
36 lines
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Profile is a script to set the craft types setting for the skeinforge chain.
Profile presents the user with a choice of the craft types in the profile_plugins folder. The chosen craft type is used to determine the craft type profile for the skeinforge chain. The default craft type is extrusion.
from __future__ import absolute_import
#Init has to be imported first because it has code to workaround the python bug where relative imports don't work if the module is imported as a main module.
import __init__
from fabmetheus_utilities import archive
def getCraftTypeName():
return 'extrusion'
def getProfileName(craftTypeName):
return 'Cura profile:' + craftTypeName
def addListsToCraftTypeRepository(fileNameHelp, repository):
#print('addListsToCraftTypeRepository:', fileNameHelp, repository)
repository.name = fileNameHelp.split('.')[-2]
repository.preferences = []
def getCraftTypePluginModule( craftTypeName = ''):
"Get the craft type plugin module"
if craftTypeName == '':
craftTypeName = getCraftTypeName()
profilePluginsDirectoryPath = getPluginsDirectoryPath()
return archive.getModuleWithDirectoryPath( profilePluginsDirectoryPath, craftTypeName )
def getPluginsDirectoryPath():
"Get the plugins directory path."
return archive.getSkeinforgePluginsPath('profile_plugins')