syntax = "proto3"; package connector; message GetPortsRequest { }; message SwitchPort { enum Speed { SPEED_INVALID = 0; SPEED_100M = 1; SPEED_1G = 2; SPEED_10G = 3; }; string name = 1; Speed speed = 2; enum LinkState { LINKSTATE_INVALID = 0; LINKSTATE_DOWN = 1; LINKSTATE_UP = 2; }; LinkState link_state = 3; enum PortMode { PORTMODE_INVALID = 0; // Interface is bridged to a VLAN, untagged. PORTMODE_SWITCHPORT_UNTAGGED = 1; // Interfaces is bridged to several tagged 802.1q VLANs. PORTMODE_SWITCHPORT_TAGGED = 2; // Interface is in 'generic', both tagged 802.1q and untagged mode. PORTMODE_SWITCHPORT_GENERIC = 3; // Interface is routed, ie routes packets from a separate L3 network // and the Switch is the default gateway for machines in this network. PORTMODE_ROUTED = 4; // Interface is in a configuration state that cannot be clearly stated // in terms of this enum, and should be reconfigured. PORTMODE_MANGLED = 5; }; PortMode port_mode = 4; // For PORTMODE_SWITCHPORT_UNTAGGED and PORTMODE_SWITCHPORT_GENERIC, the // VLAN ID that this interface is natively bridged to. int32 vlan_native = 5; // For PORTMODE_SWITCHPORT_TAGGED and PORTMODE_SWITCHPORT_GENERIC, the VLAN // IDs that the interface is bridged to using 802.1q tags. repeated int32 vlan_tagged = 6; // For PORTMODE_ROUTED repeated string prefixes = 7; // Interface MTU int32 mtu = 8; enum SpanningTreeMode { SPANNING_TREE_MODE_INVALID = 0; // Send STP BPDU, on timeout switch to Forwarding. SPANNING_TREE_MODE_AUTO_PORTFAST = 1; // Switch to Forwarding immediately on link up. SPANNING_TREE_MODE_PORTFAST = 2; }; SpanningTreeMode spanning_tree_mode = 9; }; message GetPortsResponse { repeated SwitchPort ports = 1; }; service SwitchControl { rpc GetPorts(GetPortsRequest) returns (GetPortsResponse); };