load("@io_bazel_rules_docker//container:container.bzl", "container_image", "container_push") container_image( name="with_plugins", base="@gerrit-3.3.2//image", files = [ "//devtools/gerrit/gerrit-oauth-provider:gerrit-oauth-provider", "@com_googlesource_gerrit_plugin_owners//owners:owners.jar", ], # we cannot drop it directly in /var/gerrit/plugins as that changes the # directory owner to 0:0 and then breaks the gerrit installer that wants # to overwrite plugins. directory = "/var/gerrit-plugins", ) container_image( name = "with_theme", base = ":with_plugins", files = [ "theme/etc/GerritSite.css", "theme/static/pepper-icon.png", ], directory = "/var/gerrit-theme", ) # Add gerrit 3.3.2 with backported fix. See org_q3k_gerrit_3_3_2_backport in # WORKSPACE for more background. # TODO(q3k): drop once gerrit > 3.3.2 lands. container_image( name = "with_gerrit_override", base="with_theme", files = [ "@org_q3k_gerrit_3_3_2_backport//file:gerrit.war", ], directory = "/var/gerrit/bin/", ) container_image( name="3.3.2-r4", base=":with_gerrit_override", files = [":entrypoint.sh"], directory = "/", entrypoint = ["/entrypoint.sh"], ) container_push( name = "push", image = ":3.3.2-r4", format = "Docker", registry = "registry.k0.hswaw.net", repository = "q3k/gerrit", tag = "3.3.2-r4", )