import re import requests import ldap import logging from cached_property import cached_property from flask import current_app as app from sso.extensions import login_manager def connect_to_ldap(): conn = ldap.initialize(app.config["LDAP_URL"]) conn.simple_bind_s(app.config["LDAP_BIND_DN"], app.config["LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD"]) return conn def check_credentials(username, password): if app.config.get("TESTING"): return True conn = ldap.initialize(app.config["LDAP_URL"]) try: conn.simple_bind_s(app.config["LDAP_DN_STRING"] % username, password) return True except ldap.LDAPError: return False class LDAPUserProxy(object): def __init__(self, username): self.username = re.sub(app.config["LDAP_STRIP_RE"], "", username) self.is_authenticated = True self.is_anonymous = False self.groups = [] if app.config.get("TESTING"): self.gecos = "Testing User" self.mifare_hashes = [] = "123456789" self.personal_email = "" return conn = connect_to_ldap() res = conn.search_s( app.config["LDAP_PEOPLE_BASEDN"], ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, app.config["LDAP_UID_FILTER"] % self.username, ) if len(res) != 1: raise Exception("No such username.") dn, data = res[0] self.username = data.get("uid", [b""])[0].decode() or None self.gecos = data.get("gecos", [b""])[0].decode() or None self.mifare_hashes = data.get("mifareIDHash", []) = data.get("mobile", [b""])[0].decode() or None self.personal_email = data.get("mailRoutingAddress", [b""])[0].decode() or None try: self.groups = [ data["cn"][0].decode() for dn, data in conn.search_s( app.config["LDAP_GROUPS_BASEDN"], ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, app.config["LDAP_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP_FILTER"] % dn, ["cn"], ) ] except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: logging.warning( "ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT occured when searching groups, " "LDAP_BIND_DN likely doesn't have access to groups basedn" ) self.groups = [] def __repr__(self): active = "active" if self.is_active else "inactive" return "".format(self.username, active) @property def email(self): return self.username + "" def is_active(self): return True @cached_property def is_membership_active(self): url = "{}.json" try: r = requests.get(url.format(self.username)) r.raise_for_status() data = r.json() return data["status"] == "ok" and data["content"] except Exception as e: logging.error("When getting data from Kasownik: {}".format(e)) return False def get_id(self): return self.username # Required by authlib sqla integration def get_user_id(self): return self.get_id() @login_manager.user_loader def load_user(user_id): return LDAPUserProxy(user_id)