
97 lines
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import flask
import logging
import json
import threading
from spejsiot.manager import SpejsiotManager
from spejsiot.rendering import render_endpoint
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='[%(asctime)-15s] %(name)-10s %(levelname)7s: %(message)s')
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
app.config['DISABLE_GUI'] = True
app.config['PORT'] = 5100
app.config['BROKER'] = ('mqtt.waw.hackerspace.pl', 1883)
app.config['PREFIX'] = 'iot/'
app.config['TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD'] = True
manager = SpejsiotManager(app)
def utility_processor():
return {
'render_endpoint': render_endpoint,
def index():
if app.config.get('DISABLE_GUI'):
return flask.redirect(flask.url_for(
'static', filename='apidocs/index.html'))
return flask.render_template('index.html', devices=manager.devices)
def api_devices():
"""Lists all known devices.
:status 200: list of all devices
:>json object [device_id]: listed device info object
return flask.jsonify({k: v.dictify() for k, v in manager.devices.items()})
def api_device_info(node_id):
"""Returns specified device info object.
:param node_id: device ID or device name
:status 200: device found
:status 404: no device found
:>json string $name: human-readable device name
:>json boolean $online: device is currently online
:>json object [endpoint_name]: endpoint object
:>json [endpoint_name].[prop_name]: last endpoint property value
node = manager.find_node(node_id)
if not node:
return flask.jsonify(node.dictify())
# @app.route('/api/1/device/<node_id>/<endpoint>/<prop>/<value>')
def device_write(node_id, endpoint, prop, value):
"""Sets specified value to device endpoint and prop.
:param node_id: device ID or device name
:param endpoint: endpoint name
:param prop: endpoint property name
:param value: value to set
:status 200: device found
:status 404: no device found
return flask.jsonify({
"result": manager.handle_request(node_id, endpoint, prop, value)
@app.route('/api/1/devices/<node_id>/<endpoint>/<prop>', methods=['PUT'])
def device_put(node_id, endpoint, prop):
"""Sets specified value to device endpoint and prop.
:param node_id: device ID or device name
:param endpoint: endpoint name
:param prop: endpoint property name
:<json value: value to set
:status 200: device found
:status 404: no device found
return device_write(node_id, endpoint, prop, flask.request.json['value'])
if __name__ == "__main__":