
212 lines
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from micropython import const
import machine
import utime
# from pn532uart import PN532_UART
# import PN532
# PN532 Commands
_WAKEUP = b'\x55\x55\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
_COMMAND_INRELEASE = const(0x52)
# Send Frames
_PREAMBLE = const(0x00)
_STARTCODE1 = const(0x00)
_STARTCODE2 = const(0xFF)
_POSTAMBLE = const(0x00)
# Message parts
_HOSTTOPN532 = const(0xD4)
_PN532TOHOST = const(0xD5)
_ACK = b'\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00'
_FRAME_START = b'\x00\x00\xFF'
# Codes
_MIFARE_ISO14443A = const(0x00)
class PN532Uart(object):
Class for interacting with the PN532 via the uart interface.
def __init__(self, uart_no, tx=None, rx=None, debug=False):
if tx and rx:
self.uart = machine.UART(uart_no, baudrate=115200, tx=tx, rx=rx)
self.uart = machine.UART(uart_no, baudrate=115200)
self.debug = debug
# self.swriter = asyncio.StreamWriter(self.uart, {})
# self.sreader = asyncio.StreamReader(self.uart)
def wait_read_len(self, len):
timeout_ms = 1000
start_time = utime.ticks_ms()
end_time = start_time + timeout_ms
while self.uart.any() < len and utime.ticks_ms() < end_time:
if(utime.ticks_ms() >= end_time):
raise RuntimeError('No response from PN532!')
def _write_frame(self, data):
"""Write a frame to the PN532 with the specified data bytearray."""
assert data is not None and 1 < len(data) < 255, 'Data must be array of 1 to 255 bytes.'
# Build frame to send as:
# - Preamble (0x00)
# - Start code (0x00, 0xFF)
# - Command length (1 byte)
# - Command length checksum
# - Command bytes
# - Checksum
# - Postamble (0x00)
length = len(data)
frame = bytearray(length+8)
frame[0] = _PREAMBLE
frame[1] = _STARTCODE1
frame[2] = _STARTCODE2
checksum = sum(frame[0:3])
frame[3] = length & 0xFF
frame[4] = (~length + 1) & 0xFF
frame[5:-2] = data
checksum += sum(data)
frame[-2] = ~checksum & 0xFF
frame[-1] = _POSTAMBLE
# Send frame.
if self.debug:
print('_write_frame: ', [hex(i) for i in frame])
# HACK! Timeouts can cause there to be data in the read buffer that was for an old command (ie read_passive_target).
# Additonally, the device needs to be woken sometimes, and it seems safe to do that before every command.
# TODO: Does WAKEUP cancel the passive read_command?
# Before sending the real command, clear the read buffer
waiting = self.uart.any()
while waiting > 0:
if self.debug:
print("Removing %d bytes in the read buffer")
waiting = self.uart.any()
ack = self.wait_read_len(len(_ACK))
if self.debug:
print('_write_frame: ACK: ', [hex(i) for i in ack])
if ack != _ACK:
raise RuntimeError('Did not receive expected ACK from PN532!')
def _read_frame(self):
Read a response frame from the PN532 and return the data inside the frame,
otherwise raises an exception if there is an error parsing the frame.
# Read the Frame start and header
response = self.wait_read_len(len(_FRAME_START)+2)
if self.debug:
print('_read_frame: frame_start + header:', [hex(i) for i in response])
if len(response) < (len(_FRAME_START) + 2) or response[:-2] != _FRAME_START:
raise RuntimeError('Response does not begin with _FRAME_START!')
# Read the header (length & length checksum) and make sure they match.
frame_len = response[-2]
frame_checksum = response[-1]
if (frame_len + frame_checksum) & 0xFF != 0:
raise RuntimeError('Response length checksum did not match length!')
# read the frame (data + data checksum + end frame) & validate
data = self.wait_read_len(frame_len+2)
if self.debug:
print('_read_frame: data: ', [hex(i) for i in data])
checksum = sum(data) & 0xFF
if checksum != 0:
raise RuntimeError('Response checksum did not match expected value: ', checksum)
if data[-1] != 0x00:
raise RuntimeError('Response does not include Frame End')
# Return frame data.
return data[0:frame_len]
def call_function(self, command, params=[]):
Send specified command to the PN532 and return the response.
Note: There is no timeout option. Use async.wait_for(function(), timeout) instead
data = bytearray(2 + len(params))
data[0] = _HOSTTOPN532
data[1] = command & 0xFF
for i, val in enumerate(params):
data[2+i] = val
# Send the frame and read the response
response = self._read_frame()
if len(response) < 2:
raise RuntimeError('Received smaller than expected frame')
if not(response[0] == _PN532TOHOST and response[1] == (command+1)):
raise RuntimeError('Received unexpected command response!')
# Return response data.
return response[2:]
def SAM_configuration(self):
if self.debug:
print("Sending SAM_CONFIGURATION")
response = self.call_function(_COMMAND_SAMCONFIGURATION, params=[0x01, 0x14, 0x01])
if self.debug:
print('SAM_configuration:', [hex(i) for i in response])
def get_firmware_version(self):
Call PN532 GetFirmwareVersion function and return a tuple with the IC,
Ver, Rev, and Support values.
if self.debug:
response = self.call_function(_COMMAND_GETFIRMWAREVERSION)
if response is None:
raise RuntimeError('Failed to detect the PN532')
return tuple(response)
def read_passive_target(self, card_baud=_MIFARE_ISO14443A):
Wait for a MiFare card to be available and return its UID when found.
Will wait up to timeout seconds and return None if no card is found,
otherwise a bytearray with the UID of the found card is returned.
if self.debug:
print("Sending INIT_PASSIVE_TARGET")
# Send passive read command for 1 card. Expect at most a 7 byte UUID.
response = self.call_function(_COMMAND_INLISTPASSIVETARGET, params=[0x01, card_baud])
# Check only 1 card with up to a 7 byte UID is present.
if response[0] != 0x01:
raise RuntimeError('More than one card detected!')
if response[5] > 7:
raise RuntimeError('Found card with unexpectedly long UID!')
# Return UID of card.
return response[6:6+response[5]]
def release_targets(self):
if self.debug:
print("Release Targets")
response = self.call_function(_COMMAND_INRELEASE, params=[0x00])