# to use a normal user, put `uid=username,ou=People,dc=hackerspace,dc=pl` as DN LDAP_USER_DN=ldap_service_user_full_dn LDAP_USER_PW=ldap_service_user_password # to be authorized, user must be in one of these groups # hint: for debug, add group with the same name as your username ALLOWED_LDAP_GROUPS=radex,walne-users,zarzad,staff # create test client on sso.hackerspace.pl, with these options: # - client uri: (anything) # - redirect uri: http://localhost:5173/auth/callback/hswaw # - token endpoint authentication method: Basic # - grand types: authorization_code # - response types: code # - scopes: profile:read, openid HSWAW_AUTH_CLIENT_ID= HSWAW_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET= # put arbitrary value here AUTH_SECRET=any_value REDIRECT_PROXY_URL=http://localhost:5173/auth