app/matrix: initial matrix test deployment WIP

informatic 2019-05-14 18:49:29 +02:00
parent fc514a9b52
commit a222691ca5
1 changed files with 208 additions and 0 deletions

app/matrix/prod.jsonnet Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
#, a matrix/synapse instance
# This needs a secret provisioned, create with:
# kubectl -n matrix create secret generic synapse --from-literal=postgres_password=$(pwgen 24 1)
local kube = import "../../kube/kube.libsonnet";
local postgres = import "../../kube/postgres.libsonnet";
local app = self,
local cfg = app.cfg,
cfg:: {
namespace: "matrix",
image: "matrixdotorg/synapse:v0.99.3.2",
riotImage: "bubuntux/riot-web:v1.1.0",
domain: "",
serverName: "",
storageClassName: "waw-hdd-redundant-1",
metadata(component):: {
namespace: app.cfg.namespace,
labels: {
"": "matrix",
"": "kubecfg",
"": component,
namespace: kube.Namespace(app.cfg.namespace),
postgres: postgres {
cfg+: {
namespace: cfg.namespace,
appName: "synapse",
database: "synapse",
username: "synapse",
password: { secretKeyRef: { name: "synapse", key: "postgres_password" } },
dataVolume: kube.PersistentVolumeClaim("synapse-data") {
metadata+: app.metadata("synapse-data"),
spec+: {
storageClassName: cfg.storageClassName,
accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ],
resources: {
requests: {
storage: "50Gi",
deployment: kube.Deployment("synapse") {
metadata+: app.metadata("synapse"),
spec+: {
replicas: 1,
template+: {
spec+: {
volumes_: {
data: kube.PersistentVolumeClaimVolume(app.dataVolume),
containers_: {
web: kube.Container("synapse") {
image: cfg.image,
ports_: {
http: { containerPort: 8008 },
env_: {
SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME: app.cfg.serverName,
POSTGRES_HOST: "postgres",
POSTGRES_USER: app.postgres.cfg.username,
POSTGRES_DB: app.postgres.cfg.database,
POSTGRES_PASSWORD: { secretKeyRef: { name: "synapse", key: "postgres_password" } },
volumeMounts_: {
data: { mountPath: "/data" },
riotConfig: kube.ConfigMap("riot-web-config") {
metadata+: app.metadata("riot-web-config"),
data: {
"config.json": std.manifestJsonEx({
"default_hs_url": "",
"default_is_url": "",
"disable_custom_urls": false,
"disable_guests": false,
"disable_login_language_selector": false,
"disable_3pid_login": false,
"brand": "Riot",
"integrations_ui_url": "",
"integrations_rest_url": "",
"integrations_jitsi_widget_url": "",
"bug_report_endpoint_url": "",
"features": {
"feature_groups": "labs",
"feature_pinning": "labs",
"feature_reactions": "labs"
"default_federate": true,
"default_theme": "light",
"roomDirectory": {
"servers": [
"welcomeUserId": "",
"piwik": {
"url": "",
"whitelistedHSUrls": [""],
"whitelistedISUrls": ["", ""],
"siteId": 1
"enable_presence_by_hs_url": {
"": false
}, ""),
riotDeployment: kube.Deployment("riot-web") {
metadata+: app.metadata("riot-web"),
spec+: {
replicas: 1,
template+: {
spec+: {
volumes_: {
config: kube.ConfigMapVolume(app.riotConfig),
containers_: {
web: kube.Container("synapse") {
image: cfg.riotImage,
ports_: {
http: { containerPort: 80 },
volumeMounts_: {
config: {
mountPath: "/etc/riot-web/config.json",
subPath: "config.json",
svc: kube.Service("synapse") {
metadata+: app.metadata("synapse"),
target_pod:: app.deployment.spec.template,
spec+: {
ports: [
{ name: "http", port: 8008, protocol: "TCP" },
type: "ClusterIP",
riotSvc: kube.Service("riot-web") {
metadata+: app.metadata("riot-web"),
target_pod:: app.riotDeployment.spec.template,
spec+: {
ports: [
{ name: "http", port: 80, protocol: "TCP" },
type: "ClusterIP",
ingress: kube.Ingress("synapse") {
metadata+: app.metadata("synapse") {
annotations+: {
"": "true",
"": "letsencrypt-prod",
"": "0",
spec+: {
tls: [
hosts: [cfg.domain],
secretName: "synapse-tls",
rules: [
host: cfg.domain,
http: {
paths: [
{ path: "/", backend: app.riotSvc.name_port },
{ path: "/_matrix", backend: app.svc.name_port },