
1107 lines
37 KiB

# coding=utf-8
__author__ = "Gina Häußge <osd@foosel.net>"
__license__ = 'GNU Affero General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html'
from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename, redirect
from sockjs.tornado import SockJSRouter, SockJSConnection
from flask import Flask, request, render_template, jsonify, send_from_directory, url_for, current_app, session, abort, make_response
from flask.ext.login import LoginManager, login_user, logout_user, login_required, current_user
from flask.ext.principal import Principal, Permission, RoleNeed, Identity, identity_changed, AnonymousIdentity, identity_loaded, UserNeed
from functools import wraps
import os
import threading
import logging, logging.config
import subprocess
import netaddr
from octoprint.printer import Printer, getConnectionOptions
from octoprint.settings import settings, valid_boolean_trues
import octoprint.timelapse
import octoprint.gcodefiles as gcodefiles
import octoprint.util as util
import octoprint.users as users
import octoprint.events as events
BASEURL = "/ajax/"
APIBASEURL = "/api/"
app = Flask("octoprint")
# Only instantiated by the Server().run() method
# In order that threads don't start too early when running as a Daemon
printer = None
timelapse = None
debug = False
gcodeManager = None
userManager = None
eventManager = None
loginManager = None
principals = Principal(app)
admin_permission = Permission(RoleNeed("admin"))
user_permission = Permission(RoleNeed("user"))
#~~ Printer state
class PrinterStateConnection(SockJSConnection):
def __init__(self, printer, gcodeManager, userManager, eventManager, session):
SockJSConnection.__init__(self, session)
self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self._temperatureBacklog = []
self._temperatureBacklogMutex = threading.Lock()
self._logBacklog = []
self._logBacklogMutex = threading.Lock()
self._messageBacklog = []
self._messageBacklogMutex = threading.Lock()
self._printer = printer
self._gcodeManager = gcodeManager
self._userManager = userManager
self._eventManager = eventManager
def _getRemoteAddress(self, info):
forwardedFor = info.headers.get("X-Forwarded-For")
if forwardedFor is not None:
return forwardedFor.split(",")[0]
return info.ip
def on_open(self, info):
self._logger.info("New connection from client: %s" % self._getRemoteAddress(info))
self._eventManager.subscribe("MovieDone", self._onMovieDone)
def on_close(self):
self._logger.info("Closed client connection")
self._eventManager.unsubscribe("MovieDone", self._onMovieDone)
def on_message(self, message):
def sendCurrentData(self, data):
# add current temperature, log and message backlogs to sent data
with self._temperatureBacklogMutex:
temperatures = self._temperatureBacklog
self._temperatureBacklog = []
with self._logBacklogMutex:
logs = self._logBacklog
self._logBacklog = []
with self._messageBacklogMutex:
messages = self._messageBacklog
self._messageBacklog = []
"temperatures": temperatures,
"logs": logs,
"messages": messages
self._emit("current", data)
def sendHistoryData(self, data):
self._emit("history", data)
def sendUpdateTrigger(self, type):
self._emit("updateTrigger", type)
def sendFeedbackCommandOutput(self, name, output):
self._emit("feedbackCommandOutput", {"name": name, "output": output})
def addLog(self, data):
with self._logBacklogMutex:
def addMessage(self, data):
with self._messageBacklogMutex:
def addTemperature(self, data):
with self._temperatureBacklogMutex:
def _onMovieDone(self, event, payload):
def _emit(self, type, payload):
self.send({type: payload})
def restricted_access(func):
If you decorate a view with this, it will ensure that first setup has been
done for OctoPrint's Access Control plus that any conditions of the
login_required decorator are met.
If OctoPrint's Access Control has not been setup yet (indicated by the "firstRun"
flag from the settings being set to True and the userManager not indicating
that it's user database has been customized from default), the decorator
will cause a HTTP 403 status code to be returned by the decorated resource.
Otherwise the result of calling login_required will be returned.
def decorated_view(*args, **kwargs):
if settings().getBoolean(["server", "firstRun"]) and (userManager is None or not userManager.hasBeenCustomized()):
return make_response("OctoPrint isn't setup yet", 403)
return login_required(func)(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated_view
# Did attempt to make webserver an encapsulated class but ended up with __call__ failures
def index():
branch = None
commit = None
branch, commit = util.getGitInfo()
global debug
return render_template(
webcamStream=settings().get(["webcam", "stream"]),
enableTimelapse=(settings().get(["webcam", "snapshot"]) is not None and settings().get(["webcam", "ffmpeg"]) is not None),
enableGCodeVisualizer=settings().get(["feature", "gCodeVisualizer"]),
enableTemperatureGraph=settings().get(["feature", "temperatureGraph"]),
enableSystemMenu=settings().get(["system"]) is not None and settings().get(["system", "actions"]) is not None and len(settings().get(["system", "actions"])) > 0,
enableAccessControl=userManager is not None,
enableSdSupport=settings().get(["feature", "sdSupport"]),
firstRun=settings().getBoolean(["server", "firstRun"]) and (userManager is None or not userManager.hasBeenCustomized()),
def robotsTxt():
return send_from_directory(app.static_folder, "robots.txt")
#~~ Printer control
@app.route(BASEURL + "control/connection/options", methods=["GET"])
def connectionOptions():
return jsonify(getConnectionOptions())
@app.route(BASEURL + "control/connection", methods=["POST"])
def connect():
if "command" in request.values.keys() and request.values["command"] == "connect":
port = None
baudrate = None
if "port" in request.values.keys():
port = request.values["port"]
if "baudrate" in request.values.keys():
baudrate = request.values["baudrate"]
if "save" in request.values.keys():
settings().set(["serial", "port"], port)
settings().setInt(["serial", "baudrate"], baudrate)
if "autoconnect" in request.values.keys():
settings().setBoolean(["serial", "autoconnect"], True)
printer.connect(port=port, baudrate=baudrate)
elif "command" in request.values.keys() and request.values["command"] == "disconnect":
return jsonify(SUCCESS)
@app.route(BASEURL + "control/command", methods=["POST"])
def printerCommand():
if "application/json" in request.headers["Content-Type"]:
data = request.json
parameters = {}
if "parameters" in data.keys(): parameters = data["parameters"]
commands = []
if "command" in data.keys(): commands = [data["command"]]
elif "commands" in data.keys(): commands = data["commands"]
commandsToSend = []
for command in commands:
commandToSend = command
if len(parameters) > 0:
commandToSend = command % parameters
return jsonify(SUCCESS)
@app.route(BASEURL + "control/job", methods=["POST"])
def printJobControl():
if "command" in request.values.keys():
if request.values["command"] == "start":
elif request.values["command"] == "pause":
elif request.values["command"] == "cancel":
return jsonify(SUCCESS)
@app.route(BASEURL + "control/temperature", methods=["POST"])
def setTargetTemperature():
if "temp" in request.values.keys():
# set target temperature
temp = request.values["temp"]
printer.command("M104 S" + temp)
if "bedTemp" in request.values.keys():
# set target bed temperature
bedTemp = request.values["bedTemp"]
printer.command("M140 S" + bedTemp)
return jsonify(SUCCESS)
@app.route(BASEURL + "control/jog", methods=["POST"])
def jog():
if not printer.isOperational() or printer.isPrinting():
# do not jog when a print job is running or we don't have a connection
return jsonify(SUCCESS)
(movementSpeedX, movementSpeedY, movementSpeedZ, movementSpeedE) = settings().get(["printerParameters", "movementSpeed", ["x", "y", "z", "e"]])
if "x" in request.values.keys():
# jog x
x = request.values["x"]
printer.commands(["G91", "G1 X%s F%d" % (x, movementSpeedX), "G90"])
if "y" in request.values.keys():
# jog y
y = request.values["y"]
printer.commands(["G91", "G1 Y%s F%d" % (y, movementSpeedY), "G90"])
if "z" in request.values.keys():
# jog z
z = request.values["z"]
printer.commands(["G91", "G1 Z%s F%d" % (z, movementSpeedZ), "G90"])
if "homeXY" in request.values.keys():
# home x/y
printer.command("G28 X0 Y0")
if "homeZ" in request.values.keys():
# home z
printer.command("G28 Z0")
if "extrude" in request.values.keys():
# extrude/retract
length = request.values["extrude"]
printer.commands(["G91", "G1 E%s F%d" % (length, movementSpeedE), "G90"])
return jsonify(SUCCESS)
@app.route(BASEURL + "control/custom", methods=["GET"])
def getCustomControls():
customControls = settings().get(["controls"])
return jsonify(controls=customControls)
@app.route(BASEURL + "control/sd", methods=["POST"])
def sdCommand():
if not settings().getBoolean(["feature", "sdSupport"]) or not printer.isOperational() or printer.isPrinting():
return jsonify(SUCCESS)
if "command" in request.values.keys():
command = request.values["command"]
if command == "init":
elif command == "refresh":
elif command == "release":
return jsonify(SUCCESS)
#~~ GCODE file handling
@app.route(BASEURL + "gcodefiles", methods=["GET"])
def readGcodeFiles():
files = gcodeManager.getAllFileData()
sdFileList = printer.getSdFiles()
if sdFileList is not None:
for sdFile in sdFileList:
"name": sdFile,
"size": "n/a",
"bytes": 0,
"date": "n/a",
"origin": "sd"
return jsonify(files=files, free=util.getFormattedSize(util.getFreeBytes(settings().getBaseFolder("uploads"))))
@app.route(BASEURL + "gcodefiles/<path:filename>", methods=["GET"])
def readGcodeFile(filename):
return redirectToTornado(request, "/downloads/gcode/" + filename)
@app.route(BASEURL + "gcodefiles/upload", methods=["POST"])
def uploadGcodeFile():
if "gcode_file" in request.files.keys():
file = request.files["gcode_file"]
sd = "target" in request.values.keys() and request.values["target"] == "sd";
currentFilename = None
currentSd = None
currentJob = printer.getCurrentJob()
if currentJob is not None and "filename" in currentJob.keys() and "sd" in currentJob.keys():
currentFilename = currentJob["filename"]
currentSd = currentJob["sd"]
futureFilename = gcodeManager.getFutureFilename(file)
if futureFilename is None:
return make_response("Can not upload file %s, wrong format?" % file.filename, 400)
if futureFilename == currentFilename and sd == currentSd and printer.isPrinting() or printer.isPaused():
# trying to overwrite currently selected file, but it is being printed
return make_response("Trying to overwrite file that is currently being printed: %s" % currentFilename, 403)
filename = gcodeManager.addFile(file)
if filename is None:
return make_response("Could not upload the file %s" % file.filename, 500)
absFilename = gcodeManager.getAbsolutePath(filename)
if sd:
printer.addSdFile(filename, absFilename)
if currentFilename == filename and currentSd == sd:
# reload file as it was updated
if sd:
printer.selectFile(filename, sd, False)
printer.selectFile(absFilename, sd, False)
global eventManager
eventManager.fire("Upload", filename)
return jsonify(files=gcodeManager.getAllFileData(), filename=filename)
@app.route(BASEURL + "gcodefiles/load", methods=["POST"])
def loadGcodeFile():
if "filename" in request.values.keys():
printAfterLoading = False
if "print" in request.values.keys() and request.values["print"] in valid_boolean_trues:
printAfterLoading = True
sd = False
if "target" in request.values.keys() and request.values["target"] == "sd":
filename = request.values["filename"]
sd = True
filename = gcodeManager.getAbsolutePath(request.values["filename"])
printer.selectFile(filename, sd, printAfterLoading)
return jsonify(SUCCESS)
@app.route(BASEURL + "gcodefiles/delete", methods=["POST"])
def deleteGcodeFile():
if "filename" in request.values.keys():
filename = request.values["filename"]
sd = "target" in request.values.keys() and request.values["target"] == "sd"
currentJob = printer.getCurrentJob()
currentFilename = None
currentSd = None
if currentJob is not None and "filename" in currentJob.keys() and "sd" in currentJob.keys():
currentFilename = currentJob["filename"]
currentSd = currentJob["sd"]
if currentFilename is not None and filename == currentFilename and not (printer.isPrinting() or printer.isPaused()):
if not (currentFilename == filename and currentSd == sd and (printer.isPrinting() or printer.isPaused())):
if currentSd:
return readGcodeFiles()
@app.route(BASEURL + "gcodefiles/refresh", methods=["POST"])
def refreshFiles():
return jsonify(SUCCESS)
#-- very simple api routines
@app.route(APIBASEURL + "load", methods=["POST"])
def apiLoad():
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if not settings().get(["api", "enabled"]):
if not "apikey" in request.values.keys():
if request.values["apikey"] != settings().get(["api", "key"]):
if not "file" in request.files.keys():
# Perform an upload
file = request.files["file"]
filename = gcodeManager.addFile(file)
if filename is None:
logger.warn("Upload via API failed")
# Immediately perform a file select and possibly print too
printAfterSelect = False
if "print" in request.values.keys() and request.values["print"] in valid_boolean_trues:
printAfterSelect = True
filepath = gcodeManager.getAbsolutePath(filename)
if filepath is not None:
printer.selectFile(filepath, False, printAfterSelect)
return jsonify(SUCCESS)
@app.route(APIBASEURL + "state", methods=["GET"])
def apiPrinterState():
if not settings().get(["api", "enabled"]):
if not "apikey" in request.values.keys():
if request.values["apikey"] != settings().get(["api", "key"]):
currentData = printer.getCurrentData()
"temperatures": printer.getCurrentTemperatures()
return jsonify(currentData)
#~~ timelapse handling
@app.route(BASEURL + "timelapse", methods=["GET"])
def getTimelapseData():
global timelapse
type = "off"
additionalConfig = {}
if timelapse is not None and isinstance(timelapse, octoprint.timelapse.ZTimelapse):
type = "zchange"
elif timelapse is not None and isinstance(timelapse, octoprint.timelapse.TimedTimelapse):
type = "timed"
additionalConfig = {
"interval": timelapse.interval()
files = octoprint.timelapse.getFinishedTimelapses()
for file in files:
file["url"] = url_for("downloadTimelapse", filename=file["name"])
return jsonify({
"type": type,
"config": additionalConfig,
"files": files
@app.route(BASEURL + "timelapse/<filename>", methods=["GET"])
def downloadTimelapse(filename):
return redirectToTornado(request, "/downloads/timelapse/" + filename)
@app.route(BASEURL + "timelapse/<filename>", methods=["DELETE"])
def deleteTimelapse(filename):
if util.isAllowedFile(filename, set(["mpg"])):
secure = os.path.join(settings().getBaseFolder("timelapse"), secure_filename(filename))
if os.path.exists(secure):
return getTimelapseData()
@app.route(BASEURL + "timelapse", methods=["POST"])
def setTimelapseConfig():
global timelapse
if request.values.has_key("type"):
type = request.values["type"]
if type in ["zchange", "timed"]:
# valid timelapse type, check if there is an old one we need to stop first
if timelapse is not None:
timelapse = None
if "zchange" == type:
timelapse = octoprint.timelapse.ZTimelapse()
elif "timed" == type:
interval = 10
if request.values.has_key("interval"):
interval = int(request.values["interval"])
except ValueError:
timelapse = octoprint.timelapse.TimedTimelapse(interval)
return getTimelapseData()
#~~ settings
@app.route(BASEURL + "settings", methods=["GET"])
def getSettings():
s = settings()
[movementSpeedX, movementSpeedY, movementSpeedZ, movementSpeedE] = s.get(["printerParameters", "movementSpeed", ["x", "y", "z", "e"]])
connectionOptions = getConnectionOptions()
return jsonify({
"api": {
"enabled": s.getBoolean(["api", "enabled"]),
"key": s.get(["api", "key"])
"appearance": {
"name": s.get(["appearance", "name"]),
"color": s.get(["appearance", "color"])
"printer": {
"movementSpeedX": movementSpeedX,
"movementSpeedY": movementSpeedY,
"movementSpeedZ": movementSpeedZ,
"movementSpeedE": movementSpeedE,
"webcam": {
"streamUrl": s.get(["webcam", "stream"]),
"snapshotUrl": s.get(["webcam", "snapshot"]),
"ffmpegPath": s.get(["webcam", "ffmpeg"]),
"bitrate": s.get(["webcam", "bitrate"]),
"watermark": s.getBoolean(["webcam", "watermark"]),
"flipH": s.getBoolean(["webcam", "flipH"]),
"flipV": s.getBoolean(["webcam", "flipV"])
"feature": {
"gcodeViewer": s.getBoolean(["feature", "gCodeVisualizer"]),
"temperatureGraph": s.getBoolean(["feature", "temperatureGraph"]),
"waitForStart": s.getBoolean(["feature", "waitForStartOnConnect"]),
"alwaysSendChecksum": s.getBoolean(["feature", "alwaysSendChecksum"]),
"sdSupport": s.getBoolean(["feature", "sdSupport"])
"serial": {
"port": connectionOptions["portPreference"],
"baudrate": connectionOptions["baudratePreference"],
"portOptions": connectionOptions["ports"],
"baudrateOptions": connectionOptions["baudrates"],
"autoconnect": s.getBoolean(["serial", "autoconnect"]),
"timeoutConnection": s.getFloat(["serial", "timeout", "connection"]),
"timeoutDetection": s.getFloat(["serial", "timeout", "detection"]),
"timeoutCommunication": s.getFloat(["serial", "timeout", "communication"]),
"log": s.getBoolean(["serial", "log"])
"folder": {
"uploads": s.getBaseFolder("uploads"),
"timelapse": s.getBaseFolder("timelapse"),
"timelapseTmp": s.getBaseFolder("timelapse_tmp"),
"logs": s.getBaseFolder("logs")
"temperature": {
"profiles": s.get(["temperature", "profiles"])
"system": {
"actions": s.get(["system", "actions"]),
"events": s.get(["system", "events"])
"terminalFilters": s.get(["terminalFilters"])
@app.route(BASEURL + "settings", methods=["POST"])
def setSettings():
if "application/json" in request.headers["Content-Type"]:
data = request.json
s = settings()
if "api" in data.keys():
if "enabled" in data["api"].keys(): s.set(["api", "enabled"], data["api"]["enabled"])
if "key" in data["api"].keys(): s.set(["api", "key"], data["api"]["key"], True)
if "appearance" in data.keys():
if "name" in data["appearance"].keys(): s.set(["appearance", "name"], data["appearance"]["name"])
if "color" in data["appearance"].keys(): s.set(["appearance", "color"], data["appearance"]["color"])
if "printer" in data.keys():
if "movementSpeedX" in data["printer"].keys(): s.setInt(["printerParameters", "movementSpeed", "x"], data["printer"]["movementSpeedX"])
if "movementSpeedY" in data["printer"].keys(): s.setInt(["printerParameters", "movementSpeed", "y"], data["printer"]["movementSpeedY"])
if "movementSpeedZ" in data["printer"].keys(): s.setInt(["printerParameters", "movementSpeed", "z"], data["printer"]["movementSpeedZ"])
if "movementSpeedE" in data["printer"].keys(): s.setInt(["printerParameters", "movementSpeed", "e"], data["printer"]["movementSpeedE"])
if "webcam" in data.keys():
if "streamUrl" in data["webcam"].keys(): s.set(["webcam", "stream"], data["webcam"]["streamUrl"])
if "snapshotUrl" in data["webcam"].keys(): s.set(["webcam", "snapshot"], data["webcam"]["snapshotUrl"])
if "ffmpegPath" in data["webcam"].keys(): s.set(["webcam", "ffmpeg"], data["webcam"]["ffmpegPath"])
if "bitrate" in data["webcam"].keys(): s.set(["webcam", "bitrate"], data["webcam"]["bitrate"])
if "watermark" in data["webcam"].keys(): s.setBoolean(["webcam", "watermark"], data["webcam"]["watermark"])
if "flipH" in data["webcam"].keys(): s.setBoolean(["webcam", "flipH"], data["webcam"]["flipH"])
if "flipV" in data["webcam"].keys(): s.setBoolean(["webcam", "flipV"], data["webcam"]["flipV"])
if "feature" in data.keys():
if "gcodeViewer" in data["feature"].keys(): s.setBoolean(["feature", "gCodeVisualizer"], data["feature"]["gcodeViewer"])
if "temperatureGraph" in data["feature"].keys(): s.setBoolean(["feature", "temperatureGraph"], data["feature"]["temperatureGraph"])
if "waitForStart" in data["feature"].keys(): s.setBoolean(["feature", "waitForStartOnConnect"], data["feature"]["waitForStart"])
if "alwaysSendChecksum" in data["feature"].keys(): s.setBoolean(["feature", "alwaysSendChecksum"], data["feature"]["alwaysSendChecksum"])
if "sdSupport" in data["feature"].keys(): s.setBoolean(["feature", "sdSupport"], data["feature"]["sdSupport"])
if "serial" in data.keys():
if "autoconnect" in data["serial"].keys(): s.setBoolean(["serial", "autoconnect"], data["serial"]["autoconnect"])
if "port" in data["serial"].keys(): s.set(["serial", "port"], data["serial"]["port"])
if "baudrate" in data["serial"].keys(): s.setInt(["serial", "baudrate"], data["serial"]["baudrate"])
if "timeoutConnection" in data["serial"].keys(): s.setFloat(["serial", "timeout", "connection"], data["serial"]["timeoutConnection"])
if "timeoutDetection" in data["serial"].keys(): s.setFloat(["serial", "timeout", "detection"], data["serial"]["timeoutDetection"])
if "timeoutCommunication" in data["serial"].keys(): s.setFloat(["serial", "timeout", "communication"], data["serial"]["timeoutCommunication"])
oldLog = s.getBoolean(["serial", "log"])
if "log" in data["serial"].keys(): s.setBoolean(["serial", "log"], data["serial"]["log"])
if oldLog and not s.getBoolean(["serial", "log"]):
# disable debug logging to serial.log
logging.getLogger("SERIAL").debug("Disabling serial logging")
elif not oldLog and s.getBoolean(["serial", "log"]):
# enable debug logging to serial.log
logging.getLogger("SERIAL").debug("Enabling serial logging")
if "folder" in data.keys():
if "uploads" in data["folder"].keys(): s.setBaseFolder("uploads", data["folder"]["uploads"])
if "timelapse" in data["folder"].keys(): s.setBaseFolder("timelapse", data["folder"]["timelapse"])
if "timelapseTmp" in data["folder"].keys(): s.setBaseFolder("timelapse_tmp", data["folder"]["timelapseTmp"])
if "logs" in data["folder"].keys(): s.setBaseFolder("logs", data["folder"]["logs"])
if "temperature" in data.keys():
if "profiles" in data["temperature"].keys(): s.set(["temperature", "profiles"], data["temperature"]["profiles"])
if "terminalFilters" in data.keys():
s.set(["terminalFilters"], data["terminalFilters"])
if "system" in data.keys():
if "actions" in data["system"].keys(): s.set(["system", "actions"], data["system"]["actions"])
if "events" in data["system"].keys(): s.set(["system", "events"], data["system"]["events"])
return getSettings()
@app.route(BASEURL + "setup", methods=["POST"])
def firstRunSetup():
global userManager
if not settings().getBoolean(["server", "firstRun"]):
if "ac" in request.values.keys() and request.values["ac"] in valid_boolean_trues and \
"user" in request.values.keys() and "pass1" in request.values.keys() and \
"pass2" in request.values.keys() and request.values["pass1"] == request.values["pass2"]:
# configure access control
settings().setBoolean(["accessControl", "enabled"], True)
userManager.addUser(request.values["user"], request.values["pass1"], True, ["user", "admin"])
settings().setBoolean(["server", "firstRun"], False)
elif "ac" in request.values.keys() and not request.values["ac"] in valid_boolean_trues:
# disable access control
settings().setBoolean(["accessControl", "enabled"], False)
settings().setBoolean(["server", "firstRun"], False)
userManager = None
loginManager.anonymous_user = users.DummyUser
return jsonify(SUCCESS)
#~~ user settings
@app.route(BASEURL + "users", methods=["GET"])
def getUsers():
if userManager is None:
return jsonify(SUCCESS)
return jsonify({"users": userManager.getAllUsers()})
@app.route(BASEURL + "users", methods=["POST"])
def addUser():
if userManager is None:
return jsonify(SUCCESS)
if "application/json" in request.headers["Content-Type"]:
data = request.json
name = data["name"]
password = data["password"]
active = data["active"]
roles = ["user"]
if "admin" in data.keys() and data["admin"]:
userManager.addUser(name, password, active, roles)
except users.UserAlreadyExists:
return getUsers()
@app.route(BASEURL + "users/<username>", methods=["GET"])
def getUser(username):
if userManager is None:
return jsonify(SUCCESS)
if current_user is not None and not current_user.is_anonymous() and (current_user.get_name() == username or current_user.is_admin()):
user = userManager.findUser(username)
if user is not None:
return jsonify(user.asDict())
@app.route(BASEURL + "users/<username>", methods=["PUT"])
def updateUser(username):
if userManager is None:
return jsonify(SUCCESS)
user = userManager.findUser(username)
if user is not None:
if "application/json" in request.headers["Content-Type"]:
data = request.json
# change roles
roles = ["user"]
if "admin" in data.keys() and data["admin"]:
userManager.changeUserRoles(username, roles)
# change activation
if "active" in data.keys():
userManager.changeUserActivation(username, data["active"])
return getUsers()
@app.route(BASEURL + "users/<username>", methods=["DELETE"])
def removeUser(username):
if userManager is None:
return jsonify(SUCCESS)
return getUsers()
except users.UnknownUser:
@app.route(BASEURL + "users/<username>/password", methods=["PUT"])
def changePasswordForUser(username):
if userManager is None:
return jsonify(SUCCESS)
if current_user is not None and not current_user.is_anonymous() and (current_user.get_name() == username or current_user.is_admin()):
if "application/json" in request.headers["Content-Type"]:
data = request.json
if "password" in data.keys() and data["password"]:
userManager.changeUserPassword(username, data["password"])
except users.UnknownUser:
return app.make_response(("Unknown user: %s" % username, 404, []))
return jsonify(SUCCESS)
return app.make_response(("Forbidden", 403, []))
#~~ system control
@app.route(BASEURL + "system", methods=["POST"])
def performSystemAction():
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if request.values.has_key("action"):
action = request.values["action"]
availableActions = settings().get(["system", "actions"])
for availableAction in availableActions:
if availableAction["action"] == action:
logger.info("Performing command: %s" % availableAction["command"])
subprocess.check_output(availableAction["command"], shell=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e:
logger.warn("Command failed with return code %i: %s" % (e.returncode, e.message))
return app.make_response(("Command failed with return code %i: %s" % (e.returncode, e.message), 500, []))
except Exception, ex:
logger.exception("Command failed")
return app.make_response(("Command failed: %r" % ex, 500, []))
return jsonify(SUCCESS)
#~~ Login/user handling
@app.route(BASEURL + "login", methods=["POST"])
def login():
if userManager is not None and "user" in request.values.keys() and "pass" in request.values.keys():
username = request.values["user"]
password = request.values["pass"]
if "remember" in request.values.keys() and request.values["remember"] == "true":
remember = True
remember = False
user = userManager.findUser(username)
if user is not None:
if user.check_password(users.UserManager.createPasswordHash(password)):
login_user(user, remember=remember)
identity_changed.send(current_app._get_current_object(), identity=Identity(user.get_id()))
return jsonify(user.asDict())
return app.make_response(("User unknown or password incorrect", 401, []))
elif "passive" in request.values.keys():
user = current_user
if user is not None and not user.is_anonymous():
identity_changed.send(current_app._get_current_object(), identity=Identity(user.get_id()))
return jsonify(user.asDict())
elif settings().getBoolean(["accessControl", "autologinLocal"]) \
and settings().get(["accessControl", "autologinAs"]) is not None \
and settings().get(["accessControl", "localNetworks"]) is not None:
autologinAs = settings().get(["accessControl", "autologinAs"])
localNetworks = netaddr.IPSet([])
for ip in settings().get(["accessControl", "localNetworks"]):
remoteAddr = util.getRemoteAddress(request)
if netaddr.IPAddress(remoteAddr) in localNetworks:
user = userManager.findUser(autologinAs)
if user is not None:
identity_changed.send(current_app._get_current_object(), identity=Identity(user.get_id()))
return jsonify(user.asDict())
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.exception("Could not autologin user %s for networks %r" % (autologinAs, localNetworks))
return jsonify(SUCCESS)
@app.route(BASEURL + "logout", methods=["POST"])
def logout():
# Remove session keys set by Flask-Principal
for key in ('identity.id', 'identity.auth_type'):
del session[key]
identity_changed.send(current_app._get_current_object(), identity=AnonymousIdentity())
return jsonify(SUCCESS)
def on_identity_loaded(sender, identity):
user = load_user(identity.id)
if user is None:
if user.is_user():
if user.is_admin():
def load_user(id):
if userManager is not None:
return userManager.findUser(id)
return users.DummyUser()
def redirectToTornado(request, target):
requestUrl = request.url
appBaseUrl = requestUrl[:requestUrl.find(BASEURL)]
redirectUrl = appBaseUrl + target
if "?" in requestUrl:
fragment = requestUrl[requestUrl.rfind("?"):]
redirectUrl += fragment
return redirect(redirectUrl)
#~~ startup code
class Server():
def __init__(self, configfile=None, basedir=None, host="", port=5000, debug=False, allowRoot=False):
self._configfile = configfile
self._basedir = basedir
self._host = host
self._port = port
self._debug = debug
self._allowRoot = allowRoot
def run(self):
if not self._allowRoot:
# Global as I can't work out a way to get it into PrinterStateConnection
global printer
global gcodeManager
global userManager
global eventManager
global loginManager
global debug
from tornado.wsgi import WSGIContainer
from tornado.httpserver import HTTPServer
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application, FallbackHandler, StaticFileHandler
debug = self._debug
# first initialize the settings singleton and make sure it uses given configfile and basedir if available
self._initSettings(self._configfile, self._basedir)
# then initialize logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
eventManager = events.eventManager()
gcodeManager = gcodefiles.GcodeManager()
printer = Printer(gcodeManager)
# setup system and gcode command triggers
if self._debug:
if settings().getBoolean(["accessControl", "enabled"]):
userManagerName = settings().get(["accessControl", "userManager"])
clazz = util.getClass(userManagerName)
userManager = clazz()
except AttributeError, e:
logger.exception("Could not instantiate user manager %s, will run with accessControl disabled!" % userManagerName)
app.secret_key = "k3PuVYgtxNm8DXKKTw2nWmFQQun9qceV"
loginManager = LoginManager()
loginManager.session_protection = "strong"
loginManager.user_callback = load_user
if userManager is None:
loginManager.anonymous_user = users.DummyUser
if self._host is None:
self._host = settings().get(["server", "host"])
if self._port is None:
self._port = settings().getInt(["server", "port"])
logger.info("Listening on http://%s:%d" % (self._host, self._port))
app.debug = self._debug
self._router = SockJSRouter(self._createSocketConnection, "/sockjs")
self._tornado_app = Application(self._router.urls + [
(r"/downloads/timelapse/([^/]*\.mpg)", StaticFileHandler, {"path": settings().getBaseFolder("timelapse")}),
(r"/downloads/gcode/([^/]*\.(gco|gcode))", StaticFileHandler, {"path": settings().getBaseFolder("uploads")}),
(r".*", FallbackHandler, {"fallback": WSGIContainer(app)})
self._server = HTTPServer(self._tornado_app)
self._server.listen(self._port, address=self._host)
if settings().getBoolean(["serial", "autoconnect"]):
(port, baudrate) = settings().get(["serial", "port"]), settings().getInt(["serial", "baudrate"])
connectionOptions = getConnectionOptions()
if port in connectionOptions["ports"]:
printer.connect(port, baudrate)
logger.fatal("Now that is embarrassing... Something really really went wrong here. Please report this including the stacktrace below in OctoPrint's bugtracker. Thanks!")
logger.exception("Stacktrace follows:")
def _createSocketConnection(self, session):
global printer, gcodeManager, userManager, eventManager
return PrinterStateConnection(printer, gcodeManager, userManager, eventManager, session)
def _checkForRoot(self):
if "geteuid" in dir(os) and os.geteuid() == 0:
exit("You should not run OctoPrint as root!")
def _initSettings(self, configfile, basedir):
s = settings(init=True, basedir=basedir, configfile=configfile)
def _initLogging(self, debug):
config = {
"version": 1,
"formatters": {
"simple": {
"format": "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"
"handlers": {
"console": {
"class": "logging.StreamHandler",
"level": "DEBUG",
"formatter": "simple",
"stream": "ext://sys.stdout"
"file": {
"class": "logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler",
"level": "DEBUG",
"formatter": "simple",
"when": "D",
"backupCount": "1",
"filename": os.path.join(settings().getBaseFolder("logs"), "octoprint.log")
"serialFile": {
"class": "logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler",
"level": "DEBUG",
"formatter": "simple",
"maxBytes": 2 * 1024 * 1024, # let's limit the serial log to 2MB in size
"filename": os.path.join(settings().getBaseFolder("logs"), "serial.log")
"loggers": {
#"octoprint.timelapse": {
# "level": "DEBUG"
#"octoprint.events": {
# "level": "DEBUG"
"level": "CRITICAL",
"handlers": ["serialFile"],
"propagate": False
"root": {
"level": "INFO",
"handlers": ["console", "file"]
if debug:
config["root"]["level"] = "DEBUG"
if settings().getBoolean(["serial", "log"]):
# enable debug logging to serial.log
logging.getLogger("SERIAL").debug("Enabling serial logging")
if __name__ == "__main__":
octoprint = Server()