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cluster/kube: nginx: add Hscloud-Nic-Source-* headers

These can be used by production jobs to get the source port of the
client connecting over HTTP. A followup CR implements just that.

Change-Id: Ic8e29eaf806bb196d8cfcfb604ff66ae4d0d166a
q3k 2021-05-22 19:10:30 +00:00
parent ba28a04c65
commit e17f7edde0
1 changed files with 40 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -41,7 +41,46 @@ local policies = import "../../../kube/policies.libsonnet";
make(name):: kube.ConfigMap(name) {
metadata+: env.metadata,
configuration: env.maps.make("nginx-configuration"),
configuration: env.maps.make("nginx-configuration") {
data: {
"proxy-set-headers": "%s/nginx-custom-headers" % [cfg.namespace],
customHeaders: env.maps.make("nginx-custom-headers") {
data: {
# RFC6648 deprecates X-prefixed headers as a convention in
# multiple application protocols, including HTTP. It
# recommends that any new headers should just start off
# with a final standardized name, ie. suggests to use
# Toaster-ID instead of X-Toaster-ID.
# However, it also acknowledges that headers likely to
# never be standardized can still be prefixed with OrgName-
# or other constructs. And since we're not even attempting
# to standardize anything here, this is what we use to
# prefix hscloud-specific headers.
# Hscloud == hscloud, this repository.
# Nic == nginx-ingress-controller, this ingress controller.
# Set source port/addr. Source-IP duplicates
# X-Forwarded-For, but is added for consistency with
# Source-Port.
# Source-IP is an IP address in two possible formats:
# IPv4: ""
# IPv6: "2a0d:1234::42"
# Any other format received by services should be
# considered invalid, and the service should assume a
# misconfiguration of the N-I-C.
"Hscloud-Nic-Source-IP": "${remote_addr}",
# Source-Port is a stringified TCP port, encoding a port
# number from 1 to 65535. Any other value received by
# services should be considered invalid, and the service
# should assume a misconfiguration of the N-I-C.
"Hscloud-Nic-Source-Port": "${remote_port}",
tcp: env.maps.make("tcp-services") {
data: {
"22": "gerrit/gerrit:22",