mqtt-playground =============== This repository is a storage for my mqtt and IoT (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) playground. Hardware -------- Current tests involve NodeMCU ESP12-E/ESP8266 boards. Switch is activated with GPIO0 (FLASH button on NodeMCU) and light is connected to GPIO2, where blue LED is directly connected on ESP-12E module. Software -------- Mosquitto contained in docker is used as a broker. For proper TLS you need to create self-signed certificate and store its SHA-1 fingerprint in `common/common_config.h`. ESP8266 code uses [patched slaff's fork of Sming framework]( (For axTLS support) Set your Wifi configuration in `common/common_config.h` (used by both `switch` and `light`) Thoughts -------- Oh my, that's slow.^W^Wquite fast, when patched properly. **WARNING!** `Sming.reset();` jumps to (serial) bootloader right after flashing. This causes OTA to fail with `wdt reset`. External RESET assert is required after flashing. TODO ---- * Store configuration (credentials, broker IP, maybe endpoints?) in flash memory