Added some info to the readme regarding system commands

Gina Häußge 2013-03-10 17:46:46 +01:00
parent ff1678ab30
commit 7fc8dd22a1
1 changed files with 40 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -167,6 +167,20 @@ The following example config should explain the available options:
name: Speed
parameter: speed
# Use the following settings to add custom system commands to the "System" dropdown within OctoPrint's top bar
# Commands consist of a name, an action identifier, the commandline to execute and an optional confirmation message
# to display before actually executing the command (should be set to False if a confirmation dialog is not desired).
# The following example defines a command for shutting down the system under Linux. It assumes that the user under
# which OctoPrint is running is allowed to do this without password entry.
- name: Shutdown
action: shutdown
command: sudo shutdown -h now
confirm: You are about to shutdown the system.
Setup on a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian
@ -223,6 +237,32 @@ Restart the OctoPrint server and reload its frontend. You should now see a "Webc
If everything works, add the startup commands to `/etc/rc.local`.
If you want to be able to shutdown and restart your Pi via the webinterface, you'll first have to add a `sudo` rule
for the system user OctoPrint is running under (for me that's the default user `pi`):
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo -s
root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# cat > /etc/sudoers.d/octoprint-shutdown
pi ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown
root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# exit
Then add the following lines to your `~/.octoprint/config.yaml`:
- name: Shutdown
command: sudo shutdown -h now
action: shutdown
confirm: You are about to shutdown the system.
- name: Reboot
command: sudo shutdown -r now
action: reboot
confirm: You are about to reboot the system
After restarting and reloading OctoPrint, this should add a System menu to the top right where you'll find the two
commands. Both are configured to show you a confirmation message before being executed (the `confirm` part) so that
you'll hopefully not shutdown or reboot your Pi accidentally.