Merge gcodeInterpreter optimizations from daid/Cura

Bryan Mayland 2013-08-07 11:01:48 -04:00
parent 3b3bb36377
commit 1726e85a68
2 changed files with 199 additions and 154 deletions

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@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ class GcodeManager:
dirty = True
if gcode.extrusionAmount:
analysisResult["filament"] = "%.2fm" % (gcode.extrusionAmount / 1000)
if gcode.extrusionVolume:
analysisResult["filament"] += " / %.2fcm³" % gcode.extrusionVolume
if gcode.calculateVolumeCm3():
analysisResult["filament"] += " / %.2fcm³" % gcode.calculateVolumeCm3()
dirty = True
if dirty:

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@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2013 David Braam - Released under terms of the AGPLv3 License"
import sys
import math
import re
import os
import base64
import zlib
import logging
from octoprint.util import util3d
preferences = {
"extruder_offset_x1": -22.0,
"extruder_offset_y1": 0.0,
@ -28,82 +26,105 @@ def getPreference(key, default=None):
class AnalysisAborted(Exception):
class gcodePath(object):
def __init__(self, newType, pathType, layerThickness, startPoint):
self.type = newType
self.pathType = pathType
self.layerThickness = layerThickness
self.list = [startPoint]
#class gcodePath(object):
# def __init__(self, newType, pathType, layerThickness, startPoint):
# self.type = newType
# self.pathType = pathType
# self.layerThickness = layerThickness
# self.points = [startPoint]
# self.extrusion = [0.0]
def gcodePath(newType, pathType, layerThickness, startPoint):
return {'type': newType,
'pathType': pathType,
'layerThickness': layerThickness,
'points': [startPoint],
'extrusion': [0.0]}
class gcode(object):
def __init__(self):
self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self.regMatch = {}
self.layerList = []
self.layerList = None
self.extrusionAmount = 0
self.extrusionVolume = None
self.totalMoveTimeMinute = 0
self.filename = None
self.progressCallback = None
self._abort = False
self._filamentDiameter = 0
def load(self, filename):
if os.path.isfile(filename):
self.filename = filename
self._fileSize = os.stat(filename).st_size
gcodeFile = open(filename, 'r')
def loadList(self, l):
self.filename = None
def abort(self):
self._abort = True
def calculateVolumeCm3(self):
radius = self._filamentDiameter / 2
return (self.extrusionAmount * (math.pi * radius * radius)) / 1000
def calculateWeight(self):
#Calculates the weight of the filament in kg
volumeM3 = calculateVolumeCm3 /(1000*1000)
return volumeM3 * getPreference('filament_physical_density')
def calculateCost(self):
cost_kg = getPreference('filament_cost_kg')
cost_meter = getPreference('filament_cost_meter')
if cost_kg > 0.0 and cost_meter > 0.0:
return "%.2f / %.2f" % (self.calculateWeight() * cost_kg, self.extrusionAmount / 1000 * cost_meter)
elif cost_kg > 0.0:
return "%.2f" % (self.calculateWeight() * cost_kg)
elif cost_meter > 0.0:
return "%.2f" % (self.extrusionAmount / 1000 * cost_meter)
return None
def _load(self, gcodeFile):
filePos = 0
pos = util3d.Vector3()
posOffset = util3d.Vector3()
self.layerList = []
pos = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
posOffset = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
currentE = 0.0
totalExtrusion = 0.0
maxExtrusion = 0.0
currentExtruder = 0
extrudeAmountMultiply = 1.0
totalMoveTimeMinute = 0.0
filamentDiameter = 0.0
absoluteE = True
scale = 1.0
posAbs = True
posAbsExtruder = True;
feedRate = 3600
feedRate = 3600.0
moveType = 'move'
layerThickness = 0.1
pathType = 'CUSTOM';
pathType = 'CUSTOM'
currentLayer = []
unknownGcodes = {}
unknownMcodes = {}
currentPath = gcodePath('move', pathType, layerThickness, pos.copy())
currentPath.list[0].e = totalExtrusion
currentPath.list[0].extrudeAmountMultiply = extrudeAmountMultiply
currentPath = gcodePath('move', pathType, layerThickness, pos)
currentPath['extruder'] = currentExtruder
for line in gcodeFile:
if self._abort:
raise AnalysisAborted()
if type(line) is tuple:
line = line[0]
if self.progressCallback != None:
filePos += 1
if self.progressCallback is not None and (filePos % 100 == 0):
if isinstance(gcodeFile, (file)):
self.progressCallback(float(filePos) / float(self._fileSize))
self.progressCallback(float(gcodeFile.tell()) / float(self._fileSize))
elif isinstance(gcodeFile, (list)):
self.progressCallback(float(filePos) / float(len(gcodeFile)))
filePos += 1
#Parse Cura_SF comments
if line.startswith(';TYPE:'):
pathType = line[6:].strip()
if pathType != "CUSTOM":
startCodeDone = True
if ';' in line:
# Slic3r GCode comment parser
comment = line[line.find(';')+1:].strip()
if comment == 'fill':
pathType = 'FILL'
@ -112,148 +133,156 @@ class gcode(object):
elif comment == 'skirt':
pathType = 'SKIRT'
elif comment.startswith("filament_diameter"):
filamentDiameter = float(line.split("=", 1)[1].strip())
# Cura Gcode comment parser
if comment.startswith('LAYER:'):
self._filamentDiameter = float(comment.split("=", 1)[1].strip())
elif comment.startswith('TYPE:'):
pathType = comment[5:]
elif comment.startswith('LAYER:'):
currentPath = gcodePath(moveType, pathType, layerThickness, currentPath['points'][-1])
currentPath['extruder'] = currentExtruder
#for path in currentLayer:
# path['points'] = numpy.array(path['points'], numpy.float32)
# path['extrusion'] = numpy.array(path['extrusion'], numpy.float32)
currentLayer = []
currentLayer = [currentPath]
elif comment.startswith("CURA_PROFILE_STRING"):
curaOptions = self._parseCuraProfileString(comment)
if "filament_diameter" in curaOptions.keys():
if "filament_diameter" in curaOptions:
filamentDiameter = float(curaOptions["filament_diameter"])
self._filamentDiameter = float(curaOptions["filament_diameter"])
filamentDiameter = 0.0
self._filamentDiameter = 0.0
line = line[0:line.find(';')]
T = self.getCodeInt(line, 'T')
T = getCodeInt(line, 'T')
if T is not None:
if currentExtruder > 0:
posOffset.x -= getPreference('extruder_offset_x%d' % (currentExtruder), 0.0)
posOffset.y -= getPreference('extruder_offset_y%d' % (currentExtruder), 0.0)
posOffset[0] -= getPreference('extruder_offset_x%d' % (currentExtruder), 0.0)
posOffset[1] -= getPreference('extruder_offset_y%d' % (currentExtruder), 0.0)
currentExtruder = T
if currentExtruder > 0:
posOffset.x += getPreference('extruder_offset_x%d' % (currentExtruder), 0.0)
posOffset.y += getPreference('extruder_offset_y%d' % (currentExtruder), 0.0)
posOffset[0] += getPreference('extruder_offset_x%d' % (currentExtruder), 0.0)
posOffset[1] += getPreference('extruder_offset_y%d' % (currentExtruder), 0.0)
G = self.getCodeInt(line, 'G')
G = getCodeInt(line, 'G')
if G is not None:
if G == 0 or G == 1: #Move
x = self.getCodeFloat(line, 'X')
y = self.getCodeFloat(line, 'Y')
z = self.getCodeFloat(line, 'Z')
e = self.getCodeFloat(line, 'E')
f = self.getCodeFloat(line, 'F')
oldPos = pos.copy()
x = getCodeFloat(line, 'X')
y = getCodeFloat(line, 'Y')
z = getCodeFloat(line, 'Z')
e = getCodeFloat(line, 'E')
f = getCodeFloat(line, 'F')
oldPos = pos
pos = pos[:]
if posAbs:
if x is not None:
if posAbs:
pos.x = x * scale + posOffset.x
pos.x += x * scale
pos[0] = x * scale + posOffset[0]
if y is not None:
if posAbs:
pos.y = y * scale + posOffset.y
pos.y += y * scale
pos[1] = y * scale + posOffset[1]
if z is not None:
if posAbs:
pos.z = z * scale + posOffset.z
pos[2] = z * scale + posOffset[2]
pos.z += z * scale
if x is not None:
pos[0] += x * scale
if y is not None:
pos[1] += y * scale
if z is not None:
pos[2] += z * scale
if f is not None:
feedRate = f
if x is not None or y is not None or z is not None:
totalMoveTimeMinute += (oldPos - pos).vsize() / feedRate
diffX = oldPos[0] - pos[0]
diffY = oldPos[1] - pos[1]
totalMoveTimeMinute += math.sqrt(diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY) / feedRate
moveType = 'move'
if e is not None:
if posAbsExtruder:
if e > currentE:
if absoluteE:
e -= currentE
if e > 0.0:
moveType = 'extrude'
if e < currentE:
moveType = 'retract'
totalExtrusion += e - currentE
currentE = e
if e > 0:
moveType = 'extrude'
if e < 0:
if e < 0.0:
moveType = 'retract'
totalExtrusion += e
currentE += e
if totalExtrusion > maxExtrusion:
maxExtrusion = totalExtrusion
if moveType == 'move' and oldPos.z != pos.z:
if oldPos.z > pos.z and abs(oldPos.z - pos.z) > 5.0 and pos.z < 1.0:
oldPos.z = 0.0
layerThickness = abs(oldPos.z - pos.z)
if currentPath.type != moveType or currentPath.pathType != pathType:
currentPath = gcodePath(moveType, pathType, layerThickness, currentPath.list[-1])
e = 0.0
if moveType == 'move' and oldPos[2] != pos[2]:
if oldPos[2] > pos[2] and abs(oldPos[2] - pos[2]) > 5.0 and pos[2] < 1.0:
oldPos[2] = 0.0
layerThickness = abs(oldPos[2] - pos[2])
if currentPath['type'] != moveType or currentPath['pathType'] != pathType:
currentPath = gcodePath(moveType, pathType, layerThickness, currentPath['points'][-1])
currentPath['extruder'] = currentExtruder
newPos = pos.copy()
newPos.e = totalExtrusion
newPos.extrudeAmountMultiply = extrudeAmountMultiply
currentPath['extrusion'].append(e * extrudeAmountMultiply)
elif G == 4: #Delay
S = self.getCodeFloat(line, 'S')
S = getCodeFloat(line, 'S')
if S is not None:
totalMoveTimeMinute += S / 60
P = self.getCodeFloat(line, 'P')
totalMoveTimeMinute += S / 60.0
P = getCodeFloat(line, 'P')
if P is not None:
totalMoveTimeMinute += P / 60 / 1000
totalMoveTimeMinute += P / 60.0 / 1000.0
elif G == 20: #Units are inches
scale = 25.4
elif G == 21: #Units are mm
scale = 1.0
elif G == 28: #Home
x = self.getCodeFloat(line, 'X')
y = self.getCodeFloat(line, 'Y')
z = self.getCodeFloat(line, 'Z')
if x is None and y is None and z is None:
pos = util3d.Vector3()
x = getCodeFloat(line, 'X')
y = getCodeFloat(line, 'Y')
z = getCodeFloat(line, 'Z')
if getPreference('machine_center_is_zero') == 'True':
center = [getPreference('machine_width') / 2, getPreference('machine_depth') / 2,0.0]
center = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
if x is None and y is None and z is None:
pos = center
pos = pos[:]
if x is not None:
pos.x = 0.0
pos[0] = center[0]
if y is not None:
pos.y = 0.0
pos[1] = center[1]
if z is not None:
pos.z = 0.0
pos[2] = center[2]
elif G == 90: #Absolute position
posAbs = True
posAbsExtruder = True
elif G == 91: #Relative position
posAbs = False
posAbsExtruder = False
elif G == 92:
x = self.getCodeFloat(line, 'X')
y = self.getCodeFloat(line, 'Y')
z = self.getCodeFloat(line, 'Z')
e = self.getCodeFloat(line, 'E')
x = getCodeFloat(line, 'X')
y = getCodeFloat(line, 'Y')
z = getCodeFloat(line, 'Z')
e = getCodeFloat(line, 'E')
if e is not None:
currentE = e
if x is not None:
posOffset.x = pos.x - x
posOffset[0] = pos[0] - x
if y is not None:
posOffset.y = pos.y - y
posOffset[1] = pos[1] - y
if z is not None:
posOffset.z = pos.z - z
posOffset[2] = pos[2] - z
if G not in unknownGcodes:"Unknown G code: %r" % G)
unknownGcodes[G] = True
M = self.getCodeInt(line, 'M')
M = getCodeInt(line, 'M')
if M is not None:
if M == 1: #Message with possible wait (ignored)
if M == 0: #Message with possible wait (ignored)
elif M == 1: #Message with possible wait (ignored)
elif M == 80: #Enable power supply
elif M == 81: #Suicide/disable power supply
elif M == 82: # Use absolute extruder positions
posAbsExtruder = True
elif M == 83: # Use relative extruder positions
posAbsExtruder = False
elif M == 82: #Absolute E
absoluteE = True
elif M == 83: #Relative E
absoluteE = False
elif M == 84: #Disable step drivers
elif M == 92: #Set steps per unit
@ -278,50 +307,66 @@ class gcode(object):
elif M == 113: #Extruder PWM (these should not be in the final GCode, but they are)
elif M == 117: #LCD message
elif M == 140: #Set bed temperature
elif M == 190: #Set bed temperature & wait
elif M == 221: #Extrude amount multiplier
s = self.getCodeFloat(line, 'S')
if s != None:
s = getCodeFloat(line, 'S')
if s is not None:
extrudeAmountMultiply = s / 100.0
if M not in unknownMcodes:"Unknown M code: %r" % M)
unknownMcodes[M] = True
#for path in currentLayer:
# path['points'] = numpy.array(path['points'], numpy.float32)
# path['extrusion'] = numpy.array(path['extrusion'], numpy.float32)
if self.progressCallback is not None:
self.extrusionAmount = maxExtrusion
if filamentDiameter is not None and filamentDiameter > 0:
self.extrusionVolume = math.pi * math.pow(filamentDiameter / 2.0, 2) * maxExtrusion / 1000.0
self.totalMoveTimeMinute = totalMoveTimeMinute
def getCodeInt(self, line, code):
if code not in self.regMatch:
self.regMatch[code] = re.compile(code + '([^\s]+)')
m = self.regMatch[code].search(line)
if m == None:
return None
return int(
return None
def getCodeFloat(self, line, code):
if code not in self.regMatch:
self.regMatch[code] = re.compile(code + '([^\s]+)')
m = self.regMatch[code].search(line)
if m == None:
return None
return float(
return None
#print "Extruded a total of: %d mm of filament" % (self.extrusionAmount)
#print "Estimated print duration: %.2f minutes" % (self.totalMoveTimeMinute)
def _parseCuraProfileString(self, comment):
return {key: value for (key, value) in map(lambda x: x.split("=", 1), zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode(comment[len("CURA_PROFILE_STRING:"):])).split("\b"))}
if __name__ == '__main__':
for filename in sys.argv[1:]:
def getCodeInt(line, code):
n = line.find(code) + 1
if n < 1:
return None
m = line.find(' ', n)
if m < 0:
return int(line[n:])
return int(line[n:m])
return None
def getCodeFloat(line, code):
n = line.find(code) + 1
if n < 1:
return None
m = line.find(' ', n)
if m < 0:
return float(line[n:])
return float(line[n:m])
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
from time import time
t = time()
for filename in sys.argv[1:]:
g = gcode()
print g.totalMoveTimeMinute
print g.extrusionAmount
print g.calculateVolumeCm3()
print time() - t