
215 lines
8.8 KiB

Wikifier is a script to add spaces to the pydoc files and move them to the documentation folder.
from __future__ import absolute_import
#Init has to be imported first because it has code to workaround the python bug where relative imports don't work if the module is imported as a main module.
import __init__
from fabmetheus_utilities import archive
from fabmetheus_utilities import gcodec
from fabmetheus_utilities import settings
import cStringIO
import os
__author__ = 'Enrique Perez (perez_enrique@yahoo.com)'
__date__ = '$Date: 2008/21/04 $'
__license__ = 'GNU Affero General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html'
globalWikiLinkStart = '[<a href='
def addToHeadings(headingLineTable, headings, line):
'Add the line to the headings.'
for depth in xrange(4, -1, -1):
equalSymbolLength = depth + 2
if line[: equalSymbolLength] == '=' * equalSymbolLength:
headings.append(Heading(depth).getFromLine(headingLineTable, line))
def getLinkLine(line):
'Get the link line with the wiki style link converted into a hypertext link.'
linkStartIndex = line.find(globalWikiLinkStart)
squareEndBracketIndex = line.find(']', linkStartIndex)
greaterThanIndex = line.find('>', linkStartIndex, squareEndBracketIndex)
greaterThanIndexPlusOne = greaterThanIndex + 1
closeATagIndex = line.find('</a>', greaterThanIndexPlusOne, squareEndBracketIndex)
linkText = line[closeATagIndex + len('</a>') + 1: squareEndBracketIndex]
linkLine = line[: linkStartIndex] + line[linkStartIndex + 1: greaterThanIndexPlusOne] + linkText + '</a>' + line[squareEndBracketIndex + 1 :]
return linkLine
def getNavigationHypertext(fileText, transferredFileNameIndex, transferredFileNames):
'Get the hypertext help with navigation lines.'
helpTextEnd = fileText.find('</p>')
helpTextStart = fileText.find('<p>')
helpText = fileText[helpTextStart : helpTextEnd]
lines = archive.getTextLines(helpText)
headings = []
headingLineTable = {}
for line in lines:
addToHeadings(headingLineTable, headings, line)
headingsToBeenAdded = True
output = cStringIO.StringIO()
for line in lines:
if line[: 2] == '==':
if headingsToBeenAdded:
output.write('<br />\n')
for heading in headings:
output.write('<br />\n')
headingsToBeenAdded = False
if line in headingLineTable:
line = headingLineTable[line]
if '&lt;a href=' in line:
line = line.replace('&lt;', '<').replace('&gt;', '>')
while globalWikiLinkStart in line and ']' in line:
line = getLinkLine(line)
output.write(line + '\n')
helpText = output.getvalue()
previousFileName = 'contents.html'
previousIndex = transferredFileNameIndex - 1
if previousIndex >= 0:
previousFileName = transferredFileNames[previousIndex]
previousLinkText = '<a href="%s">Previous</a>' % previousFileName
nextLinkText = getNextLinkText(transferredFileNames, transferredFileNameIndex + 1)
navigationLine = getNavigationLine('<a href="contents.html">Contents</a>', previousLinkText, nextLinkText)
helpText = navigationLine + helpText + '<br />\n<br />\n' + navigationLine + '<hr>\n'
return fileText[: helpTextStart] + helpText + fileText[helpTextEnd :]
def getNavigationLine(contentsLinkText, previousLinkText, nextLinkText):
'Get the wrapped pydoc hypertext help.'
return '<p>\n%s / %s / %s\n</p>\n' % (previousLinkText, nextLinkText, contentsLinkText)
def getNextLinkText(hypertextFiles, nextIndex):
'Get the next link text.'
nextFileName = 'contents.html'
if nextIndex < len(hypertextFiles):
nextFileName = hypertextFiles[nextIndex]
return '<a href="%s">Next</a>' % nextFileName
def getWrappedHypertext(fileText, hypertextFileIndex, hypertextFiles):
'Get the wrapped pydoc hypertext help.'
helpTextEnd = fileText.find('</p>')
if helpTextEnd < 0:
print('Failed to find the helpTextEnd in getWrappedHypertext in docwrap.')
helpTextStart = fileText.find('<p>')
if helpTextStart < 0:
print('Failed to find the helpTextStart in getWrappedHypertext in docwrap.')
helpText = fileText[helpTextStart : helpTextEnd]
helpText = helpText.replace('&nbsp;', ' ')
return fileText[: helpTextStart] + helpText + fileText[helpTextEnd :]
def readWriteDeleteHypertextHelp(documentDirectoryPath, hypertextFileIndex, hypertextFiles, transferredFileNames):
'Read the pydoc hypertext help documents, write them in the documentation folder then delete the originals.'
fileName = os.path.basename(hypertextFiles[hypertextFileIndex])
print('readWriteDeleteHypertextHelp ' + fileName)
filePath = os.path.join(documentDirectoryPath, fileName)
fileText = archive.getFileText(fileName)
fileText = getWrappedHypertext(fileText, hypertextFileIndex, hypertextFiles)
if fileText.find('This page is in the table of contents.') > - 1:
fileText = fileText.replace('This page is in the table of contents.', '')
archive.writeFileText(filePath, fileText)
def readWriteNavigationHelp(documentDirectoryPath, transferredFileNameIndex, transferredFileNames):
'Read the hypertext help documents, and add the navigation lines to them.'
fileName = os.path.basename(transferredFileNames[transferredFileNameIndex])
print('readWriteNavigationHelp ' + fileName)
filePath = os.path.join(documentDirectoryPath, fileName)
fileText = archive.getFileText(filePath)
fileText = getNavigationHypertext(fileText, transferredFileNameIndex, transferredFileNames)
archive.writeFileText(filePath, fileText)
def removeFilesInDirectory(directoryPath):
'Remove all the files in a directory.'
fileNames = os.listdir(directoryPath)
for fileName in fileNames:
filePath = os.path.join(directoryPath, fileName)
def writeContentsFile(documentDirectoryPath, hypertextFiles):
'Write the contents file.'
output = cStringIO.StringIO()
output.write('<html>\n <head>\n <title>Contents</title>\n </head>\n <body>\n')
navigationLine = getNavigationLine('Contents', 'Previous', getNextLinkText(hypertextFiles, 0))
for hypertextFile in hypertextFiles:
writeContentsLine(hypertextFile, output)
output.write(' </body>\n</html>\n')
filePath = os.path.join( documentDirectoryPath, 'contents.html')
archive.writeFileText(filePath, output.getvalue())
def writeContentsLine(hypertextFile, output):
'Write a line of the contents file.'
summarizedFileName = hypertextFile[: hypertextFile.rfind('.')]
numberOfDots = summarizedFileName.count('.')
prefixSpaces = '&nbsp;&nbsp;' * numberOfDots
if numberOfDots > 0:
summarizedFileName = summarizedFileName[summarizedFileName.rfind('.') + 1 :]
capitalizedSummarizedFileName = settings.getEachWordCapitalized(summarizedFileName)
output.write('%s<a href="%s">%s</a><br>\n' % (prefixSpaces, hypertextFile, capitalizedSummarizedFileName))
def writeHypertext():
'Run pydoc, then read, write and delete each of the files.'
shellCommand = 'pydoc -w ./'
commandResult = os.system(shellCommand)
if commandResult != 0:
print('Failed to execute the following command in writeHypertext in docwrap.')
hypertextFiles = archive.getFilesWithFileTypeWithoutWords('html')
if len( hypertextFiles ) <= 0:
print('Failed to find any help files in writeHypertext in docwrap.')
documentDirectoryPath = archive.getAbsoluteFolderPath( hypertextFiles[0], 'documentation')
sortedReplaceFiles = []
for hypertextFile in hypertextFiles:
sortedReplaceFiles.append(hypertextFile.replace('.html', '. html'))
hypertextFiles = []
for sortedReplaceFile in sortedReplaceFiles:
hypertextFiles.append(sortedReplaceFile.replace('. html', '.html'))
transferredFileNames = []
for hypertextFileIndex in xrange(len(hypertextFiles)):
readWriteDeleteHypertextHelp(documentDirectoryPath, hypertextFileIndex, hypertextFiles, transferredFileNames)
for transferredFileNameIndex in xrange(len(transferredFileNames)):
readWriteNavigationHelp(documentDirectoryPath, transferredFileNameIndex, transferredFileNames)
writeContentsFile(documentDirectoryPath, transferredFileNames)
print('%s files were wrapped.' % len(transferredFileNames))
class Heading:
'A class to hold the heading and subheadings.'
def __init__(self, depth=0):
self.depth = depth
def addToOutput(self, output):
'Add to the output.'
line = '&nbsp;&nbsp;' * self.depth + '<a href="#%s">%s</a><br />\n' % (self.name, self.name)
def getFromLine(self, headingLineTable, line):
'Get the heading from a line.'
heading = 'h%s' % (self.depth + 2)
nextLine = '\n<hr>\n'
if self.depth > 0:
nextLine = '\n'
self.name = line.replace('=', '').replace('<br>', '')
name = self.name
headingLine = '<a name="%s" id="%s"></a><%s>%s</%s>%s' % (name, name, heading, name, heading, nextLine)
headingLineTable[line] = headingLine
return self
def main():
'Display the craft dialog.'
if __name__ == '__main__':