Fork 0

131 lines
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machines = (import ./defs-machines.nix);
in rec {
domain = ".hswaw.net";
k8sapi = "k0.hswaw.net";
acmeEmail = "q3k@hackerspace.pl";
fqdn = machineName + domain;
machine = (builtins.head (builtins.filter (n: n.fqdn == fqdn) machines));
otherMachines = (builtins.filter (n: n.fqdn != fqdn) machines);
machinesByName = builtins.listToAttrs (map (m: { name = m.name; value = m; }) machines);
inherit machines;
# Ceph cluster to run systemd modules for.
cephCluster = {
fsid = "74592dc2-31b7-4dbe-88cf-40459dfeb354";
name = "k0";
# Map from node name to mon configuration (currently always empty).
# Each mon also runs a mgr daemon (which is a leader-elected kitchen
# sink^W^Whousekeeping service hanging off of a mon cluster).
# Consult the Ceph documentation
# (https://docs.ceph.com/en/pacific/rados/operations/add-or-rm-mons/) on
# how to actually carry out mon-related maintenance operations.
mons = {
bc01n02 = {};
# Map from node name to list of disks on node.
# Each disk is:
# id: OSD numerical ID, eg. 0 for osd.0. You get this after running
# ceph-lvm volume create.
# path: Filesystem path for disk backing drive. This should be something
# in /dev/disk/by-id for safety. This is only used to gate OSD
# daemon startup by disk presence.
# uuid: OSD uuid/fsid. You get this after running ceph-lvm volume create.
# Quick guide how to set up a new OSD (but please refer to the Ceph manual):
# 0. Copy /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd/k0.keyring from another OSD node to
# the new OSD node, if this is a new node. Remember to chown ceph:ceph
# chmod 0600!
# 1. nix-shell -p ceph lvm2 cryptsetup (if on a node that's not yet an OSD)
# 2. ceph-volume --cluster k0 lvm create --bluestore --data /dev/sdX --no-systemd --dmcrypt
# 3. The above will mount a tmpfs on /var/lib/ceph/osd/k0-X. X is the new
# osd id. A file named fsid inside this directory is the new OSD fsid/uuid.
# 4. Configure osds below with the above information, redeploy node from nix.
osds = {
dcr01s22 = [
{ id = 0; path = "/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-35000c500850293e3"; uuid = "314034c5-474c-4d0d-ba41-36a881c52560";}
{ id = 1; path = "/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-35000c500850312cb"; uuid = "a7f1baa0-0fc3-4ab1-9895-67abdc29de03";}
{ id = 2; path = "/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-35000c5008508e3ef"; uuid = "11ac8316-6a87-48a7-a0c7-74c3cef6c2fa";}
{ id = 3; path = "/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-35000c5008508e23f"; uuid = "c6b838d1-b08c-4788-936c-293041ed2d4d";}
dcr01s24 = [
{ id = 4; path = "/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-35000c5008509199b"; uuid = "a2b4663d-bd8f-49b3-b0b0-195c56ba252f";}
{ id = 5; path = "/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-35000c50085046abf"; uuid = "a2242989-ccce-4367-8813-519b64b5afdb";}
{ id = 6; path = "/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-35000c5008502929b"; uuid = "7deac89c-22dd-4c2b-b3cc-43ff7f990fd6";}
{ id = 7; path = "/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-35000c5008502a323"; uuid = "e305ebb3-9cac-44d2-9f1d-bbb72c8ab51f";}
pki = rec {
make = (radix: name: rec {
ca = ./../certs + "/ca-${radix}.crt";
cert = ./../certs + "/${radix}-${name}.cert";
key = ./../secrets/plain + "/${radix}-${name}.key";
json = (builtins.toJSON {
ca = (builtins.toString ca);
cert = (builtins.toString cert);
key = (builtins.toString key);
etcdPeer = (make "etcdpeer" fqdn);
etcd = {
server = (make "etcd" fqdn);
kube = (make "etcd" "kube");
makeKube = (name: (make "kube" name) // {
config = {
server = "https://${k8sapi}:${toString ports.k8sAPIServerSecure}";
certFile = (make "kube" name).cert;
keyFile = (make "kube" name).key;
kube = rec {
ca = apiserver.ca;
# Used to identify apiserver.
apiserver = (makeKube "apiserver");
# Used to identify controller-manager.
controllermanager = (makeKube "controllermanager");
# Used to identify scheduler.
scheduler = (makeKube "scheduler");
# Used to identify kube-proxy.
proxy = (makeKube "proxy");
# Used to identify kubelet.
kubelet = (makeKube "kubelet-${fqdn}");
# Used to encrypt service accounts.
serviceaccounts = (makeKube "serviceaccounts");
kubeFront = {
apiserver = (make "kubefront" "apiserver");
ports = {
k8sAPIServerPlain = 4000;
k8sAPIServerSecure = 4001;
k8sControllerManagerPlain = 0; # would be 4002; do not serve plain http
k8sControllerManagerSecure = 4003;
k8sSchedulerPlain = 0; # would be 4004; do not serve plain http
k8sSchedulerSecure = 4005;