local debugGraph = require 'vendor.debugGraph' local inspect = require 'vendor.inspect' local push = require 'vendor.push' environment = os.getenv('ENV') screens = { require 'screens.weather', require 'screens.time', require 'screens.screen1', } state = { currentScreen = 1, state = 'running', cycleTime = 3, transitionTime = 1, transitioning = false, stateCounter = 0, } local gameWidth, gameHeight = 1280, 720 local windowWidth, windowHeight = love.window.getDesktopDimensions() windowWidth, windowHeight = windowWidth*.5, windowHeight*.5 --make the window a bit smaller than the screen itself if environment == 'DEV' then push:setupScreen(gameWidth, gameHeight, windowWidth, windowHeight, {fullscreen = false, resizable = true}) else push:setupScreen(gameWidth, gameHeight, gameWidth, gameHeight, {fullscreen = true}) end function love.resize(w, h) push:resize(w, h) secondaryCanvas = love.graphics.newCanvas(push:getWidth(), push:getHeight()) end function love.load() love.mouse.setVisible( false ) secondaryCanvas = love.graphics.newCanvas(push:getWidth(), push:getHeight()) fpsGraph = debugGraph:new('fps', 0, 0) memGraph = debugGraph:new('mem', 0, 30) for key, node in ipairs(screens) do node.load() end end function getw() return push:getWidth() end function geth() return push:getHeight() end function love.draw() push:start() -- Patch love.graphics.getWidth/Height to account for push oldw, oldh = love.graphics.getWidth, love.graphics.getHeight love.graphics.getWidth, love.graphics.getHeight = getw, geth screens[state.currentScreen].render() if state.transitioning then -- Render next screen into canvas and fade accordingly secondaryCanvas:renderTo(screens[state.currentScreen % #screens + 1].render) love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 255 * (state.stateCounter / state.transitionTime)) -- red, green, blue, opacity (this would be white with 20% opacity) love.graphics.draw(secondaryCanvas, 0, 0) end -- Draw graphs love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 128) -- love.graphics.setNewFont(10) -- love.graphics.print(inspect(state), 0, 60, 0) fpsGraph:draw() memGraph:draw() love.graphics.getWidth, love.graphics.getHeight = oldw, oldh push:finish() end function love.update(dt) screens[state.currentScreen].update(dt) if state.transitioning then screens[state.currentScreen % #screens + 1].update(dt) end state.stateCounter = state.stateCounter + dt if state.transitioning then if state.stateCounter >= state.transitionTime then state.stateCounter = 0 state.transitioning = false state.currentScreen = (state.currentScreen % #screens) + 1 end else if state.stateCounter >= state.cycleTime then state.stateCounter = 0 state.transitioning = true end end -- Update the graphs fpsGraph:update(dt) memGraph:update(dt) require("vendor.lurker").update() end