
111 lines
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local kube = import '../../kube/hscloud.libsonnet';
// Deploy SourceGraph, a code serach tool.
// Its configuration is fully managed within sourcegraph itself, including user accounts.
local top = self,
local cfg = top.cfg,
cfg:: {
name: 'sourcegraph',
namespace: 'sourcegraph',
domain: 'cs.hackerspace.pl',
image: "sourcegraph/server:3.17.1",
storageClassName: "waw-hdd-redundant-3",
local ns = kube.Namespace(cfg.namespace),
deployment: ns.Contain(kube.Deployment(cfg.name)) {
spec+: {
replicas: 1,
template+: {
spec+: {
volumes_: {
data: top.data.volume,
etc: top.etc.volume,
// This container fixes some permissions that Kubernetes volume mounts break.
initContainers_: {
fixperms: kube.Container("fixperms") {
image: "alpine:3",
volumeMounts_+: {
data: { mountPath: "/var/opt/sourcegraph" },
command: [
"sh", "-c",
"chmod 755 /var/opt/sourcegraph; chmod -R 700 /var/opt/sourcegraph/postgresql",
containers_: {
default: kube.Container('default') {
image: cfg.image,
ports_: {
http: { containerPort: 7080 },
volumeMounts_: {
data: { mountPath: "/var/opt/sourcegraph" },
etc: { mountPath: "/etc/sourcegraph" },
resources: {
requests: { cpu: "100m", memory: "1Gi" },
limits: { cpu: "1", memory: "2Gi" },
securityContext: {
runAsUser: 0,
fsGroup: 0,
data: ns.Contain(kube.PersistentVolumeClaim(cfg.name + "-data")) {
storage: "40Gi",
storageClass: cfg.storageClassName,
etc: ns.Contain(kube.PersistentVolumeClaim(cfg.name + "-etc")) {
storage: "4Gi",
storageClass: cfg.storageClassName,
service: ns.Contain(kube.Service(cfg.name)) {
target:: top.deployment,
// Fake service that doesn't point to anything
blockService: ns.Contain(kube.Service(cfg.name + "-block")) {
spec+: {
selector: null,
ports: [{ port: 2137, targetPort: 2137 }],
ingress: ns.Contain(kube.SimpleIngress(cfg.name)) {
hosts:: [cfg.domain],
target:: top.service,
metadata+: {
annotations+: {
// Authenticate as 'Anonymous' user by default. This is done in tandem
// with Sourcegraphs authenticate-by-http-header feature, and is a
// workaround for the lack of a public view in the self-hosted free
// version of Sourcegraph.
// https://twitter.com/sqs/status/1272659451292422144
"nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/configuration-snippet": "proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-User Anonymous;"
extraPaths:: [
// Redirect anonymous user settings to a service that doesn't
// have any endpoints/backends.
path: "/users/Anonymous/settings",
backend: { serviceName: top.blockService.metadata.name, servicePort: 8080 },