parser that can parse a line separated xml text.
This xml parser will read a line seperated xml text and produce a tree of the xml with a document element. Each element can have an attribute table, childNodes, a class name, parentNode, text and a link to the document element.
This example gets an xml tree for the xml file boolean.xml. This example is run in a terminal in the folder which contains boolean.xml and xml_simple_reader.py.
> python
Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Sep 22 2007, 01:43:31)
[GCC 4.2.1 (SUSE Linux)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> fileName = 'boolean.xml'
>>> file = open(fileName, 'r')
>>> xmlText = file.read()
>>> file.close()
>>> from xml_simple_reader import DocumentNode
>>> xmlParser = DocumentNode(fileName, xmlText)
>>> print(xmlParser)
?xml, {'version': '1.0'}
ArtOfIllusion, {'xmlns:bf': '//babelfiche/codec', 'version': '2.0', 'fileversion': '3'}
Scene, {'bf:id': 'theScene'}
materials, {'bf:elem-type': 'java.lang.Object', 'bf:list': 'collection', 'bf:id': '1', 'bf:type': 'java.util.Vector'}
many more lines of the xml tree
from __future__ import absolute_import
#Init has to be imported first because it has code to workaround the python bug where relative imports don't work if the module is imported as a main module.
import __init__
from fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities import evaluate
from fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.geometry_utilities import matrix
from fabmetheus_utilities import archive
from fabmetheus_utilities import euclidean
from fabmetheus_utilities import xml_simple_writer
import cStringIO
__author__ = 'Enrique Perez (perez_enrique@yahoo.com)'
__credits__ = 'Nophead <http://hydraraptor.blogspot.com/>\nArt of Illusion <http://www.artofillusion.org/>'
__date__ = '$Date: 2008/21/04 $'
__license__ = 'GNU Affero General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html'
globalGetAccessibleAttributeSet = set('getPaths getPreviousVertex getPreviousElementNode getVertexes parentNode'.split())
def createAppendByText(parentNode, xmlText):
'Create and append the child nodes from the xmlText.'
monad = OpenMonad(parentNode)
for character in xmlText:
monad = monad.getNextMonad(character)
def createAppendByTextb(parentNode, xmlText):
'Create and append the child nodes from the xmlText.'
monad = OpenMonad(parentNode)
for character in xmlText:
monad = monad.getNextMonad(character)
def getChildElementsByLocalName(childNodes, localName):
'Get the childNodes which have the given local name.'
childElementsByLocalName = []
for childNode in childNodes:
if localName.lower() == childNode.getNodeName():
return childElementsByLocalName
def getDocumentNode(fileName):
'Get the document from the file name.'
xmlText = getFileText('test.xml')
return DocumentNode(fileName, xmlText)
def getElementsByLocalName(childNodes, localName):
'Get the descendents which have the given local name.'
elementsByLocalName = getChildElementsByLocalName(childNodes, localName)
for childNode in childNodes:
if childNode.getNodeType() == 1:
elementsByLocalName += childNode.getElementsByLocalName(localName)
return elementsByLocalName
def getFileText(fileName, printWarning=True, readMode='r'):
'Get the entire text of a file.'
file = open(fileName, readMode)
fileText = file.read()
return fileText
except IOError:
if printWarning:
print('The file ' + fileName + ' does not exist.')
return ''
class CDATASectionMonad:
'A monad to handle a CDATASection node.'
def __init__(self, input, parentNode):
self.input = input
self.parentNode = parentNode
def getNextMonad(self, character):
'Get the next monad.'
if character == '>':
inputString = self.input.getvalue()
if inputString.endswith(']]>'):
textContent = '<%s\n' % inputString
self.parentNode.childNodes.append(CDATASectionNode(self.parentNode, textContent))
return OpenMonad(self.parentNode)
return self
class CDATASectionNode:
'A CDATASection node.'
def __init__(self, parentNode, textContent=''):
self.parentNode = parentNode
self.textContent = textContent
def __repr__(self):
'Get the string representation of this CDATASection node.'
return self.textContent
def addToIdentifierDictionaries(self):
'Add the element to the owner document identifier dictionaries.'
def addXML(self, depth, output):
'Add xml for this CDATASection node.'
def appendSelfToParent(self):
'Append self to the parentNode.'
def copyXMLChildNodes(self, idSuffix, parentNode):
'Copy the xml childNodes.'
def getAttributes(self):
'Get the attributes.'
return {}
def getChildNodes(self):
'Get the empty set.'
return []
def getCopy(self, idSuffix, parentNode):
'Copy the xml element, set its dictionary and add it to the parentNode.'
copy = self.getCopyShallow()
copy.parentNode = parentNode
return copy
def getCopyShallow(self, attributes=None):
'Copy the node and set its parentNode.'
return CDATASectionNode(self.parentNode, self.textContent)
def getNodeName(self):
'Get the node name.'
return '#cdata-section'
def getNodeType(self):
'Get the node type.'
return 4
def getOwnerDocument(self):
'Get the owner document.'
return self.parentNode.getOwnerDocument()
def getTextContent(self):
'Get the text content.'
return self.textContent
def removeChildNodesFromIDNameParent(self):
'Remove the childNodes from the id and name dictionaries and the childNodes.'
def removeFromIDNameParent(self):
'Remove this from the id and name dictionaries and the childNodes of the parentNode.'
if self.parentNode != None:
def setParentAddToChildNodes(self, parentNode):
'Set the parentNode and add this to its childNodes.'
self.parentNode = parentNode
if self.parentNode != None:
attributes = property(getAttributes)
childNodes = property(getChildNodes)
nodeName = property(getNodeName)
nodeType = property(getNodeType)
ownerDocument = property(getOwnerDocument)
class CommentMonad(CDATASectionMonad):
'A monad to handle a comment node.'
def getNextMonad(self, character):
'Get the next monad.'
if character == '>':
inputString = self.input.getvalue()
if inputString.endswith('-->'):
textContent = '<%s\n' % inputString
self.parentNode.childNodes.append(CommentNode(self.parentNode, textContent))
return OpenMonad(self.parentNode)
return self
class CommentNode(CDATASectionNode):
'A comment node.'
def getCopyShallow(self, attributes=None):
'Copy the node and set its parentNode.'
return CommentNode(self.parentNode, self.textContent)
def getNodeName(self):
'Get the node name.'
return '#comment'
def getNodeType(self):
'Get the node type.'
return 8
nodeName = property(getNodeName)
nodeType = property(getNodeType)
class DocumentNode:
'A class to parse an xml text and store the elements.'
def __init__(self, fileName, xmlText):
self.childNodes = []
self.fileName = fileName
self.idDictionary = {}
self.nameDictionary = {}
self.parentNode = None
self.tagDictionary = {}
self.xmlText = xmlText
createAppendByText(self, xmlText)
def __repr__(self):
'Get the string representation of this xml document.'
output = cStringIO.StringIO()
for childNode in self.childNodes:
childNode.addXML(0, output)
return output.getvalue()
def appendChild(self, elementNode):
'Append child elementNode to the child nodes.'
return elementNode
def getAttributes(self):
'Get the attributes.'
return {}
def getCascadeBoolean(self, defaultBoolean, key):
'Get the cascade boolean.'
return defaultBoolean
def getCascadeFloat(self, defaultFloat, key):
'Get the cascade float.'
return defaultFloat
def getDocumentElement(self):
'Get the document element.'
if len(self.childNodes) == 0:
return None
return self.childNodes[-1]
def getElementsByLocalName(self, localName):
'Get the descendents which have the given local name.'
return getElementsByLocalName(self.childNodes, localName)
def getImportNameChain(self, suffix=''):
'Get the import name chain with the suffix at the end.'
return suffix
def getNodeName(self):
'Get the node name.'
return '#document'
def getNodeType(self):
'Get the node type.'
return 9
def getOriginalRoot(self):
'Get the original reparsed document element.'
if evaluate.getEvaluatedBoolean(True, self.documentElement, 'getOriginalRoot'):
return DocumentNode(self.fileName, self.xmlText).documentElement
return None
def getOwnerDocument(self):
'Get the owner document.'
return self
attributes = property(getAttributes)
documentElement = property(getDocumentElement)
nodeName = property(getNodeName)
nodeType = property(getNodeType)
ownerDocument = property(getOwnerDocument)
class DocumentTypeMonad(CDATASectionMonad):
'A monad to handle a document type node.'
def getNextMonad(self, character):
'Get the next monad.'
if character == '>':
inputString = self.input.getvalue()
if inputString.endswith('?>'):
textContent = '%s\n' % inputString
self.parentNode.childNodes.append(DocumentTypeNode(self.parentNode, textContent))
return OpenMonad(self.parentNode)
return self
class DocumentTypeNode(CDATASectionNode):
'A document type node.'
def getCopyShallow(self, attributes=None):
'Copy the node and set its parentNode.'
return DocumentTypeNode(self.parentNode, self.textContent)
def getNodeName(self):
'Get the node name.'
return '#forNowDocumentType'
def getNodeType(self):
'Get the node type.'
return 10
nodeName = property(getNodeName)
nodeType = property(getNodeType)
class ElementEndMonad:
'A monad to look for the end of an ElementNode tag.'
def __init__(self, parentNode):
self.parentNode = parentNode
def getNextMonad(self, character):
'Get the next monad.'
if character == '>':
return TextMonad(self.parentNode)
return self
class ElementLocalNameMonad:
'A monad to set the local name of an ElementNode.'
def __init__(self, character, parentNode):
self.input = cStringIO.StringIO()
self.parentNode = parentNode
def getNextMonad(self, character):
'Get the next monad.'
if character == '[':
if (self.input.getvalue() + character).startswith('![CDATA['):
return CDATASectionMonad(self.input, self.parentNode)
if character == '-':
if (self.input.getvalue() + character).startswith('!--'):
return CommentMonad(self.input, self.parentNode)
if character.isspace():
return ElementReadMonad(self.elementNode)
if character == '/':
return ElementEndMonad(self.elementNode.parentNode)
if character == '>':
return TextMonad(self.elementNode)
return self
def setLocalName(self):
'Set the class name.'
self.elementNode = ElementNode(self.parentNode)
self.elementNode.localName = self.input.getvalue().lower().strip()
class ElementNode:
'An xml element.'
def __init__(self, parentNode=None):
self.attributes = {}
self.childNodes = []
self.localName = ''
self.parentNode = parentNode
self.xmlObject = None
def __repr__(self):
'Get the string representation of this xml document.'
return '%s\n%s\n%s' % (self.localName, self.attributes, self.getTextContent())
def _getAccessibleAttribute(self, attributeName):
'Get the accessible attribute.'
global globalGetAccessibleAttributeSet
if attributeName in globalGetAccessibleAttributeSet:
return getattr(self, attributeName, None)
return None
def addSuffixToID(self, idSuffix):
'Add the suffix to the id.'
if 'id' in self.attributes:
self.attributes['id'] += idSuffix
def addToIdentifierDictionaries(self):
'Add the element to the owner document identifier dictionaries.'
ownerDocument = self.getOwnerDocument()
importNameChain = self.getImportNameChain()
idKey = self.getStrippedAttributesValue('id')
if idKey != None:
ownerDocument.idDictionary[importNameChain + idKey] = self
nameKey = self.getStrippedAttributesValue('name')
if nameKey != None:
euclidean.addElementToListDictionaryIfNotThere(self, importNameChain + nameKey, ownerDocument.nameDictionary)
for tagKey in self.getTagKeys():
euclidean.addElementToListDictionaryIfNotThere(self, tagKey, ownerDocument.tagDictionary)
def addXML(self, depth, output):
'Add xml for this elementNode.'
innerOutput = cStringIO.StringIO()
xml_simple_writer.addXMLFromObjects(depth + 1, self.childNodes, innerOutput)
innerText = innerOutput.getvalue()
xml_simple_writer.addBeginEndInnerXMLTag(self.attributes, depth, innerText, self.localName, output, self.getTextContent())
def appendChild(self, elementNode):
'Append child elementNode to the child nodes.'
return elementNode
def appendSelfToParent(self):
'Append self to the parentNode.'
def copyXMLChildNodes(self, idSuffix, parentNode):
'Copy the xml childNodes.'
for childNode in self.childNodes:
childNode.getCopy(idSuffix, parentNode)
def getCascadeBoolean(self, defaultBoolean, key):
'Get the cascade boolean.'
if key in self.attributes:
value = evaluate.getEvaluatedBoolean(None, self, key)
if value != None:
return value
return self.parentNode.getCascadeBoolean(defaultBoolean, key)
def getCascadeFloat(self, defaultFloat, key):
'Get the cascade float.'
if key in self.attributes:
value = evaluate.getEvaluatedFloat(None, self, key)
if value != None:
return value
return self.parentNode.getCascadeFloat(defaultFloat, key)
def getChildElementsByLocalName(self, localName):
'Get the childNodes which have the given local name.'
return getChildElementsByLocalName(self.childNodes, localName)
def getCopy(self, idSuffix, parentNode):
'Copy the xml element, set its dictionary and add it to the parentNode.'
matrix4X4 = matrix.getBranchMatrixSetElementNode(self)
attributesCopy = self.attributes.copy()
copy = self.getCopyShallow(attributesCopy)
self.copyXMLChildNodes(idSuffix, copy)
return copy
def getCopyShallow(self, attributes=None):
'Copy the xml element and set its dictionary and parentNode.'
if attributes == None: # to evade default initialization bug where a dictionary is initialized to the last dictionary
attributes = {}
copyShallow = ElementNode(self.parentNode)
copyShallow.attributes = attributes
copyShallow.localName = self.localName
return copyShallow
def getDocumentElement(self):
'Get the document element.'
return self.getOwnerDocument().getDocumentElement()
def getElementNodeByID(self, idKey):
'Get the xml element by id.'
idDictionary = self.getOwnerDocument().idDictionary
idKey = self.getImportNameChain() + idKey
if idKey in idDictionary:
return idDictionary[idKey]
return None
def getElementNodesByName(self, nameKey):
'Get the xml elements by name.'
nameDictionary = self.getOwnerDocument().nameDictionary
nameKey = self.getImportNameChain() + nameKey
if nameKey in nameDictionary:
return nameDictionary[nameKey]
return None
def getElementNodesByTag(self, tagKey):
'Get the xml elements by tag.'
tagDictionary = self.getOwnerDocument().tagDictionary
if tagKey in tagDictionary:
return tagDictionary[tagKey]
return None
def getElementsByLocalName(self, localName):
'Get the descendents which have the given local name.'
return getElementsByLocalName(self.childNodes, localName)
def getFirstChildByLocalName(self, localName):
'Get the first childNode which has the given class name.'
for childNode in self.childNodes:
if localName.lower() == childNode.getNodeName():
return childNode
return None
def getIDSuffix(self, elementIndex=None):
'Get the id suffix from the dictionary.'
suffix = self.localName
if 'id' in self.attributes:
suffix = self.attributes['id']
if elementIndex == None:
return '_%s' % suffix
return '_%s_%s' % (suffix, elementIndex)
def getImportNameChain(self, suffix=''):
'Get the import name chain with the suffix at the end.'
importName = self.getStrippedAttributesValue('_importName')
if importName != None:
suffix = '%s.%s' % (importName, suffix)
return self.parentNode.getImportNameChain(suffix)
def getNodeName(self):
'Get the node name.'
return self.localName
def getNodeType(self):
'Get the node type.'
return 1
def getOwnerDocument(self):
'Get the owner document.'
return self.parentNode.getOwnerDocument()
def getParser(self):
'Get the parser.'
return self.getOwnerDocument()
def getPaths(self):
'Get all paths.'
if self.xmlObject == None:
return []
return self.xmlObject.getPaths()
def getPreviousElementNode(self):
'Get previous ElementNode if it exists.'
if self.parentNode == None:
return None
previousElementNodeIndex = self.parentNode.childNodes.index(self) - 1
if previousElementNodeIndex < 0:
return None
return self.parentNode.childNodes[previousElementNodeIndex]
def getPreviousVertex(self, defaultVector3=None):
'Get previous vertex if it exists.'
if self.parentNode == None:
return defaultVector3
if self.parentNode.xmlObject == None:
return defaultVector3
if len(self.parentNode.xmlObject.vertexes) < 1:
return defaultVector3
return self.parentNode.xmlObject.vertexes[-1]
def getStrippedAttributesValue(self, keyString):
'Get the stripped attribute value if the length is at least one, otherwise return None.'
if keyString in self.attributes:
strippedAttributesValue = self.attributes[keyString].strip()
if len(strippedAttributesValue) > 0:
return strippedAttributesValue
return None
def getSubChildWithID( self, idReference ):
'Get the childNode which has the idReference.'
for childNode in self.childNodes:
if 'bf:id' in childNode.attributes:
if childNode.attributes['bf:id'] == idReference:
return childNode
subChildWithID = childNode.getSubChildWithID( idReference )
if subChildWithID != None:
return subChildWithID
return None
def getTagKeys(self):
'Get stripped tag keys.'
if 'tags' not in self.attributes:
return []
tagKeys = []
tagString = self.attributes['tags']
if tagString.startswith('='):
tagString = tagString[1 :]
if tagString.startswith('['):
tagString = tagString[1 :]
if tagString.endswith(']'):
tagString = tagString[: -1]
for tagWord in tagString.split(','):
tagKey = tagWord.strip()
if tagKey != '':
return tagKeys
def getTextContent(self):
'Get the text from the child nodes.'
if len(self.childNodes) == 0:
return ''
firstNode = self.childNodes[0]
if firstNode.nodeType == 3:
return firstNode.textContent
return ''
def getValueByKey( self, key ):
'Get value by the key.'
if key in evaluate.globalElementValueDictionary:
return evaluate.globalElementValueDictionary[key](self)
if key in self.attributes:
return evaluate.getEvaluatedLinkValue(self, self.attributes[key])
return None
def getVertexes(self):
'Get the vertexes.'
if self.xmlObject == None:
return []
return self.xmlObject.getVertexes()
def getXMLProcessor(self):
'Get the xmlProcessor.'
return self.getDocumentElement().xmlProcessor
def linkObject(self, xmlObject):
'Link self to xmlObject and add xmlObject to archivableObjects.'
self.xmlObject = xmlObject
self.xmlObject.elementNode = self
def printAllVariables(self):
'Print all variables.'
def printAllVariablesRoot(self):
'Print all variables and the document element variables.'
documentElement = self.getDocumentElement()
if documentElement != None:
print('Root variables:')
def removeChildNodesFromIDNameParent(self):
'Remove the childNodes from the id and name dictionaries and the childNodes.'
childNodesCopy = self.childNodes[:]
for childNode in childNodesCopy:
def removeFromIDNameParent(self):
'Remove this from the id and name dictionaries and the childNodes of the parentNode.'
idKey = self.getStrippedAttributesValue('id')
if idKey != None:
idDictionary = self.getOwnerDocument().idDictionary
idKey = self.getImportNameChain() + idKey
if idKey in idDictionary:
del idDictionary[idKey]
nameKey = self.getStrippedAttributesValue('name')
if nameKey != None:
euclidean.removeElementFromListTable(self, self.getImportNameChain() + nameKey, self.getOwnerDocument().nameDictionary)
for tagKey in self.getTagKeys():
euclidean.removeElementFromListTable(self, tagKey, self.getOwnerDocument().tagDictionary)
if self.parentNode != None:
def setParentAddToChildNodes(self, parentNode):
'Set the parentNode and add this to its childNodes.'
self.parentNode = parentNode
if self.parentNode != None:
def setTextContent(self, textContent=''):
'Get the text from the child nodes.'
if len(self.childNodes) == 0:
self.childNodes.append(TextNode(self, textContent))
firstNode = self.childNodes[0]
if firstNode.nodeType == 3:
firstNode.textContent = textContent
self.childNodes.append(TextNode(self, textContent))
nodeName = property(getNodeName)
nodeType = property(getNodeType)
ownerDocument = property(getOwnerDocument)
textContent = property(getTextContent)
class ElementReadMonad:
'A monad to read the attributes of the ElementNode tag.'
def __init__(self, elementNode):
self.elementNode = elementNode
def getNextMonad(self, character):
'Get the next monad.'
if character.isspace():
return self
if character == '/':
return ElementEndMonad(self.elementNode.parentNode)
if character == '>':
return TextMonad(self.elementNode)
return KeyMonad(character, self.elementNode)
class KeyMonad:
'A monad to set the key of an attribute of an ElementNode.'
def __init__(self, character, elementNode):
self.input = cStringIO.StringIO()
self.elementNode = elementNode
def getNextMonad(self, character):
'Get the next monad.'
if character == '=':
return ValueMonad(self.elementNode, self.input.getvalue().strip())
return self
class OpenChooseMonad(ElementEndMonad):
'A monad to choose the next monad.'
def getNextMonad(self, character):
'Get the next monad.'
if character.isspace():
return self
if character == '?':
input = cStringIO.StringIO()
return DocumentTypeMonad(input, self.parentNode)
if character == '/':
return ElementEndMonad(self.parentNode.parentNode)
return ElementLocalNameMonad(character, self.parentNode)
class OpenMonad(ElementEndMonad):
'A monad to handle the open tag character.'
def getNextMonad(self, character):
'Get the next monad.'
if character == '<':
return OpenChooseMonad(self.parentNode)
return self
class TextMonad:
'A monad to handle the open tag character and set the text.'
def __init__(self, parentNode):
self.input = cStringIO.StringIO()
self.parentNode = parentNode
def getNextMonad(self, character):
'Get the next monad.'
if character == '<':
inputString = self.input.getvalue().strip()
if len(inputString) > 0:
self.parentNode.childNodes.append(TextNode(self.parentNode, inputString))
return OpenChooseMonad(self.parentNode)
return self
class TextNode(CDATASectionNode):
'A text node.'
def addXML(self, depth, output):
'Add xml for this text node.'
def getCopyShallow(self, attributes=None):
'Copy the node and set its parentNode.'
return TextNode(self.parentNode, self.textContent)
def getNodeName(self):
'Get the node name.'
return '#text'
def getNodeType(self):
'Get the node type.'
return 3
nodeName = property(getNodeName)
nodeType = property(getNodeType)
class ValueMonad:
'A monad to set the value of an attribute of an ElementNode.'
def __init__(self, elementNode, key):
self.elementNode = elementNode
self.input = cStringIO.StringIO()
self.key = key
self.quoteCharacter = None
def getNextMonad(self, character):
'Get the next monad.'
if self.quoteCharacter == None:
if character == '"' or character == "'":
self.quoteCharacter = character
return self
if self.quoteCharacter == character:
self.elementNode.attributes[self.key] = self.input.getvalue()
return ElementReadMonad(self.elementNode)
return self