prodvider ========= It provides access, yo. Architecture ------------ Prodvider uses an intermedaite CA (the prodvider CA, signed by the kube CA), to generate the following: - a cert for prodvider to present itself over gRPC for prodaccess clients - a cert for prodvider to authenticate itself to the kube apiserver - client certificates for prodaccess consumers. Any time someone runs 'prodaccess', they get a certificate from the intermediate CA, and the intermediate CA is included as part of the chain that they receive. They can then use this chain to authenticate against kubernetes. Naming ------ Prodvider customers get certificates with a CN=`` and O=`sso:username`. This means that they appear to Kubernetes as being a `User` named `` and `Group` named `sso:username`. In the future, another group might be given to users, do not rely on this relationship. Kubernetes Structure -------------------- After generating a user certificate, prodvider will also call kubernetes to set up a personal user namespace (`personal-username`), a RoleBinding to `system:admin-namespace` from their `User` in their namespace (thus, giving them full rights in it) and a ClusterRoleBinding to `system:viewer` from their `User` (thus, giving them some read access for all resources, but not to secure data (like secrets). `system:admin-namespace` and `system:viewer` are defined in `//cluster/kube`.