Gerrit OAuth2 authentication provider ===================================== [![Build Status](]( With this plugin Gerrit can use OAuth2 protocol for authentication. Supported OAuth providers: * [AirVantage]( * [Bitbucket]( * [CAS]( * [CoreOS Dex]( * [Facebook]( * [GitHub]( * [GitLab]( * [Google]( * [Keycloak]( * [Office365]( See the [Wiki]( what it can do for you. Prebuilt artifacts ------------------ Prebuilt binary artifacts are available on [release page]( Make sure to pick the right JAR for your Gerrit version. Build ----- To build the plugin with Bazel, install [Bazel]( and run the following: ``` git clone gerrit-oauth-provider cd gerrit-oauth-provider && bazel build gerrit-oauth-provider ``` Install ------- Copy the `bazel-genfiles/oauth.jar` to `$gerrit_site/plugins` and re-run init to configure it: ``` java -jar gerrit.war init -d [...] *** OAuth Authentication Provider *** Use Bitbucket OAuth provider for Gerrit login ? [Y/n]? n Use Google OAuth provider for Gerrit login ? [Y/n]? Application client id : Application client secret : confirm password : Link to OpenID accounts? [true]: Use GitHub OAuth provider for Gerrit login ? [Y/n]? n ``` Reporting bugs -------------- Make sure to read the [FAQ]( before reporting issues. License ------- Apache License 2.0