
955 lines
38 KiB

Svg reader.
from __future__ import absolute_import
#Init has to be imported first because it has code to workaround the python bug where relative imports don't work if the module is imported as a main module.
import __init__
from fabmetheus_utilities.geometry.solids import triangle_mesh
from fabmetheus_utilities.xml_simple_reader import DocumentNode
from fabmetheus_utilities import archive
from fabmetheus_utilities import euclidean
from fabmetheus_utilities import gcodec
from fabmetheus_utilities import intercircle
from fabmetheus_utilities import settings
from fabmetheus_utilities import svg_writer
import math
import os
import sys
import traceback
__author__ = 'Enrique Perez (perez_enrique@yahoo.com)'
__credits__ = 'Nophead <http://hydraraptor.blogspot.com/>\nArt of Illusion <http://www.artofillusion.org/>'
__date__ = '$Date: 2008/21/04 $'
__license__ = 'GNU Affero General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html'
globalNumberOfCornerPoints = 11
globalNumberOfBezierPoints = globalNumberOfCornerPoints + globalNumberOfCornerPoints
globalNumberOfCirclePoints = 4 * globalNumberOfCornerPoints
def addFunctionsToDictionary( dictionary, functions, prefix ):
"Add functions to dictionary."
for function in functions:
dictionary[ function.__name__[ len( prefix ) : ] ] = function
def getArcComplexes(begin, end, largeArcFlag, radius, sweepFlag, xAxisRotation):
'Get the arc complexes, procedure at http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/implnote.html#ArcImplementationNotes'
if begin == end:
print('Warning, begin equals end in getArcComplexes in svgReader')
return []
if radius.imag < 0.0:
print('Warning, radius.imag is less than zero in getArcComplexes in svgReader')
radius = complex(radius.real, abs(radius.imag))
if radius.real < 0.0:
print('Warning, radius.real is less than zero in getArcComplexes in svgReader')
radius = complex(abs(radius.real), radius.imag)
if radius.imag <= 0.0:
print('Warning, radius.imag is too small for getArcComplexes in svgReader')
return [end]
if radius.real <= 0.0:
print('Warning, radius.real is too small for getArcComplexes in svgReader')
return [end]
xAxisRotationComplex = euclidean.getWiddershinsUnitPolar(xAxisRotation)
reverseXAxisRotationComplex = complex(xAxisRotationComplex.real, -xAxisRotationComplex.imag)
beginRotated = begin * reverseXAxisRotationComplex
endRotated = end * reverseXAxisRotationComplex
beginTransformed = complex(beginRotated.real / radius.real, beginRotated.imag / radius.imag)
endTransformed = complex(endRotated.real / radius.real, endRotated.imag / radius.imag)
midpointTransformed = 0.5 * (beginTransformed + endTransformed)
midMinusBeginTransformed = midpointTransformed - beginTransformed
midMinusBeginTransformedLength = abs(midMinusBeginTransformed)
if midMinusBeginTransformedLength > 1.0:
print('The ellipse radius is too small for getArcComplexes in svgReader.')
print('So the ellipse will be scaled to fit, according to the formulas in "Step 3: Ensure radii are large enough" of:')
radius *= midMinusBeginTransformedLength
beginTransformed /= midMinusBeginTransformedLength
endTransformed /= midMinusBeginTransformedLength
midpointTransformed /= midMinusBeginTransformedLength
midMinusBeginTransformed /= midMinusBeginTransformedLength
midMinusBeginTransformedLength = 1.0
midWiddershinsTransformed = complex(-midMinusBeginTransformed.imag, midMinusBeginTransformed.real)
midWiddershinsLengthSquared = 1.0 - midMinusBeginTransformedLength * midMinusBeginTransformedLength
if midWiddershinsLengthSquared < 0.0:
midWiddershinsLengthSquared = 0.0
midWiddershinsLength = math.sqrt(midWiddershinsLengthSquared)
midWiddershinsTransformed *= midWiddershinsLength / abs(midWiddershinsTransformed)
centerTransformed = midpointTransformed
if largeArcFlag == sweepFlag:
centerTransformed -= midWiddershinsTransformed
centerTransformed += midWiddershinsTransformed
beginMinusCenterTransformed = beginTransformed - centerTransformed
beginMinusCenterTransformedLength = abs(beginMinusCenterTransformed)
if beginMinusCenterTransformedLength <= 0.0:
return end
beginAngle = math.atan2(beginMinusCenterTransformed.imag, beginMinusCenterTransformed.real)
endMinusCenterTransformed = endTransformed - centerTransformed
angleDifference = euclidean.getAngleDifferenceByComplex(endMinusCenterTransformed, beginMinusCenterTransformed)
if sweepFlag:
if angleDifference < 0.0:
angleDifference += 2.0 * math.pi
if angleDifference > 0.0:
angleDifference -= 2.0 * math.pi
global globalSideAngle
sides = int(math.ceil(abs(angleDifference) / globalSideAngle))
sideAngle = angleDifference / float(sides)
arcComplexes = []
center = complex(centerTransformed.real * radius.real, centerTransformed.imag * radius.imag) * xAxisRotationComplex
for side in xrange(1, sides):
unitPolar = euclidean.getWiddershinsUnitPolar(beginAngle + float(side) * sideAngle)
circumferential = complex(unitPolar.real * radius.real, unitPolar.imag * radius.imag) * beginMinusCenterTransformedLength
point = center + circumferential * xAxisRotationComplex
return arcComplexes
def getChainMatrixSVG(elementNode, matrixSVG):
"Get chain matrixSVG by svgElement."
matrixSVG = matrixSVG.getOtherTimesSelf(getMatrixSVG(elementNode).tricomplex)
if elementNode.parentNode != None:
matrixSVG = getChainMatrixSVG(elementNode.parentNode, matrixSVG)
return matrixSVG
def getChainMatrixSVGIfNecessary(elementNode, yAxisPointingUpward):
"Get chain matrixSVG by svgElement and yAxisPointingUpward."
matrixSVG = MatrixSVG()
if yAxisPointingUpward:
return matrixSVG
return getChainMatrixSVG(elementNode, matrixSVG)
def getCubicPoint( along, begin, controlPoints, end ):
'Get the cubic point.'
segmentBegin = getQuadraticPoint( along, begin, controlPoints[0], controlPoints[1] )
segmentEnd = getQuadraticPoint( along, controlPoints[0], controlPoints[1], end )
return ( 1.0 - along ) * segmentBegin + along * segmentEnd
def getCubicPoints( begin, controlPoints, end, numberOfBezierPoints=globalNumberOfBezierPoints):
'Get the cubic points.'
bezierPortion = 1.0 / float(numberOfBezierPoints)
cubicPoints = []
for bezierIndex in xrange( 1, numberOfBezierPoints + 1 ):
cubicPoints.append(getCubicPoint(bezierPortion * bezierIndex, begin, controlPoints, end))
return cubicPoints
def getFontReader(fontFamily):
'Get the font reader for the fontFamily.'
fontLower = fontFamily.lower().replace(' ', '_')
global globalFontReaderDictionary
if fontLower in globalFontReaderDictionary:
return globalFontReaderDictionary[fontLower]
global globalFontFileNames
if globalFontFileNames == None:
globalFontFileNames = archive.getFileNamesByFilePaths(archive.getFilePathsByDirectory(getFontsDirectoryPath()))
if fontLower not in globalFontFileNames:
print('Warning, the %s font was not found in the fabmetheus_utilities/fonts folder, so Gentium Basic Regular will be substituted.' % fontFamily)
print('The available fonts are:')
fontLower = 'gentium_basic_regular'
fontReader = FontReader(fontLower)
globalFontReaderDictionary[fontLower] = fontReader
return fontReader
def getFontsDirectoryPath():
"Get the fonts directory path."
return archive.getFabmetheusUtilitiesPath('fonts')
def getLabelString(dictionary):
"Get the label string for the dictionary."
for key in dictionary:
labelIndex = key.find('label')
if labelIndex >= 0:
return dictionary[key]
return ''
def getMatrixSVG(elementNode):
"Get matrixSVG by svgElement."
matrixSVG = MatrixSVG()
if 'transform' not in elementNode.attributes:
return matrixSVG
transformWords = []
for transformWord in elementNode.attributes['transform'].replace(')', '(').split('('):
transformWordStrip = transformWord.strip()
if transformWordStrip != '': # workaround for split(character) bug which leaves an extra empty element
global globalGetTricomplexDictionary
getTricomplexDictionaryKeys = globalGetTricomplexDictionary.keys()
for transformWordIndex, transformWord in enumerate(transformWords):
if transformWord in getTricomplexDictionaryKeys:
transformString = transformWords[transformWordIndex + 1].replace(',', ' ')
matrixSVG = matrixSVG.getSelfTimesOther(globalGetTricomplexDictionary[ transformWord ](transformString.split()))
return matrixSVG
def getQuadraticPoint( along, begin, controlPoint, end ):
'Get the quadratic point.'
oneMinusAlong = 1.0 - along
segmentBegin = oneMinusAlong * begin + along * controlPoint
segmentEnd = oneMinusAlong * controlPoint + along * end
return oneMinusAlong * segmentBegin + along * segmentEnd
def getQuadraticPoints(begin, controlPoint, end, numberOfBezierPoints=globalNumberOfBezierPoints):
'Get the quadratic points.'
bezierPortion = 1.0 / float(numberOfBezierPoints)
quadraticPoints = []
for bezierIndex in xrange(1, numberOfBezierPoints + 1):
quadraticPoints.append(getQuadraticPoint(bezierPortion * bezierIndex, begin, controlPoint, end))
return quadraticPoints
def getRightStripAlphabetPercent(word):
"Get word with alphabet characters and the percent sign stripped from the right."
word = word.strip()
for characterIndex in xrange(len(word) - 1, -1, -1):
character = word[characterIndex]
if not character.isalpha() and not character == '%':
return float(word[: characterIndex + 1])
return None
def getRightStripMinusSplit(lineString):
"Get string with spaces after the minus sign stripped."
oldLineStringLength = -1
while oldLineStringLength < len(lineString):
oldLineStringLength = len(lineString)
lineString = lineString.replace('- ', '-')
return lineString.split()
def getStrokeRadius(elementNode):
"Get the stroke radius."
return 0.5 * getRightStripAlphabetPercent(getStyleValue('1.0', elementNode, 'stroke-width'))
def getStyleValue(defaultValue, elementNode, key):
"Get the stroke value string."
if 'style' in elementNode.attributes:
line = elementNode.attributes['style']
strokeIndex = line.find(key)
if strokeIndex > -1:
words = line[strokeIndex :].replace(':', ' ').replace(';', ' ').split()
if len(words) > 1:
return words[1]
if key in elementNode.attributes:
return elementNode.attributes[key]
if elementNode.parentNode == None:
return defaultValue
return getStyleValue(defaultValue, elementNode.parentNode, key)
def getTextComplexLoops(fontFamily, fontSize, text, yAxisPointingUpward=True):
"Get text as complex loops."
textComplexLoops = []
fontReader = getFontReader(fontFamily)
horizontalAdvanceX = 0.0
for character in text:
glyph = fontReader.getGlyph(character, yAxisPointingUpward)
textComplexLoops += glyph.getSizedAdvancedLoops(fontSize, horizontalAdvanceX, yAxisPointingUpward)
horizontalAdvanceX += glyph.horizontalAdvanceX
return textComplexLoops
def getTransformedFillOutline(elementNode, loop, yAxisPointingUpward):
"Get the loops if fill is on, otherwise get the outlines."
fillOutlineLoops = None
if getStyleValue('none', elementNode, 'fill').lower() == 'none':
fillOutlineLoops = intercircle.getAroundsFromLoop(loop, getStrokeRadius(elementNode))
fillOutlineLoops = [loop]
return getChainMatrixSVGIfNecessary(elementNode, yAxisPointingUpward).getTransformedPaths(fillOutlineLoops)
def getTransformedOutlineByPath(elementNode, path, yAxisPointingUpward):
"Get the outline from the path."
aroundsFromPath = intercircle.getAroundsFromPath(path, getStrokeRadius(elementNode))
return getChainMatrixSVGIfNecessary(elementNode, yAxisPointingUpward).getTransformedPaths(aroundsFromPath)
def getTransformedOutlineByPaths(elementNode, paths, yAxisPointingUpward):
"Get the outline from the paths."
aroundsFromPaths = intercircle.getAroundsFromPaths(paths, getStrokeRadius(elementNode))
return getChainMatrixSVGIfNecessary(elementNode, yAxisPointingUpward).getTransformedPaths(aroundsFromPaths)
def getTricomplexmatrix(transformWords):
"Get matrixSVG by transformWords."
tricomplex = [euclidean.getComplexByWords(transformWords)]
tricomplex.append(euclidean.getComplexByWords(transformWords, 2))
tricomplex.append(euclidean.getComplexByWords(transformWords, 4))
return tricomplex
def getTricomplexrotate(transformWords):
"Get matrixSVG by transformWords."
rotate = euclidean.getWiddershinsUnitPolar(math.radians(float(transformWords[0])))
return [rotate, complex(-rotate.imag,rotate.real), complex()]
def getTricomplexscale(transformWords):
"Get matrixSVG by transformWords."
scale = euclidean.getComplexByWords(transformWords)
return [complex(scale.real,0.0), complex(0.0,scale.imag), complex()]
def getTricomplexskewX(transformWords):
"Get matrixSVG by transformWords."
skewX = math.tan(math.radians(float(transformWords[0])))
return [complex(1.0, 0.0), complex(skewX, 1.0), complex()]
def getTricomplexskewY(transformWords):
"Get matrixSVG by transformWords."
skewY = math.tan(math.radians(float(transformWords[0])))
return [complex(1.0, skewY), complex(0.0, 1.0), complex()]
def getTricomplexTimesColumn(firstTricomplex, otherColumn):
"Get this matrix multiplied by the otherColumn."
dotProductX = firstTricomplex[0].real * otherColumn.real + firstTricomplex[1].real * otherColumn.imag
dotProductY = firstTricomplex[0].imag * otherColumn.real + firstTricomplex[1].imag * otherColumn.imag
return complex(dotProductX, dotProductY)
def getTricomplexTimesOther(firstTricomplex, otherTricomplex):
"Get the first tricomplex multiplied by the other tricomplex."
#A down, B right from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_multiplication
tricomplexTimesOther = [getTricomplexTimesColumn(firstTricomplex, otherTricomplex[0])]
tricomplexTimesOther.append(getTricomplexTimesColumn(firstTricomplex, otherTricomplex[1]))
tricomplexTimesOther.append(getTricomplexTimesColumn(firstTricomplex, otherTricomplex[2]) + firstTricomplex[2])
return tricomplexTimesOther
def getTricomplextranslate(transformWords):
"Get matrixSVG by transformWords."
translate = euclidean.getComplexByWords(transformWords)
return [complex(1.0, 0.0), complex(0.0, 1.0), translate]
def processSVGElementcircle( elementNode, svgReader ):
"Process elementNode by svgReader."
attributes = elementNode.attributes
center = euclidean.getComplexDefaultByDictionaryKeys( complex(), attributes, 'cx', 'cy')
radius = euclidean.getFloatDefaultByDictionary( 0.0, attributes, 'r')
if radius == 0.0:
print('Warning, in processSVGElementcircle in svgReader radius is zero in:')
global globalNumberOfCirclePoints
global globalSideAngle
loop = []
loopLayer = svgReader.getLoopLayer()
for side in xrange( globalNumberOfCirclePoints ):
unitPolar = euclidean.getWiddershinsUnitPolar( float(side) * globalSideAngle )
loop.append( center + radius * unitPolar )
loopLayer.loops += getTransformedFillOutline(elementNode, loop, svgReader.yAxisPointingUpward)
def processSVGElementellipse( elementNode, svgReader ):
"Process elementNode by svgReader."
attributes = elementNode.attributes
center = euclidean.getComplexDefaultByDictionaryKeys( complex(), attributes, 'cx', 'cy')
radius = euclidean.getComplexDefaultByDictionaryKeys( complex(), attributes, 'rx', 'ry')
if radius.real == 0.0 or radius.imag == 0.0:
print('Warning, in processSVGElementellipse in svgReader radius is zero in:')
global globalNumberOfCirclePoints
global globalSideAngle
loop = []
loopLayer = svgReader.getLoopLayer()
for side in xrange( globalNumberOfCirclePoints ):
unitPolar = euclidean.getWiddershinsUnitPolar( float(side) * globalSideAngle )
loop.append( center + complex( unitPolar.real * radius.real, unitPolar.imag * radius.imag ) )
loopLayer.loops += getTransformedFillOutline(elementNode, loop, svgReader.yAxisPointingUpward)
def processSVGElementg(elementNode, svgReader):
'Process elementNode by svgReader.'
if 'id' not in elementNode.attributes:
idString = elementNode.attributes['id']
if 'beginningOfControlSection' in elementNode.attributes:
if elementNode.attributes['beginningOfControlSection'].lower()[: 1] == 't':
svgReader.stopProcessing = True
idStringLower = idString.lower()
zIndex = idStringLower.find('z:')
if zIndex < 0:
idStringLower = getLabelString(elementNode.attributes)
zIndex = idStringLower.find('z:')
if zIndex < 0:
floatFromValue = euclidean.getFloatFromValue(idStringLower[zIndex + len('z:') :].strip())
if floatFromValue != None:
svgReader.z = floatFromValue
def processSVGElementline(elementNode, svgReader):
"Process elementNode by svgReader."
begin = euclidean.getComplexDefaultByDictionaryKeys(complex(), elementNode.attributes, 'x1', 'y1')
end = euclidean.getComplexDefaultByDictionaryKeys(complex(), elementNode.attributes, 'x2', 'y2')
loopLayer = svgReader.getLoopLayer()
loopLayer.loops += getTransformedOutlineByPath(elementNode, [begin, end], svgReader.yAxisPointingUpward)
def processSVGElementpath( elementNode, svgReader ):
"Process elementNode by svgReader."
if 'd' not in elementNode.attributes:
print('Warning, in processSVGElementpath in svgReader can not get a value for d in:')
loopLayer = svgReader.getLoopLayer()
PathReader(elementNode, loopLayer.loops, svgReader.yAxisPointingUpward)
def processSVGElementpolygon( elementNode, svgReader ):
"Process elementNode by svgReader."
if 'points' not in elementNode.attributes:
print('Warning, in processSVGElementpolygon in svgReader can not get a value for d in:')
loopLayer = svgReader.getLoopLayer()
words = getRightStripMinusSplit(elementNode.attributes['points'].replace(',', ' '))
loop = []
for wordIndex in xrange( 0, len(words), 2 ):
loop.append(euclidean.getComplexByWords(words[wordIndex :]))
loopLayer.loops += getTransformedFillOutline(elementNode, loop, svgReader.yAxisPointingUpward)
def processSVGElementpolyline(elementNode, svgReader):
"Process elementNode by svgReader."
if 'points' not in elementNode.attributes:
print('Warning, in processSVGElementpolyline in svgReader can not get a value for d in:')
loopLayer = svgReader.getLoopLayer()
words = getRightStripMinusSplit(elementNode.attributes['points'].replace(',', ' '))
path = []
for wordIndex in xrange(0, len(words), 2):
path.append(euclidean.getComplexByWords(words[wordIndex :]))
loopLayer.loops += getTransformedOutlineByPath(elementNode, path, svgReader.yAxisPointingUpward)
def processSVGElementrect( elementNode, svgReader ):
"Process elementNode by svgReader."
attributes = elementNode.attributes
height = euclidean.getFloatDefaultByDictionary( 0.0, attributes, 'height')
if height == 0.0:
print('Warning, in processSVGElementrect in svgReader height is zero in:')
width = euclidean.getFloatDefaultByDictionary( 0.0, attributes, 'width')
if width == 0.0:
print('Warning, in processSVGElementrect in svgReader width is zero in:')
center = euclidean.getComplexDefaultByDictionaryKeys(complex(), attributes, 'x', 'y')
inradius = 0.5 * complex( width, height )
cornerRadius = euclidean.getComplexDefaultByDictionaryKeys( complex(), attributes, 'rx', 'ry')
loopLayer = svgReader.getLoopLayer()
if cornerRadius.real == 0.0 and cornerRadius.imag == 0.0:
inradiusMinusX = complex( - inradius.real, inradius.imag )
loop = [center + inradius, center + inradiusMinusX, center - inradius, center - inradiusMinusX]
loopLayer.loops += getTransformedFillOutline(elementNode, loop, svgReader.yAxisPointingUpward)
if cornerRadius.real == 0.0:
cornerRadius = complex( cornerRadius.imag, cornerRadius.imag )
elif cornerRadius.imag == 0.0:
cornerRadius = complex( cornerRadius.real, cornerRadius.real )
cornerRadius = complex( min( cornerRadius.real, inradius.real ), min( cornerRadius.imag, inradius.imag ) )
ellipsePath = [ complex( cornerRadius.real, 0.0 ) ]
inradiusMinusCorner = inradius - cornerRadius
loop = []
global globalNumberOfCornerPoints
global globalSideAngle
for side in xrange( 1, globalNumberOfCornerPoints ):
unitPolar = euclidean.getWiddershinsUnitPolar( float(side) * globalSideAngle )
ellipsePath.append( complex( unitPolar.real * cornerRadius.real, unitPolar.imag * cornerRadius.imag ) )
ellipsePath.append( complex( 0.0, cornerRadius.imag ) )
cornerPoints = []
for point in ellipsePath:
cornerPoints.append( point + inradiusMinusCorner )
cornerPointsReversed = cornerPoints[: : -1]
for cornerPoint in cornerPoints:
loop.append( center + cornerPoint )
for cornerPoint in cornerPointsReversed:
loop.append( center + complex( - cornerPoint.real, cornerPoint.imag ) )
for cornerPoint in cornerPoints:
loop.append( center - cornerPoint )
for cornerPoint in cornerPointsReversed:
loop.append( center + complex( cornerPoint.real, - cornerPoint.imag ) )
loop = euclidean.getLoopWithoutCloseSequentialPoints( 0.0001 * abs(inradius), loop )
loopLayer.loops += getTransformedFillOutline(elementNode, loop, svgReader.yAxisPointingUpward)
def processSVGElementtext(elementNode, svgReader):
"Process elementNode by svgReader."
if svgReader.yAxisPointingUpward:
fontFamily = getStyleValue('Gentium Basic Regular', elementNode, 'font-family')
fontSize = getRightStripAlphabetPercent(getStyleValue('12.0', elementNode, 'font-size'))
matrixSVG = getChainMatrixSVGIfNecessary(elementNode, svgReader.yAxisPointingUpward)
loopLayer = svgReader.getLoopLayer()
translate = euclidean.getComplexDefaultByDictionaryKeys(complex(), elementNode.attributes, 'x', 'y')
for textComplexLoop in getTextComplexLoops(fontFamily, fontSize, elementNode.getTextContent(), svgReader.yAxisPointingUpward):
translatedLoop = []
for textComplexPoint in textComplexLoop:
translatedLoop.append(textComplexPoint + translate )
class FontReader:
"Class to read a font in the fonts folder."
def __init__(self, fontFamily):
self.fontFamily = fontFamily
self.glyphDictionary = {}
self.glyphElementNodeDictionary = {}
self.missingGlyph = None
fileName = os.path.join(getFontsDirectoryPath(), fontFamily + '.svg')
documentElement = DocumentNode(fileName, archive.getFileText(fileName)).getDocumentElement()
self.fontElementNode = documentElement.getFirstChildByLocalName('defs').getFirstChildByLocalName('font')
self.fontFaceElementNode = self.fontElementNode.getFirstChildByLocalName('font-face')
self.unitsPerEM = float(self.fontFaceElementNode.attributes['units-per-em'])
glyphElementNodes = self.fontElementNode.getChildElementsByLocalName('glyph')
for glyphElementNode in glyphElementNodes:
self.glyphElementNodeDictionary[glyphElementNode.attributes['unicode']] = glyphElementNode
def getGlyph(self, character, yAxisPointingUpward):
"Get the glyph for the character."
if character not in self.glyphElementNodeDictionary:
if self.missingGlyph == None:
missingGlyphElementNode = self.fontElementNode.getFirstChildByLocalName('missing-glyph')
self.missingGlyph = Glyph(missingGlyphElementNode, self.unitsPerEM, yAxisPointingUpward)
return self.missingGlyph
if character not in self.glyphDictionary:
self.glyphDictionary[character] = Glyph(self.glyphElementNodeDictionary[character], self.unitsPerEM, yAxisPointingUpward)
return self.glyphDictionary[character]
class Glyph:
"Class to handle a glyph."
def __init__(self, elementNode, unitsPerEM, yAxisPointingUpward):
self.horizontalAdvanceX = float(elementNode.attributes['horiz-adv-x'])
self.loops = []
self.unitsPerEM = unitsPerEM
elementNode.attributes['fill'] = ''
if 'd' not in elementNode.attributes:
PathReader(elementNode, self.loops, yAxisPointingUpward)
def getSizedAdvancedLoops(self, fontSize, horizontalAdvanceX, yAxisPointingUpward=True):
"Get loops for font size, advanced horizontally."
multiplierX = fontSize / self.unitsPerEM
multiplierY = multiplierX
if not yAxisPointingUpward:
multiplierY = -multiplierY
sizedLoops = []
for loop in self.loops:
sizedLoop = []
for point in loop:
sizedLoop.append( complex(multiplierX * (point.real + horizontalAdvanceX), multiplierY * point.imag))
return sizedLoops
class MatrixSVG:
"Two by three svg matrix."
def __init__(self, tricomplex=None):
self.tricomplex = tricomplex
def __repr__(self):
"Get the string representation of this two by three svg matrix."
return str(self.tricomplex)
def getOtherTimesSelf(self, otherTricomplex):
"Get the other matrix multiplied by this matrix."
if otherTricomplex == None:
return MatrixSVG(self.tricomplex)
if self.tricomplex == None:
return MatrixSVG(otherTricomplex)
return MatrixSVG(getTricomplexTimesOther(otherTricomplex, self.tricomplex))
def getSelfTimesOther(self, otherTricomplex):
"Get this matrix multiplied by the other matrix."
if otherTricomplex == None:
return MatrixSVG(self.tricomplex)
if self.tricomplex == None:
return MatrixSVG(otherTricomplex)
return MatrixSVG(getTricomplexTimesOther(self.tricomplex, otherTricomplex))
def getTransformedPath(self, path):
"Get transformed path."
if self.tricomplex == None:
return path
complexX = self.tricomplex[0]
complexY = self.tricomplex[1]
complexTranslation = self.tricomplex[2]
transformedPath = []
for point in path:
x = complexX.real * point.real + complexY.real * point.imag
y = complexX.imag * point.real + complexY.imag * point.imag
transformedPath.append(complex(x, y) + complexTranslation)
return transformedPath
def getTransformedPaths(self, paths):
"Get transformed paths."
if self.tricomplex == None:
return paths
transformedPaths = []
for path in paths:
return transformedPaths
class PathReader:
"Class to read svg path."
def __init__(self, elementNode, loops, yAxisPointingUpward):
"Add to path string to loops."
self.controlPoints = None
self.elementNode = elementNode
self.loops = loops
self.oldPoint = None
self.outlinePaths = []
self.path = []
self.yAxisPointingUpward = yAxisPointingUpward
pathString = elementNode.attributes['d'].replace(',', ' ')
global globalProcessPathWordDictionary
processPathWordDictionaryKeys = globalProcessPathWordDictionary.keys()
for processPathWordDictionaryKey in processPathWordDictionaryKeys:
pathString = pathString.replace( processPathWordDictionaryKey, ' %s ' % processPathWordDictionaryKey )
self.words = getRightStripMinusSplit(pathString)
for self.wordIndex in xrange( len( self.words ) ):
word = self.words[ self.wordIndex ]
if word in processPathWordDictionaryKeys:
if len(self.path) > 0:
self.loops += getTransformedOutlineByPaths(elementNode, self.outlinePaths, yAxisPointingUpward)
def addPathArc( self, end ):
"Add an arc to the path."
begin = self.getOldPoint()
self.controlPoints = None
radius = self.getComplexByExtraIndex(1)
xAxisRotation = math.radians(float(self.words[self.wordIndex + 3]))
largeArcFlag = euclidean.getBooleanFromValue(self.words[ self.wordIndex + 4 ])
sweepFlag = euclidean.getBooleanFromValue(self.words[ self.wordIndex + 5 ])
self.path += getArcComplexes(begin, end, largeArcFlag, radius, sweepFlag, xAxisRotation)
self.wordIndex += 8
def addPathCubic( self, controlPoints, end ):
"Add a cubic curve to the path."
begin = self.getOldPoint()
self.controlPoints = controlPoints
self.path += getCubicPoints( begin, controlPoints, end )
self.wordIndex += 7
def addPathCubicReflected( self, controlPoint, end ):
"Add a cubic curve to the path from a reflected control point."
begin = self.getOldPoint()
controlPointBegin = begin
if self.controlPoints != None:
if len(self.controlPoints) == 2:
controlPointBegin = begin + begin - self.controlPoints[-1]
self.controlPoints = [controlPointBegin, controlPoint]
self.path += getCubicPoints(begin, self.controlPoints, end)
self.wordIndex += 5
def addPathLine(self, lineFunction, point):
"Add a line to the path."
self.controlPoints = None
self.wordIndex += 3
def addPathLineAxis(self, point):
"Add an axis line to the path."
self.controlPoints = None
self.wordIndex += 2
def addPathLineByFunction( self, lineFunction ):
"Add a line to the path by line function."
while 1:
if self.getFloatByExtraIndex() == None:
self.wordIndex += 2
def addPathMove( self, lineFunction, point ):
"Add an axis line to the path."
self.controlPoints = None
if len(self.path) > 0:
self.oldPoint = self.path[-1]
self.path = [point]
self.wordIndex += 3
def addPathQuadratic( self, controlPoint, end ):
"Add a quadratic curve to the path."
begin = self.getOldPoint()
self.controlPoints = [controlPoint]
self.path += getQuadraticPoints(begin, controlPoint, end)
self.wordIndex += 5
def addPathQuadraticReflected( self, end ):
"Add a quadratic curve to the path from a reflected control point."
begin = self.getOldPoint()
controlPoint = begin
if self.controlPoints != None:
if len( self.controlPoints ) == 1:
controlPoint = begin + begin - self.controlPoints[-1]
self.controlPoints = [ controlPoint ]
self.path += getQuadraticPoints(begin, controlPoint, end)
self.wordIndex += 3
def getComplexByExtraIndex( self, extraIndex=0 ):
'Get complex from the extraIndex.'
return euclidean.getComplexByWords(self.words, self.wordIndex + extraIndex)
def getComplexRelative(self):
"Get relative complex."
return self.getComplexByExtraIndex() + self.getOldPoint()
def getFloatByExtraIndex( self, extraIndex=0 ):
'Get float from the extraIndex.'
totalIndex = self.wordIndex + extraIndex
if totalIndex >= len(self.words):
return None
word = self.words[totalIndex]
if word[: 1].isalpha():
return None
return euclidean.getFloatFromValue(word)
def getOldPoint(self):
'Get the old point.'
if len(self.path) > 0:
return self.path[-1]
return self.oldPoint
def processPathWordA(self):
'Process path word A.'
self.addPathArc( self.getComplexByExtraIndex( 6 ) )
def processPathWorda(self):
'Process path word a.'
self.addPathArc(self.getComplexByExtraIndex(6) + self.getOldPoint())
def processPathWordC(self):
'Process path word C.'
end = self.getComplexByExtraIndex( 5 )
self.addPathCubic( [ self.getComplexByExtraIndex( 1 ), self.getComplexByExtraIndex(3) ], end )
def processPathWordc(self):
'Process path word C.'
begin = self.getOldPoint()
end = self.getComplexByExtraIndex( 5 )
self.addPathCubic( [ self.getComplexByExtraIndex( 1 ) + begin, self.getComplexByExtraIndex(3) + begin ], end + begin )
def processPathWordH(self):
"Process path word H."
beginY = self.getOldPoint().imag
self.addPathLineAxis(complex(float(self.words[self.wordIndex + 1]), beginY))
while 1:
floatByExtraIndex = self.getFloatByExtraIndex()
if floatByExtraIndex == None:
self.path.append(complex(floatByExtraIndex, beginY))
self.wordIndex += 1
def processPathWordh(self):
"Process path word h."
begin = self.getOldPoint()
self.addPathLineAxis(complex(float(self.words[self.wordIndex + 1]) + begin.real, begin.imag))
while 1:
floatByExtraIndex = self.getFloatByExtraIndex()
if floatByExtraIndex == None:
self.path.append(complex(floatByExtraIndex + self.getOldPoint().real, begin.imag))
self.wordIndex += 1
def processPathWordL(self):
"Process path word L."
self.addPathLine(self.getComplexByExtraIndex, self.getComplexByExtraIndex( 1 ))
def processPathWordl(self):
"Process path word l."
self.addPathLine(self.getComplexRelative, self.getComplexByExtraIndex(1) + self.getOldPoint())
def processPathWordM(self):
"Process path word M."
self.addPathMove(self.getComplexByExtraIndex, self.getComplexByExtraIndex(1))
def processPathWordm(self):
"Process path word m."
self.addPathMove(self.getComplexRelative, self.getComplexByExtraIndex(1) + self.getOldPoint())
def processPathWordQ(self):
'Process path word Q.'
self.addPathQuadratic( self.getComplexByExtraIndex( 1 ), self.getComplexByExtraIndex(3) )
def processPathWordq(self):
'Process path word q.'
begin = self.getOldPoint()
self.addPathQuadratic(self.getComplexByExtraIndex(1) + begin, self.getComplexByExtraIndex(3) + begin)
def processPathWordS(self):
'Process path word S.'
self.addPathCubicReflected( self.getComplexByExtraIndex( 1 ), self.getComplexByExtraIndex(3) )
def processPathWords(self):
'Process path word s.'
begin = self.getOldPoint()
self.addPathCubicReflected(self.getComplexByExtraIndex(1) + begin, self.getComplexByExtraIndex(3) + begin)
def processPathWordT(self):
'Process path word T.'
self.addPathQuadraticReflected( self.getComplexByExtraIndex( 1 ) )
def processPathWordt(self):
'Process path word t.'
self.addPathQuadraticReflected(self.getComplexByExtraIndex(1) + self.getOldPoint())
def processPathWordV(self):
"Process path word V."
beginX = self.getOldPoint().real
self.addPathLineAxis(complex(beginX, float(self.words[self.wordIndex + 1])))
while 1:
floatByExtraIndex = self.getFloatByExtraIndex()
if floatByExtraIndex == None:
self.path.append(complex(beginX, floatByExtraIndex))
self.wordIndex += 1
def processPathWordv(self):
"Process path word v."
begin = self.getOldPoint()
self.addPathLineAxis(complex(begin.real, float(self.words[self.wordIndex + 1]) + begin.imag))
while 1:
floatByExtraIndex = self.getFloatByExtraIndex()
if floatByExtraIndex == None:
self.path.append(complex(begin.real, floatByExtraIndex + self.getOldPoint().imag))
self.wordIndex += 1
def processPathWordZ(self):
"Process path word Z."
self.controlPoints = None
if len(self.path) < 1:
self.loops.append(getChainMatrixSVGIfNecessary(self.elementNode, self.yAxisPointingUpward).getTransformedPath(self.path))
self.oldPoint = self.path[0]
self.path = []
def processPathWordz(self):
"Process path word z."
class SVGReader:
"An svg carving."
def __init__(self):
"Add empty lists."
self.loopLayers = []
self.sliceDictionary = None
self.stopProcessing = False
self.z = 0.0
def flipDirectLayer(self, loopLayer):
"Flip the y coordinate of the layer and direct the loops."
for loop in loopLayer.loops:
for pointIndex, point in enumerate(loop):
loop[pointIndex] = complex(point.real, -point.imag)
triangle_mesh.sortLoopsInOrderOfArea(True, loopLayer.loops)
for loopIndex, loop in enumerate(loopLayer.loops):
isInsideLoops = euclidean.getIsInFilledRegion(loopLayer.loops[: loopIndex], euclidean.getLeftPoint(loop))
intercircle.directLoop((not isInsideLoops), loop)
def getLoopLayer(self):
"Return the rotated loop layer."
if self.z != None:
loopLayer = euclidean.LoopLayer(self.z)
self.z = None
return self.loopLayers[-1]
def parseSVG(self, fileName, svgText):
"Parse SVG text and store the layers."
self.fileName = fileName
xmlParser = DocumentNode(fileName, svgText)
self.documentElement = xmlParser.getDocumentElement()
if self.documentElement == None:
print('Warning, documentElement was None in parseSVG in SVGReader, so nothing will be done for:')
def parseSVGByElementNode(self, elementNode):
"Parse SVG by elementNode."
self.sliceDictionary = svg_writer.getSliceDictionary(elementNode)
self.yAxisPointingUpward = euclidean.getBooleanFromDictionary(False, self.sliceDictionary, 'yAxisPointingUpward')
if not self.yAxisPointingUpward:
for loopLayer in self.loopLayers:
def processElementNode(self, elementNode):
'Process the xml element.'
if self.stopProcessing:
lowerLocalName = elementNode.getNodeName().lower()
global globalProcessSVGElementDictionary
if lowerLocalName in globalProcessSVGElementDictionary:
globalProcessSVGElementDictionary[lowerLocalName](elementNode, self)
print('Warning, in processElementNode in svg_reader, could not process:')
for childNode in elementNode.childNodes:
globalFontFileNames = None
globalFontReaderDictionary = {}
globalGetTricomplexDictionary = {}
globalGetTricomplexFunctions = [
getTricomplextranslate ]
globalProcessPathWordFunctions = [
PathReader.processPathWordz ]
globalProcessPathWordDictionary = {}
globalProcessSVGElementDictionary = {}
globalProcessSVGElementFunctions = [
processSVGElementtext ]
globalSideAngle = 0.5 * math.pi / float( globalNumberOfCornerPoints )
addFunctionsToDictionary( globalGetTricomplexDictionary, globalGetTricomplexFunctions, 'getTricomplex')
addFunctionsToDictionary( globalProcessPathWordDictionary, globalProcessPathWordFunctions, 'processPathWord')
addFunctionsToDictionary( globalProcessSVGElementDictionary, globalProcessSVGElementFunctions, 'processSVGElement')