-- -- lurker -- -- Copyright (c) 2015 rxi -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details. -- -- Assumes lume is in the same directory as this file local lume = require((...):gsub("[^/.\\]+$", "lume")) local lurker = { _version = "1.0.1" } local dir = love.filesystem.enumerate or love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems local isdir = love.filesystem.isDirectory local time = love.timer.getTime or os.time local lastmodified = love.filesystem.getLastModified local lovecallbacknames = { "update", "load", "draw", "mousepressed", "mousereleased", "keypressed", "keyreleased", "focus", "quit", } function lurker.init() lurker.print("Initing lurker") lurker.path = "." lurker.preswap = function() end lurker.postswap = function() end lurker.interval = .5 lurker.protected = true lurker.quiet = false lurker.lastscan = 0 lurker.lasterrorfile = nil lurker.files = {} lurker.funcwrappers = {} lurker.lovefuncs = {} lurker.state = "init" lume.each(lurker.getchanged(), lurker.resetfile) return lurker end function lurker.print(...) print("[lurker] " .. lume.format(...)) end function lurker.listdir(path, recursive, skipdotfiles) path = (path == ".") and "" or path local function fullpath(x) return path .. "/" .. x end local t = {} for _, f in pairs(lume.map(dir(path), fullpath)) do if not skipdotfiles or not f:match("/%.[^/]*$") then if recursive and isdir(f) then t = lume.concat(t, lurker.listdir(f, true, true)) else table.insert(t, lume.trim(f, "/")) end end end return t end function lurker.initwrappers() for _, v in pairs(lovecallbacknames) do lurker.funcwrappers[v] = function(...) local args = {...} xpcall(function() return lurker.lovefuncs[v] and lurker.lovefuncs[v](unpack(args)) end, lurker.onerror) end lurker.lovefuncs[v] = love[v] end lurker.updatewrappers() end function lurker.updatewrappers() for _, v in pairs(lovecallbacknames) do if love[v] ~= lurker.funcwrappers[v] then lurker.lovefuncs[v] = love[v] love[v] = lurker.funcwrappers[v] end end end function lurker.onerror(e, nostacktrace) lurker.print("An error occurred; switching to error state") lurker.state = "error" -- Release mouse local setgrab = love.mouse.setGrab or love.mouse.setGrabbed setgrab(false) -- Set up callbacks for _, v in pairs(lovecallbacknames) do love[v] = function() end end love.update = lurker.update love.keypressed = function(k) if k == "escape" then lurker.print("Exiting...") love.event.quit() end end local stacktrace = nostacktrace and "" or lume.trim((debug.traceback("", 2):gsub("\t", ""))) local msg = lume.format("{1}\n\n{2}", {e, stacktrace}) local colors = { 0xFF1E1E2C, 0xFFF0A3A3, 0xFF92B5B0, 0xFF66666A, 0xFFCDCDCD } love.graphics.reset() love.graphics.setFont(love.graphics.newFont(12)) love.draw = function() local pad = 25 local width = love.graphics.getWidth() local function drawhr(pos, color1, color2) local animpos = lume.smooth(pad, width - pad - 8, lume.pingpong(time())) if color1 then love.graphics.setColor(lume.rgba(color1)) end love.graphics.rectangle("fill", pad, pos, width - pad*2, 1) if color2 then love.graphics.setColor(lume.rgba(color2)) end love.graphics.rectangle("fill", animpos, pos, 8, 1) end local function drawtext(str, x, y, color, limit) love.graphics.setColor(lume.rgba(color)) love.graphics[limit and "printf" or "print"](str, x, y, limit) end love.graphics.setBackgroundColor(lume.rgba(colors[1])) love.graphics.clear() drawtext("An error has occurred", pad, pad, colors[2]) drawtext("lurker", width - love.graphics.getFont():getWidth("lurker") - pad, pad, colors[4]) drawhr(pad + 32, colors[4], colors[5]) drawtext("If you fix the problem and update the file the program will " .. "resume", pad, pad + 46, colors[3]) drawhr(pad + 72, colors[4], colors[5]) drawtext(msg, pad, pad + 90, colors[5], width - pad * 2) love.graphics.reset() end end function lurker.exitinitstate() lurker.state = "normal" if lurker.protected then lurker.initwrappers() end end function lurker.exiterrorstate() lurker.state = "normal" for _, v in pairs(lovecallbacknames) do love[v] = lurker.funcwrappers[v] end end function lurker.update() if lurker.state == "init" then lurker.exitinitstate() end local diff = time() - lurker.lastscan if diff > lurker.interval then lurker.lastscan = lurker.lastscan + diff local changed = lurker.scan() if #changed > 0 and lurker.lasterrorfile then local f = lurker.lasterrorfile lurker.lasterrorfile = nil lurker.hotswapfile(f) end end end function lurker.getchanged() local function fn(f) return f:match("%.lua$") and lurker.files[f] ~= lastmodified(f) end return lume.filter(lurker.listdir(lurker.path, true, true), fn) end function lurker.modname(f) return (f:gsub("%.lua$", ""):gsub("[/\\]", ".")) end function lurker.resetfile(f) lurker.files[f] = lastmodified(f) end function lurker.hotswapfile(f) lurker.print("Hotswapping '{1}'...", {f}) if lurker.state == "error" then lurker.exiterrorstate() end if lurker.preswap(f) then lurker.print("Hotswap of '{1}' aborted by preswap", {f}) lurker.resetfile(f) return end local modname = lurker.modname(f) local t, ok, err = lume.time(lume.hotswap, modname) if ok then lurker.print("Swapped '{1}' in {2} secs", {f, t}) else lurker.print("Failed to swap '{1}' : {2}", {f, err}) if not lurker.quiet and lurker.protected then lurker.lasterrorfile = f lurker.onerror(err, true) lurker.resetfile(f) return end end lurker.resetfile(f) lurker.postswap(f) if lurker.protected then lurker.updatewrappers() end end function lurker.scan() if lurker.state == "init" then lurker.exitinitstate() end local changed = lurker.getchanged() lume.each(changed, lurker.hotswapfile) return changed end return lurker.init()