FROM perl MAINTAINER Michał "rysiek" Woźniak # envvars -- runscript will handle these ENV KUVERT_USER kuvert ENV KUVERT_GROUP kuvert ENV KUVERT_UID 1000 ENV KUVERT_GID 1000 ENV KUVERT_HOME /home/kuvert # install inotify-tools RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -q update && \ apt-get -q -y --no-install-recommends install \ inotify-tools && \ apt-get -q clean && \ apt-get -q -y autoremove && \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* # install the needed CPAN modules # divided into separate RUN commands for easier debugging # (cpan's output does not lend itself to debugging very well...) RUN /usr/bin/cpan -i MIME::Parser RUN /usr/bin/cpan -i Mail::Address RUN /usr/bin/cpan -i Net::SMTPS RUN /usr/bin/cpan -i Sys::Hostname RUN /usr/bin/cpan -i Net::Server::Mail RUN /usr/bin/cpan -i Authen::SASL RUN /usr/bin/cpan -i IO::Socket::INET RUN /usr/bin/cpan -i FileHandle RUN /usr/bin/cpan -i File::Slurp RUN /usr/bin/cpan -i File::Temp RUN /usr/bin/cpan -i Fcntl RUN /usr/bin/cpan -i Time::HiRes COPY ./ /usr/local/src/kuvert/ RUN cd /usr/local/src/kuvert/ && \ make && \ make install # make sure entrypoint script is runnable RUN chmod a+x /usr/local/src/kuvert/ ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/src/kuvert/"] CMD ["kuvert", "-d"]