##################################################################### #### Please don't change this file. Use Makefile-user.mk instead #### ##################################################################### # SpejsIoT base configuration MODULES = app $(realpath ../spejsiot ../spejsiot/endpoints) EXTRA_INCDIR = include $(realpath ../common) #ENABLE_SSL = 1 DISABLE_SPIFFS ?= 1 RBOOT_ENABLED ?= 1 RBOOT_BIG_FLASH ?= 1 RBOOT_RTC_ENABLED ?= 1 SPI_SIZE ?= 4M RBOOT_ROM_0 ?= rom0 RBOOT_LD_0 ?= rboot.rom0.ld RBOOT_ROM_1 ?= rom1 RBOOT_LD_1 ?= rboot.rom1.ld # Including user Makefile. # Should be used to set project-specific parameters -include ./Makefile-user.mk # Important parameters check. # We need to make sure SMING_HOME and ESP_HOME variables are set. # You can use Makefile-user.mk in each project or use enviromental variables to set it globally. ifndef SMING_HOME $(error SMING_HOME is not set. Please configure it in Makefile-user.mk) endif ifndef ESP_HOME $(error ESP_HOME is not set. Please configure it in Makefile-user.mk) endif # Include main Sming Makefile ifeq ($(RBOOT_ENABLED), 1) include $(SMING_HOME)/Makefile-rboot.mk else include $(SMING_HOME)/Makefile-project.mk endif $(APP_AR): $(OBJ) $(vecho) "AR $@" @echo "char* BUILD_ID = \"$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)-$(shell TZ=UTC date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)\";" > $(BUILD_BASE)/ver.c $(Q) $(CC) -c $(BUILD_BASE)/ver.c -o $(BUILD_BASE)/ver.o $(Q) $(AR) cru $@ $^ $(BUILD_BASE)/ver.o ota: all -mkdir ../master/ota/$(DEVICE) >/dev/null cp -r out/firmware/* ../master/ota/$(DEVICE) python ../master/client.py $(DEVICE) control ota remoteota: all scp -r out/firmware/rom*.bin root@sound:/var/www/api/1/ota/$(DEVICE)/ python ../master/remoteclient.py $(DEVICE) \$$implementation/ota true