require 'rubygems' require 'sinatra' require 'prawn' require 'prawn/measurements' require 'prawn/qrcode' require 'json' require 'shellwords' include Prawn::Measurements CODE_PREFIX = ENV.fetch('LABELMAKER_CODE_PREFIX', '') # NOTE: # DYMO_LABEL_SIZE = [89, 36] # ZEBRA_LABEL_SIZE = [100, 60] LABEL_SIZE = JSON.parse(ENV.fetch('LABELMAKER_LABEL_SIZE', '[89, 36]')) # NOTE: You can use either local printer or IPP printer, but not both LOCAL_PRINTER_NAME = ENV.fetch('LABELMAKER_LOCAL_PRINTER_NAME', 'DYMO_LabelWriter_450') IPP_PRINTER_URL = ENV.fetch('LABELMAKER_IPP_PRINTER_URL', '') def render_label() short_id = params[:id] name = params[:name] owner = params[:owner] if short_id.nil? or name.nil? status 400 return "Missing required parameters ?id= and ?name=" end pdf = { |x| mm2pt(x) }, margin: [2, 2, 2, 6].map { |x| mm2pt(x) }) do font_families.update("DejaVuSans" => { normal: "fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf", italic: "fonts/DejaVuSans-Oblique.ttf", bold: "fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf", bold_italic: "fonts/DejaVuSans-BoldOblique.ttf" }) font 'DejaVuSans' # Width of right side qr_size = [bounds.height / 2, 27].max # Right side bounding_box([bounds.right - qr_size,], width: qr_size) do print_qr_code CODE_PREFIX + short_id, stroke: false, foreground_color: '000000', extent: bounds.width, margin: 0, pos: bounds.top_left owner_text = owner && !owner.empty? ? "owner: #{owner}\n\n" : "" metadata_text = owner_text # todo: creation date? text_box metadata_text, at: [bounds.right - qr_size, -7], size: 8, align: :right, overflow: :shrink_to_fit end # Left side bounding_box(bounds.top_left, width: bounds.width - qr_size) do text_box name, size: 40, align: :center, valign: :center, width: bounds.width-10, inline_format: true, overflow: :shrink_to_fit, disable_wrap_by_char: true end end pdf.render end set :bind, '' get '/api/2/health' do "I'm cool" end get '/api/2/preview.pdf' do headers["Content-Type"] = "application/pdf; charset=utf8" render_label end post '/api/2/print' do temp ='labelmaker') temp.write(render_label) temp.close if not LOCAL_PRINTER_NAME.empty? system("lpr -P #{LOCAL_PRINTER_NAME.shellescape} #{temp.path.shellescape}", exception: true) elsif not IPP_PRINTER_URL.empty? system("ipptool -v -tf #{temp.path.shellescape} -d filetype=application/octet-stream -I #{IPP_PRINTER_URL.shellescape} ipptool-print-job.test", exception: true) else status 404 return "No printer configured" end end