local node = ThreadNode:extend('nodes.newdash', { threadFile = 'nodes/newdash_thread.lua', threadChannel = 'newdash', updateInterval = 60, }) local weatherFont = love.graphics.newFont('fonts/weathericons-regular-webfont.ttf', 165) local tempFont = love.graphics.newFont('fonts/Lato-Light.ttf', 120) local timeFont = love.graphics.newFont('fonts/Lato-Thin.ttf', 330) local dateFont = love.graphics.newFont('fonts/Lato-Light.ttf', 90) local headerFont = love.graphics.newFont('fonts/Lato-Regular.ttf', 40) local valueFont = love.graphics.newFont('fonts/Lato-Light.ttf', 45) local atFont = love.graphics.newFont('fonts/Lato-Light.ttf', 35) local weatherGlyphs = { snow = "", mist = "", clear = "", -- clouds = "", clouds = "", -- x---DDD drizzle = "", } function node:spejsiotData(node_id, endpoint, parameter) if self.state.spejsiot[node_id] and self.state.spejsiot[node_id]["$online"] and self.state.spejsiot[node_id][endpoint] and self.state.spejsiot[node_id][endpoint][parameter] ~= nil then return self.state.spejsiot[node_id][endpoint][parameter] else return nil end end function node:renderIOTState(node_id, endpoint, parameter, x, y) local rawValue = self:spejsiotData(node_id, endpoint, parameter) if rawValue == true then love.graphics.setColor( 0, 1.0, 0 ) love.graphics.printf("ON", x, y, 400, 'left') elseif rawValue == false then love.graphics.setColor( 1.0, 0, 0 ) love.graphics.printf("OFF", x, y, 400, 'left') elseif rawValue == nil then love.graphics.setColor( 1.0, 0, 0 ) love.graphics.printf("OFFLINE", x, y, 400, 'left') else love.graphics.setColor( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ) love.graphics.printf(rawValue, x, y, 400, 'left') end end function node:render() love.graphics.setColor( 0, 0, 0 ) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 0, 0, love.graphics.getWidth(), love.graphics.getHeight()) if self.state then love.graphics.setColor( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ) if weatherGlyphs[self.state.weather] then love.graphics.setFont(weatherFont) love.graphics.print(weatherGlyphs[self.state.weather], 100, 340) else love.graphics.setFont(atFont) love.graphics.print(self.state.weather, 100, 370) end love.graphics.setFont(tempFont) love.graphics.printf(string.format("%d°", self.state.temperature), 350, 390, 270, 'center') love.graphics.setFont(headerFont) love.graphics.printf("Ambient:", 720, 380, 160, 'right') love.graphics.printf("Exhaust:", 720, 440, 160, 'right') love.graphics.printf("Pope:", 720, 500, 160, 'right') love.graphics.setFont(valueFont) if self:spejsiotData("d106e1", "environment", "degree") then love.graphics.printf(string.format( "%d° / %d%%RH", self:spejsiotData("d106e1", "environment", "degree"), self:spejsiotData("d106e1", "environment", "humidity") ), 900, 378, 400, 'left') else love.graphics.printf("?!", 900, 378, 400, 'left') end self:renderIOTState("c0dbe7", "relay", "on", 900, 438) self:renderIOTState("0eac42", "spin and blink", "on", 900, 498) love.graphics.setColor( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ) love.graphics.setFont(headerFont) love.graphics.printf("at hackerspace:", 50, 593, 300, 'left') love.graphics.setFont(atFont) users = {} if self.state.at then users = lume.map(self.state.at.users, function(v) return v.login end) if self.state.at.unknown > 0 then users[#users + 1] = string.format("%d unknown creatures", self.state.at.unknown) end if self.state.at.kektops > 0 then users[#users + 1] = string.format("%d kektops", self.state.at.kektops) end if self.state.at.esps > 0 then users[#users + 1] = string.format("%d ESPs", self.state.at.esps) end end usersList = (table.concat(users, ', ') or 'nobody...') love.graphics.printf(usersList, 350, 598, 900, 'left') else love.graphics.setColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5) love.graphics.setFont(valueFont) love.graphics.printf("Loading...", 0, 530, love.graphics.getWidth(), "center") end love.graphics.setColor( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ) love.graphics.setFont(timeFont) love.graphics.printf(os.date("%H:%M"), 50, -10, 850, 'center') love.graphics.setFont(dateFont) love.graphics.printf(os.date("%Y\n%m/%d"), 960, 80, 270, 'center') end return node