ops/monitoring: scrape apiserver, scheduler, and controller-manager

These get scraped by public IP address, which get retrieved via service
discovery in Prometheus (by using the endpoints role on the
default/kubernetes service).

Also drive-by fix cluster prometheus resources - the default
configuration wants at least 3GB of physical memory.

Change-Id: I1eedb19051f62b40613f69e5f0f736d5958acf42
q3k 2020-10-10 15:57:12 +02:00 committed by q3k
parent 70c60feea6
commit cfc0496266
1 changed files with 100 additions and 56 deletions

View File

@ -60,63 +60,106 @@ local kube = import "../../../kube/kube.libsonnet";
bearer_token_file: "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token",
scrape_configs: [
// When scraping node-based metrics (ie. node and cadvisor metrics) we contact
// the metrics endpoints on the kubelet via the API server. This is done by
// relabeling _address__ and __metrics_path__ to point at the k8s API server,
// and at the API server proxy path to reach a node's metrics endpoint.
// This approach was lifted from the prometheus examples for Kubernetes, and
// while the benefits outlined there do not matter that much to us (our
// kubelets listen on public addresses, anyway), we still enjoy this approach
// for the fact that we don't have to hardcode the kubelet TLS port.
// https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/blob/master/documentation/examples/prometheus-kubernetes.yml
// When contacting the API server, we hardcode the 'hswaw.net' DNS suffix as
// our API server's TLS certificate only has a CN/SAN for its full FQDN, not
// the .svc.cluster.local shorthand (see //cluster/clustercfg:clustercfg.py).
// Scrape Kubernetes node metrics via apiserver. This emites kube_node_* metrics.
kubeScrapeConfig("cluster_node_metrics", "node") {
relabel_configs: [
action: "labelmap",
regex: "__meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)",
action: "replace",
target_label: "__address__",
replacement: "kubernetes.default.svc.%s.hswaw.net:443" % [cluster.cfg.name],
target_label: "__metrics_path__",
source_labels: ["__meta_kubernetes_node_name"],
regex: "(.+)",
replacement: "/api/v1/nodes/${1}/proxy/metrics",
// When scraping node-based metrics (ie. node and cadvisor metrics) we contact
// the metrics endpoints on the kubelet via the API server. This is done by
// relabeling _address__ and __metrics_path__ to point at the k8s API server,
// and at the API server proxy path to reach a node's metrics endpoint.
// This approach was lifted from the prometheus examples for Kubernetes, and
// while the benefits outlined there do not matter that much to us (our
// kubelets listen on public addresses, anyway), we still enjoy this approach
// for the fact that we don't have to hardcode the kubelet TLS port.
// https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/blob/master/documentation/examples/prometheus-kubernetes.yml
// When contacting the API server, we hardcode the 'hswaw.net' DNS suffix as
// our API server's TLS certificate only has a CN/SAN for its full FQDN, not
// the .svc.cluster.local shorthand (see //cluster/clustercfg:clustercfg.py).
local kubeScrapeNodeMetrics = function(name, path) kubeScrapeConfig(name, "node") {
relabel_configs: [
action: "labelmap",
regex: "__meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)",
action: "replace",
target_label: "__address__",
replacement: "kubernetes.default.svc.%s.hswaw.net:443" % [cluster.cfg.name],
target_label: "__metrics_path__",
source_labels: ["__meta_kubernetes_node_name"],
regex: "(.+)",
replacement: "/api/v1/nodes/${1}/proxy" + path,
// When scraping API server-colocated metrics (ie. metrics from nixos services running alongside
// APIserver instances), we contact the metrics endpoints directly over the node's IP addresses
// and an external port. The node IP addresses are discovered via Prometheus kubernetes endpoint
// discovery which selects all endpoints for the default/kubernetes service. This service is
// backed by apiserver instances on public IP addresses. We can then rewrite the received port
// by the port of the service we're interested in to get to that service.
local kubeScrapeAPIServerColocated = function(name, port) kubeScrapeConfig(name, "endpoints") {
relabel_configs: [
// Select only endpoints that back the default/kubernetes service. These are all
// public IP addresses of nodes that run the API server.
action: "keep",
regex: "default;kubernetes;https",
source_labels: [
] + (if port == 4001 then [] else [
// Replace endpoint port with requested port, if the requested port is not the apiserver's
// port 4001, which is the one returned by default for the these endpoints.
action: "replace",
regex: "([^:]+):.+",
replacement: "$1:%d" % [port],
source_labels: [
target_label: "__address__",
// We disable server-side TLS certificate verification.
// Unfortunately, all apiserver-colocated services run with TLS certificates that do not have
// the right IP address SAN. Unfortunately, we can't override the TLS ServerName for a scrape
// target [1], so the only two choiced we are left with are:
// 1) re-emit relevant certificates with IP address SANs that allow for access by IP.
// 2) disable TLS verification.
// We choose 2), knowing that if someone manages to hijack a target IP address they can end up
// stealing our bearer token and impersonating the service account with which Prometheus is
// running. In the long term, we hope for [1] to be resolved.
// TODO(q3k): revisit this once [1] gets fixed.
// [1] - https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/issues/4827
tls_config: {
insecure_skip_verify: true,
scrape_configs: [
/// Scrape per-node metrics, proxied via the APIServer..
// Scrape Kubernetes node metrics via apiserver. This emits kube_node_* metrics.
kubeScrapeNodeMetrics("cluster_node_metrics", "/metrics"),
// Scrape Kubernetes node cadvisor metrics via apiserver. This emits container_* metrics.
kubeScrapeConfig("cluster_cadvisor_metrics", "node") {
relabel_configs: [
action: "labelmap",
regex: "__meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)",
action: "replace",
target_label: "__address__",
replacement: "kubernetes.default.svc.%s.hswaw.net:443" % [cluster.cfg.name],
target_label: "__metrics_path__",
source_labels: ["__meta_kubernetes_node_name"],
regex: "(.+)",
replacement: "/api/v1/nodes/${1}/proxy/metrics/cadvisor",
kubeScrapeNodeMetrics("cluster_cadvisor_metrics", "/metrics/cadvisor"),
/// Scape apiserver-colocated ('master node') metrics, over nodes' public IP addresses.
/// (currently all nodes are 'master' nodes)
// Scrape Kubernetes apiserver metrics.
kubeScrapeAPIServerColocated("cluster_apiserver_metrics", 4001),
// Scrape Kubernetes controller-manager metrics.
kubeScrapeAPIServerColocated("cluster_controllermanager_metrics", 4003),
// Scrape Kubernetes scheduler metrics.
kubeScrapeAPIServerColocated("cluster_scheduler_metrics", 4005),
remote_write: [
@ -152,6 +195,7 @@ local kube = import "../../../kube/kube.libsonnet";
{ nonResourceURLs: ["/metrics"], verbs: ["get"], },
// Allow to access node details for discovery.
{ apiGroups: [""], resources: ["nodes"], verbs: ["list", "watch", "get"], },
{ apiGroups: [""], resources: ["endpoints", "services", "pods"], verbs: ["list", "watch", "get"], },
// Allow to proxy to bare node HTTP to access per-node metrics endpoints.
{ apiGroups: [""], resources: ["nodes/proxy"], verbs: ["get"], },
@ -183,11 +227,11 @@ local kube = import "../../../kube/kube.libsonnet";
resources: {
requests: {
memory: "256Mi",
memory: "3Gi",
cpu: "100m",
limits: {
memory: "1Gi",
memory: "3Gi",
cpu: "1",