
150 lines
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import datetime
import re
import logging
import subprocess
import os
# right now we're logging a lot of extra information for testing
# we might want to comment out some of the logging eventually
class event_record(object):
def __init__(self, what, who, action):
self.what = what
self.who = who
self.action = action
class EventManager(object):
Handles receiving events and dispatching them to listeners
def __init__(self):
self.registered_events = []
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def fire(self, name, payload=None):
Fire an event to anyone listening.
Any object can generate an event and any object can listen pass in the event_name as a string (arbitrary, but
case sensitive) and any extra payload data that may pertain to the event.
self.logger.debug("Firing event: %s (%r)" % (name, payload))
for event in self.registered_events:
(who, what, action) = event
if name == what:
self.logger.debug("Sending action to %r" % who)
if action is not None:
action(name, payload)
def subscribe(self, name, target, action):
Subscribe a listener to an event -- pass in the event name (as a string), the target object
and the callback object
newEvent = (name, target, action)
self.registered_events = self.registered_events.append(newEvent)
self.logger.debug("Registered event \"%s\" to invoke \"%r\" on %r" % (name, action, target))
def unsubscribe (self, event_name, target, action):
self.registered_events[:] = [e for e in self.registered_events if event_name != e.what or e.action != action or e.who != target]
#sample event receiver
# def event_rec(self,event_name,extra_data):
# print str(self) + " Receieved event ", event_name ," (", str (extra_data),")"
# and registering it:
# eventManager.Register("Startup",self,self.event_rec)
class event_dispatch(object):
type = None
event_string = None
command_data = None
class EventResponse(object):
Hooks the event manager to system events, gcode, etc. Creates listeners to any events defined in the settings.
def __init__(self, eventManager,printer):
self.registered_responses = []
self._eventManager = eventManager
self._printer = printer
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self._event_data = ""
def setupEvents(self,s):
availableEvents = s.get(["system", "events"])
for event in availableEvents:
name = event["event"].strip()
action = event["type"].strip()
data = event["command"]
self._eventManager.subscribe(event.event_string, self, self.eventRec)
self.registered_responses = self.registered_responses.append(event)
self.logger.debug("Registered %s event \"%s\" to execute \"%s\"" % (event.type, event.event_string, event.command_data))
self.logger.debug("Registered %d events" % len(self.registered_responses))
def eventRec (self,event_name, event_data):
self.logger.debug("Received event: %s (%r)" % (event_name, event_data))
self._event_data = event_data
for ev in self.registered_responses:
if ev.event_string == event_name:
if ev.type == "system":
self.executeSystemCommand (ev.command_data)
if ev.type == "gcode":
def doStringProcessing (self, command_string):
Handles a few regex substs for job data passed to external apps
cmd_string_with_params = command_string
cmd_string_with_params = re.sub("_ZHEIGHT_",str(self._printer._currentZ), cmd_string_with_params)
if self._printer._filename:
cmd_string_with_params = re.sub("_FILE_",os.path.basename(self._printer._filename), cmd_string_with_params)
cmd_string_with_params = re.sub("_FILE_","NO FILE", cmd_string_with_params)
# cut down to 2 decimal places, forcing through an int to avoid the 10.320000000001 floating point thing...
if self._printer._gcodeList and self._printer._progress:
prog = int(10000.0 * self._printer._progress / len(self._printer._gcodeList))/100.0
prog = 0.0
cmd_string_with_params = re.sub("_PROGRESS_",str(prog), cmd_string_with_params)
if self._printer._comm:
cmd_string_with_params = re.sub("_LINE_",str(self._printer._comm._gcodePos), cmd_string_with_params)
cmd_string_with_params = re.sub("_LINE_","0", cmd_string_with_params)
if self._event_data:
cmd_string_with_params = re.sub("_DATA_",str(self._event_data), cmd_string_with_params)
cmd_string_with_params = re.sub("_DATA_","", cmd_string_with_params)
cmd_string_with_params = re.sub("_NOW_",str(datetime.datetime.now()), cmd_string_with_params)
return cmd_string_with_params
def executeGCode(self,command_string):
command_string = self.doStringProcessing(command_string)
self.logger.debug("GCode command: " + command_string)
def executeSystemCommand(self, command_string):
if command_string is None:
command_string = self.doStringProcessing(command_string)
self.logger.info("Executing system command: %s" % command_string)
#use Popen here since it won't wait for the shell to return...and we send some of these
# commands during a print job, we don't want to block!
subprocess.Popen(command_string, shell=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e:
self.logger.warn("Command failed with return code %i: %s" % (e.returncode, e.message))
except Exception, ex:
self.logger.exception("Command failed")