# Source this file to have hscloud tools available in your PATH after running # `bazel run //tools:install`. if [ "$0" == "$BASH_SOURCE" ]; then echo "You should be sourcing this." exit 1 fi hscloud_root="$( cd "$(dirname "$BASH_SOURCE")"; pwd -P )" if [ ! -f "$hscloud_root/WORKSPACE" ]; then echo "Could not find WORKSPACE" exit 1 fi hscloud_path="$hscloud_root/bazel-bin/tools:$hscloud_root/bazel-bin/cluster/tools" [[ ":$PATH:" != *":$hscloud_path:"* ]] && PATH="$hscloud_path:${PATH}" unset -f hscloud_root unset -f hscloud_path if command -v clang &> /dev/null; then # if we have clang, use it # avoids weird PATH issues with linkers, eg https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/18834 export CC=clang fi # Leftover junk. This should be removed, as env.sh is now optional. # Do _not_ add more aliases! alias bajzel=bazel gpg-unlock() { echo "test" | gpg2 --sign --batch --no-tty -o /dev/null }