
170 lines
5.1 KiB

// AVLTree ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// self file is originally from the Concentré XML project (version 0.2.1)
// Licensed under GPL and LGPL
// Modified by Jeremy Stephens.
// Taken from: https://gist.github.com/viking/2424106, modified to not only use string literals when searching
// Pass in the attribute you want to use for comparing
function AVLTree(n, attr) {
var self = this;
self.attr = attr;
self.left = null;
self.right = null;
self.node = n;
self.depth = 1;
self.elements = [n];
self.balance = function() {
var ldepth = self.left == null ? 0 : self.left.depth;
var rdepth = self.right == null ? 0 : self.right.depth;
if (ldepth > rdepth + 1) {
// LR or LL rotation
var lldepth = self.left.left == null ? 0 : self.left.left.depth;
var lrdepth = self.left.right == null ? 0 : self.left.right.depth;
if (lldepth < lrdepth) {
// LR rotation consists of a RR rotation of the left child
// plus a LL rotation of self node, which happens anyway
} else if (ldepth + 1 < rdepth) {
// RR or RL rorarion
var rrdepth = self.right.right == null ? 0 : self.right.right.depth;
var rldepth = self.right.left == null ? 0 : self.right.left.depth;
if (rldepth > rrdepth) {
// RR rotation consists of a LL rotation of the right child
// plus a RR rotation of self node, which happens anyway
self.rotateLL = function() {
// the left side is too long => rotate from the left (_not_ leftwards)
var nodeBefore = self.node;
var elementsBefore = self.elements;
var rightBefore = self.right;
self.node = self.left.node;
self.elements = self.left.elements;
self.right = self.left;
self.left = self.left.left;
self.right.left = self.right.right;
self.right.right = rightBefore;
self.right.node = nodeBefore;
self.right.elements = elementsBefore;
self.rotateRR = function() {
// the right side is too long => rotate from the right (_not_ rightwards)
var nodeBefore = self.node;
var elementsBefore = self.elements;
var leftBefore = self.left;
self.node = self.right.node;
self.elements = self.right.elements;
self.left = self.right;
self.right = self.right.right;
self.left.right = self.left.left;
self.left.left = leftBefore;
self.left.node = nodeBefore;
self.left.elements = elementsBefore;
self.updateInNewLocation = function() {
self.getDepthFromChildren = function() {
self.depth = self.node == null ? 0 : 1;
if (self.left != null) {
self.depth = self.left.depth + 1;
if (self.right != null && self.depth <= self.right.depth) {
self.depth = self.right.depth + 1;
self.compare = function(n1, n2) {
var v1 = n1[self.attr];
var v2 = n2[self.attr];
if (v1 == v2) {
return 0;
if (v1 < v2) {
return -1;
return 1;
self.add = function(n) {
var o = self.compare(n, self.node);
if (o == 0) {
return false;
var ret = false;
if (o == -1) {
if (self.left == null) {
self.left = new AVLTree(n, self.attr);
ret = true;
} else {
ret = self.left.add(n);
if (ret) {
} else if (o == 1) {
if (self.right == null) {
self.right = new AVLTree(n, self.attr);
ret = true;
} else {
ret = self.right.add(n);
if (ret) {
if (ret) {
return ret;
self.findBest = function(value) {
if (value < self.node[self.attr]) {
if (self.left != null) {
return self.left.findBest(value);
} else if (value > self.node[self.attr]) {
if (self.right != null) {
return self.right.findBest(value);
return self.elements;
self.find = function(value) {
var elements = self.findBest(value);
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
if (elements[i][self.attr] == value) {
return elements;
return false;