AS{{ asn }} at CCCamp IX

Autonomous System

ASN: {{ asn }}
Network name: {{ }}


Checks are prerequisites that need to pass for the ASN to be considered as part of the exchange.

{% for check in details.checks %} {% if check.status == 1 %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
Name Description Status
{{ check_info.get([0] }} {{ check_info.get([1] }}OKFailed: {{ check.msg }}

AS{{ asn }} Routers

These are the routers that we'll be trying to reach from our Route Servers.

{% for router in details.peeringdb_info.routers %} {% if router.ipv6 %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if router.ipv4 %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
IPv6 Address Legacy Address
{{ router.ipv6 }}none{{ router.ipv4 }}none

AS{{ asn }} Allowed Prefixes

Allowed prefixes pulled in from RPKI.

{% for prefix in details.allowed_prefixes %} {% else %} {% endfor %}
Prefix Max Length Originating TA
{{ prefix.prefix }} {{ prefix.max_length }} {{ prefix.ta }}
no prefixes

AS{{ asn }} configuration

To get configuration data for your routers, please decode the following GPG secret:

curl{{ asn }}/config.gpg | gpg --decrypt