Add bulk status change

informatic 2020-04-13 15:15:45 +02:00
parent ce3333b259
commit cb76c96cf1
1 changed files with 52 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -11,6 +11,11 @@ from sqlalchemy import inspect, func
from sqlalchemy.orm import class_mapper
from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import get_history
diff_sanitization_rules = [
(enum.Enum, lambda v:,
(decimal.Decimal, float),
def get_diff(target, blacklist=['created', 'updated']):
state_before = {}
state_after = {}
@ -23,13 +28,12 @@ def get_diff(target, blacklist=['created', 'updated']):
hist = getattr(inspr.attrs, attr.key).history
if hist.has_changes():
state_before[attr.key] = get_history(target, attr.key)[2].pop()
if isinstance(state_before[attr.key], enum.Enum):
state_before[attr.key] = state_before[attr.key].name
state_after[attr.key] = getattr(target, attr.key)
if isinstance(state_before[attr.key], decimal.Decimal):
state_before[attr.key] = float(state_before[attr.key])
if isinstance(state_after[attr.key], decimal.Decimal):
state_after[attr.key] = float(state_after[attr.key])
for data in [state_before, state_after]:
for t, c in diff_sanitization_rules:
if isinstance(data[attr.key], t):
data[attr.key] = c(data[attr.key])
if state_after[attr.key] == state_before[attr.key] or (state_after[attr.key] in ['', None] and state_before[attr.key] in ['', None]):
@ -167,6 +171,48 @@ class FaceshieldRequestAdmin(ModelView):
return self.render('label.html', model=model, label_count=label_count)
def bulk_status_change(self, ids, status):
query = self.get_query().filter(
count = 0
for req in query.all():
if req.status != status:
req.status = status
count += 1
self.on_model_change(None, req, False)
flash('{} requests were successfully marked as {}.'.format(count,
except Exception as ex:
if not self.handle_view_exception(ex):
flash('Failed to mark request as {}: {}'.format(, str(ex)), 'error')
@flask_admin.actions.action('new', 'Mark as new', 'Are you sure you want to mark as new?')
def action_new(self, ids):
@flask_admin.actions.action('fulfilled', 'Mark as fulfilled', 'Are you sure you want to mark as fulfilled?')
def action_fulfilled(self, ids):
self.bulk_status_change(ids, Status.fulfilled)
@flask_admin.actions.action('intransit', 'Mark as intransit', 'Are you sure you want to mark as intransit?')
def action_intransit(self, ids):
self.bulk_status_change(ids, Status.intransit)
@flask_admin.actions.action('shippingpending', 'Mark as shippingpending', 'Are you sure you want to mark as shippingpending?')
def action_shippingpending(self, ids):
self.bulk_status_change(ids, Status.shippingpending)
@flask_admin.actions.action('pickuppending', 'Mark as pickuppending', 'Are you sure you want to mark as pickuppending?')
def action_pickuppending(self, ids):
self.bulk_status_change(ids, Status.pickuppending)
class FilteredFaceshieldRequestAdmin(FaceshieldRequestAdmin):
def get_query(self):
return super(FilteredFaceshieldRequestAdmin, self).get_query().filter(~FaceshieldRequest.status.in_([Status.rejected, Status.spam, Status.fulfilled, Status.delegated]))