#include void SpejsNode::init() { deviceID = WifiStation.getMAC().substring(6, 12); currentSlot = 0; if(!rboot_get_last_boot_rom(¤tSlot)) { currentSlot = rboot_get_current_rom(); } Serial.begin(115200); Serial.systemDebugOutput(false); // Debug output to serial Serial.print("*** SpejsNode init, running on:"); Serial.print(deviceID); Serial.printf(", current rom: %d\r\n", currentSlot); WifiStation.config(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PWD); WifiStation.enable(true); WifiAccessPoint.enable(false); WifiStation.waitConnection( ConnectionDelegate(&SpejsNode::onConnected, this), 20, *[] { Serial.println("Connection failed"); }); inputs["control"] = MqttStringSubscriptionCallback(&SpejsNode::controlHandler, this); } void SpejsNode::keepAliveHandler() { if(mqtt.getConnectionState() != eTCS_Connected) { Serial.println("Reconnecting"); onConnected(); } else { uint8_t mode; if(rboot_get_last_boot_mode(&mode)) { if(mode == MODE_TEMP_ROM) { rboot_set_current_rom(currentSlot); Serial.println("Successfuly connected, accepting temp rom"); } else { Serial.printf("Not a TEMP ROM boot: %d\r\n", mode); } } else { Serial.println("No boot mode info"); } } } void SpejsNode::onConnected() { Serial.println("Connection successful"); mqtt.setWill(TOPIC_PREFIX + deviceID + "/state", "offline", 1, true); #ifdef ENABLE_SSL const uint8_t sha1Fingerprint[] = SSL_FINGERPRINT; mqtt.connect("iot-" + deviceID, "", "", true); mqtt.addSslOptions(SSL_SERVER_VERIFY_LATER); mqtt.setSslFingerprint(sha1Fingerprint, 20); #else mqtt.connect("iot-" + deviceID); #endif mqtt.subscribe(TOPIC_PREFIX + deviceID + "/control"); for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < inputs.count() ; i++) { mqtt.subscribe(TOPIC_PREFIX + deviceID + "/" + inputs.keyAt(i)); } mqtt.publish(TOPIC_PREFIX + deviceID + "/state", "online"); mqtt.publish(TOPIC_PREFIX + deviceID + "/type", deviceType); keepaliveTimer.initializeMs(10000, TimerDelegate(&SpejsNode::keepAliveHandler, this)).start(); } bool SpejsNode::notify(String key, String value) { if(mqtt.getConnectionState() == eTCS_Connected) { mqtt.publish("iot/" + deviceID + "/" + key, value); return true; } return false; } void SpejsNode::registerInput(String key, MqttStringSubscriptionCallback callback) { inputs[key] = callback; } void SpejsNode::mqttCallback(String origtopic, String value) { String devicePrefix = TOPIC_PREFIX + deviceID; if(!origtopic.startsWith(devicePrefix)) { Serial.println("ignoring"); return; } String topic = origtopic.substring(devicePrefix.length() + 1); Serial.println(topic); Serial.println(value); if(inputs.contains(topic)) { inputs[topic](origtopic, value); } else { Serial.println("unknown topic?"); } } void SpejsNode::controlHandler(String key, String value) { Serial.println("Control command: " + value); if(value == "ota") { startOTA(); } else if(value == "restart") { System.restart(); } else { Serial.println("Invalid command"); } } void SpejsNode::startOTA() { uint8_t slot; rboot_config bootconf; String romURL = OTA_URL + deviceID + "/rom0.bin"; String spiffsURL = OTA_URL + deviceID + "/spiff_rom.bin"; Serial.println("Updating..."); // need a clean object, otherwise if run before and failed will not run again if (otaUpdater) delete otaUpdater; otaUpdater = new rBootHttpUpdate(); bootconf = rboot_get_config(); if (currentSlot == 0) slot = 1; else slot = 0; Serial.printf("Updating to rom %d.\r\n", slot); // flash rom to position indicated in the rBoot config rom table otaUpdater->addItem(bootconf.roms[slot], romURL); #ifndef DISABLE_SPIFFS // use user supplied values (defaults for 4mb flash in makefile) if (slot == 0) { otaUpdater->addItem(RBOOT_SPIFFS_0, spiffsURL); } else { otaUpdater->addItem(RBOOT_SPIFFS_1, spiffsURL); } #endif otaUpdater->setCallback(otaUpdateDelegate(&SpejsNode::otaUpdateCallback, this)); otaUpdater->start(); notify("ota", "started"); } void SpejsNode::otaUpdateCallback(rBootHttpUpdate& updater, bool result) { if(result == true) { // success notify("ota", "finished"); uint8 slot; if (currentSlot == 0) slot = 1; else slot = 0; // set to boot new rom and then reboot Serial.printf("Firmware updated, rebooting to rom %d...\r\n", slot); rboot_set_temp_rom(slot); System.restart(); } else { notify("ota", "failed"); } }