Machine State:
File:  (SD)
Estimated Print Time:
Print Time:
Print Time Left:
Name Size Action
 |  | 
{% if enableSdSupport %} Upload Upload to SD {% else %} Upload {% endif %}
Hint: You can also drag and drop files on this page to upload them.



Bed Temperature

{% if webcamStream %}
{% endif %}
Show non-extrusion moves
Show retracts and restarts
Move model to the center of the grid
Show different speeds with different colors
Emulate extrusion width
Width modifier:
Show +1 layer
These require re-analyzing file:
Sort layers by Z
Hide empty layers
Show GCode in GCode tab (memory intensive!)


{% if enableTimelapse %}

Timelapse Configuration


Finished Timelapses

Name Size Action
{% endif %}
{% include 'settings.jinja2' %} {% include 'dialogs.jinja2' %}