
391 lines
11 KiB

# coding=utf-8
__author__ = "Gina Häußge <osd@foosel.net>"
__license__ = 'GNU Affero General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html'
import time
from threading import Thread
import datetime
import printer_webui.util.comm as comm
from printer_webui.util import gcodeInterpreter
from printer_webui.settings import settings
def getConnectionOptions():
Retrieves the available ports, baudrates, prefered port and baudrate for connecting to the printer.
return {
"ports": comm.serialList(),
"baudrates": comm.baudrateList(),
"portPreference": settings().get("serial", "port"),
"baudratePreference": settings().getInt("serial", "baudrate")
def _getFormattedTimeDelta(d):
hours = d.seconds // 3600
minutes = (d.seconds % 3600) // 60
seconds = d.seconds % 60
return "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (hours, minutes, seconds)
class Printer():
def __init__(self):
# state
self.temps = {
"actual": [],
"target": [],
"actualBed": [],
"targetBed": []
self.messages = []
self.log = []
self.state = None
self.currentZ = None
self.progress = None
self.printTime = None
self.printTimeLeft = None
self.currentTemp = None
self.currentBedTemp = None
self.currentTargetTemp = None
self.currentBedTargetTemp = None
self.gcode = None
self.gcodeList = None
self.filename = None
self.gcodeLoader = None
self.feedrateModifierMapping = {"outerWall": "WALL-OUTER", "innerWall": "WALL_INNER", "fill": "FILL", "support": "SUPPORT"}
self.timelapse = None
# comm
self.comm = None
def connect(self, port=None, baudrate=None):
Connects to the printer. If port and/or baudrate is provided, uses these settings, otherwise autodetection
will be attempted.
if self.comm is not None:
self.comm = comm.MachineCom(port, baudrate, callbackObject=self)
def disconnect(self):
Closes the connection to the printer.
if self.comm is not None:
self.comm = None
def command(self, command):
Sends a single gcode command to the printer.
def commands(self, commands):
Sends multiple gcode commands (provided as a list) to the printer.
for command in commands:
def setFeedrateModifier(self, structure, percentage):
if (not self.feedrateModifierMapping.has_key(structure)) or percentage < 0:
self.comm.setFeedrateModifier(self.feedrateModifierMapping[structure], percentage / 100.0)
def setTimelapse(self, timelapse):
if self.timelapse is not None and self.isPrinting():
del self.timelapse
self.timelapse = timelapse
def getTimelapse(self):
return self.timelapse
def mcLog(self, message):
Callback method for the comm object, called upon log output.
Log line is stored in internal buffer, which is truncated to the last 300 lines.
self.log = self.log[-300:]
def mcTempUpdate(self, temp, bedTemp, targetTemp, bedTargetTemp):
Callback method for the comm object, called upon receiving new temperature information.
Temperature information (actual and target) for print head and print bed is stored in corresponding
temperature history (including timestamp), history is truncated to 300 entries.
currentTime = int(time.time() * 1000)
self.temps["actual"].append((currentTime, temp))
self.temps["actual"] = self.temps["actual"][-300:]
self.temps["target"].append((currentTime, targetTemp))
self.temps["target"] = self.temps["target"][-300:]
self.temps["actualBed"].append((currentTime, bedTemp))
self.temps["actualBed"] = self.temps["actualBed"][-300:]
self.temps["targetBed"].append((currentTime, bedTargetTemp))
self.temps["targetBed"] = self.temps["targetBed"][-300:]
self.currentTemp = temp
self.currentTargetTemp = targetTemp
self.currentBedTemp = bedTemp
self.currentBedTargetTemp = bedTargetTemp
def mcStateChange(self, state):
Callback method for the comm object, called if the connection state changes.
New state is stored for retrieval by the frontend.
oldState = self.state
self.state = state
if self.timelapse is not None:
if oldState == self.comm.STATE_PRINTING:
elif state == self.comm.STATE_PRINTING:
def mcMessage(self, message):
Callback method for the comm object, called upon message exchanges via serial.
Stores the message in the message buffer, truncates buffer to the last 300 lines.
self.messages = self.messages[-300:]
def mcProgress(self, lineNr):
Callback method for the comm object, called upon any change in progress of the printjob.
Triggers storage of new values for printTime, printTimeLeft and the current line.
self.printTime = self.comm.getPrintTime()
self.printTimeLeft = self.comm.getPrintTimeRemainingEstimate()
oldProgress = self.progress;
self.progress = self.comm.getPrintPos()
if self.timelapse is not None:
self.timelapse.onPrintjobProgress(oldProgress, self.progress, int(round(self.progress * 100 / len(self.gcodeList))))
def mcZChange(self, newZ):
Callback method for the comm object, called upon change of the z-layer.
oldZ = self.currentZ
self.currentZ = newZ
if self.timelapse is not None:
self.timelapse.onZChange(oldZ, self.currentZ)
def onGcodeLoaded(self, gcodeLoader):
Callback method for the gcode loader, gets called when the gcode for the new printjob has finished loading.
Takes care to set filename, gcode and commandlist from the gcode loader and reset print job progress.
self.filename = gcodeLoader.filename
self.gcode = gcodeLoader.gcode
self.gcodeList = gcodeLoader.gcodeList
self.currentZ = None
self.progress = None
self.printTime = None
self.printTimeLeft = None
self.gcodeLoader = None
def jobData(self):
Returns statistics regarding the currently loaded printjob, or None if no printjob is loaded.
if self.gcode is not None:
formattedPrintTime = None
if (self.printTime):
formattedPrintTime = _getFormattedTimeDelta(datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.printTime))
formattedPrintTimeLeft = None
if (self.printTimeLeft):
formattedPrintTimeLeft = _getFormattedTimeDelta(datetime.timedelta(minutes=self.printTimeLeft))
formattedPrintTimeEstimation = None
formattedFilament = None
if self.gcode:
if self.gcode.totalMoveTimeMinute:
formattedPrintTimeEstimation = _getFormattedTimeDelta(datetime.timedelta(minutes=self.gcode.totalMoveTimeMinute))
if self.gcode.extrusionAmount:
formattedFilament = "%.2fm" % (self.gcode.extrusionAmount / 1000)
formattedCurrentZ = None
if self.currentZ:
formattedCurrentZ = "%.2f mm" % (self.currentZ)
data = {
"filename": self.filename,
"currentZ": formattedCurrentZ,
"line": self.progress,
"totalLines": len(self.gcodeList),
"printTime": formattedPrintTime,
"printTimeLeft": formattedPrintTimeLeft,
"filament": formattedFilament,
"estimatedPrintTime": formattedPrintTimeEstimation
data = None
return data
def gcodeState(self):
if self.gcodeLoader is not None:
return {
"filename": self.gcodeLoader.filename,
"progress": self.gcodeLoader.progress
return None
def feedrateState(self):
if self.comm is not None:
feedrateModifiers = self.comm.getFeedrateModifiers()
result = {}
for structure in self.feedrateModifierMapping.keys():
if (feedrateModifiers.has_key(self.feedrateModifierMapping[structure])):
result[structure] = int(round(feedrateModifiers[self.feedrateModifierMapping[structure]] * 100))
result[structure] = 100
return result
return None
def getStateString(self):
Returns a human readable string corresponding to the current communication state.
if self.comm is None:
return "Offline"
return self.comm.getStateString()
def isClosedOrError(self):
return self.comm is None or self.comm.isClosedOrError()
def isOperational(self):
return self.comm is not None and self.comm.isOperational()
def isPrinting(self):
return self.comm is not None and self.comm.isPrinting()
def isPaused(self):
return self.comm is not None and self.comm.isPaused()
def isError(self):
return self.comm is not None and self.comm.isError()
def isReady(self):
return self.gcodeLoader is None and self.gcodeList and len(self.gcodeList) > 0
def isLoading(self):
return self.gcodeLoader is not None
def loadGcode(self, file):
Loads the gcode from the given file as the new print job.
Aborts if the printer is currently printing or another gcode file is currently being loaded.
if (self.comm is not None and self.comm.isPrinting()) or (self.gcodeLoader is not None):
self.filename = None
self.gcode = None
self.gcodeList = None
self.gcodeLoader = GcodeLoader(file, self)
def startPrint(self):
Starts the currently loaded print job.
Only starts if the printer is connected and operational, not currently printing and a printjob is loaded
if self.comm is None or not self.comm.isOperational():
if self.gcodeList is None:
if self.comm.isPrinting():
self.currentZ = -1
def togglePausePrint(self):
Pause the current printjob.
if self.comm is None:
self.comm.setPause(not self.comm.isPaused())
def cancelPrint(self, disableMotorsAndHeater=True):
Cancel the current printjob.
if self.comm is None:
if disableMotorsAndHeater:
self.commands(["M84", "M104 S0", "M140 S0"]) # disable motors, switch off heaters
# reset line, height, print time
self.currentZ = None
self.progress = None
self.printTime = None
self.printTimeLeft = None
class GcodeLoader(Thread):
The GcodeLoader takes care of loading a gcode-File from disk and parsing it into a gcode object in a separate
thread while constantly notifying interested listeners about the current progress.
The progress is returned as a float value between 0 and 1 which is to be interpreted as the percentage of completion.
def __init__(self, filename, printerCallback):
self.printerCallback = printerCallback;
self.filename = filename
self.progress = None
self.gcode = None
self.gcodeList = None
def run(self):
#Send an initial M110 to reset the line counter to zero.
prevLineType = lineType = "CUSTOM"
gcodeList = ["M110"]
with open(self.filename, "r") as file:
for line in file:
if line.startswith(";TYPE:"):
lineType = line[6:].strip()
if ";" in line:
line = line[0:line.find(";")]
line = line.strip()
if len(line) > 0:
if prevLineType != lineType:
gcodeList.append((line, lineType, ))
prevLineType = lineType
self.gcodeList = gcodeList
self.gcode = gcodeInterpreter.gcode()
self.gcode.progressCallback = self.onProgress
def onProgress(self, progress):
self.progress = progress