#!/bin/bash # exit when any of the commands fails set -e # we need the KUVERT_USER envvar [ -z ${KUVERT_USER+x} ] && KUVERT_USER="user" # we need the KUVERT_GROUP envvar, but we can get it from the username, right? [ -z ${KUVERT_GROUP+x} ] && KUVERT_GROUP="$KUVERT_USER" echo "+-- settings:" echo " +-- KUVERT_USER : $KUVERT_USER" echo " +-- KUVERT_GROUP : $KUVERT_GROUP" echo " +-- KUVERT_UID : ${KUVERT_UID-}" echo " +-- KUVERT_GID : ${KUVERT_GID-}" # users' home directory # TODO feature/future proof it HOMEDIR="/home/${KUVERT_USER}" # important directories [ -z ${KUVERT_LOGS_DIR+x} ] && KUVERT_LOGS_DIR="$HOMEDIR/logs" [ -z ${KUVERT_QUEUE_DIR+x} ] && KUVERT_QUEUE_DIR="$HOMEDIR/queue" [ -z ${KUVERT_CONFIG_DIR+x} ] && KUVERT_CONFIG_DIR="$HOMEDIR/config" echo "+-- directories:" echo " +-- HOMEDIR : ${HOMEDIR}" echo " +-- KUVERT_LOGS_DIR : ${KUVERT_LOGS_DIR}" echo " +-- KUVERT_QUEUE_DIR : ${KUVERT_QUEUE_DIR}" echo " +-- KUVERT_CONFIG_DIR : ${KUVERT_CONFIG_DIR}" # get group data, if any, and check if the group exists echo "+-- setting up the group..." if GROUP_DATA=`getent group "$KUVERT_GROUP"`; then echo " +-- group seems to exist" # it does! do we have the gid given? if [[ "$KUVERT_GID" != "" ]]; then # we do! do these match? if [[ `echo "$GROUP_DATA" | cut -d ':' -f 3` != "$KUVERT_GID" ]]; then # they don't. we have a problem echo "ERROR: group $KUVERT_GROUP already exists, but with a different gid (`echo "$GROUP_DATA" | cut -d ':' -f 3`) than provided ($KUVERT_GID)!" exit 3 fi fi # if no gid given, the existing group satisfies us regardless of the GID # group does not exist else echo -n " +-- group does not exist, creating" # do we have the gid given? GID_ARGS="" if [[ "$KUVERT_GID" != "" ]]; then # prepare the fragment of the groupadd command GID_ARGS="-g $KUVERT_GID" # we do! does a group with a given id exist? if getent group "$KUVERT_GID" >/dev/null; then # let's make that non-unique, then echo -n ' (non-unique)' GID_ARGS="$GID_ARGS --non-unique" fi echo -n " with gid $KUVERT_GID" fi echo # we either have no GID given (and don't care about it), or have a GID given that does not exist in the system # great! let's add the group groupadd $GID_ARGS "$KUVERT_GROUP" fi # get user data, if any, and check if the user exists echo "+-- setting up the user..." if USER_DATA=`id -u "$KUVERT_USER" 2>/dev/null`; then echo " +-- user seems to exist" # it does! do we have the uid given? if [[ "$KUVERT_UID" != "" ]]; then # we do! do these match? if [[ "$USER_DATA" != "$KUVERT_UID" ]]; then # they don't. we have a problem echo "ERROR: user $KUVERT_USER already exists, but with a different uid ("$USER_DATA") than provided ($KUVERT_UID)!" exit 5 fi fi # if no uid given, the existing user satisfies us regardless of the uid # but is he in the right group? adduser "$KUVERT_USER" "$KUVERT_GROUP" # user does not exist else # do we have the uid given? echo -n " +-- user does not exist, creating" UID_ARGS="" if [[ "$KUVERT_UID" != "" ]]; then # prepare the fragment of the useradd command UID_ARGS="-u $KUVERT_UID" # we do! does a group with a given id exist? if getent passwd "$KUVERT_UID" >/dev/null; then echo -n ' (non-unique)' UID_ARGS="$UID_ARGS --non-unique" fi echo -n " with uid $KUVERT_UID" fi echo # we either have no UID given (and don't care about it), or have a UID given that does not exist in the system # great! let's add the user useradd $UID_ARGS -r -g "$KUVERT_GROUP" -s /bin/bash "$KUVERT_USER" # by default disable the password passwd -d "$KUVERT_USER" # create home mkdir -p "/home/$KUVERT_USER" # and make sure that permissions and ownership are set properly # but don't fail completely when that's not the case chown -R "$KUVERT_USER:$KUVERT_GROUP" "/home/$KUVERT_USER" || echo "WARNING: changing ownership of /home/$KUVERT_USER failed!" chmod -R ug+rwX "/home/$KUVERT_USER" || echo "WARNING: changing permissions on /home/$KUVERT_USER failed!" fi # the directories echo "+-- handling directories..." echo " +-- creating..." mkdir -p "$KUVERT_LOGS_DIR" mkdir -p "$KUVERT_QUEUE_DIR" mkdir -p "$KUVERT_CONFIG_DIR" echo " +-- changing ownership..." chown -R "$KUVERT_USER":"$KUVERT_GROUP" "$KUVERT_LOGS_DIR" chown -R "$KUVERT_USER":"$KUVERT_GROUP" "$KUVERT_QUEUE_DIR" chown -R "$KUVERT_USER":"$KUVERT_GROUP" "$KUVERT_CONFIG_DIR" echo " +-- changing permissions..." chmod -R u=rwX,g=rX,o= "$KUVERT_LOGS_DIR" chmod -R u=rwX,g=rX,o= "$KUVERT_QUEUE_DIR" chmod -R u=rwX,g=rX,o= "$KUVERT_CONFIG_DIR" # # kuvert explicitly expects the config file to be ~/.kuvert, so we need to link it to the actual config file, # wherever we expect it to be ln -s "$KUVERT_CONFIG_DIR/kuvert.conf" "$HOMEDIR/.kuvert" # inform echo "========================================================================" echo "== Starting kuvert ==" echo "========================================================================" # change directory echo "+-- changing directory to: $HOMEDIR" cd "$HOMEDIR" # time for kuvert! echo "+-- changing user to: $KUVERT_USER" echo -e "+-- running:\n\t$*" exec su -p -c "env PATH=\"$PATH\" $*" "$KUVERT_USER"