Fork 0

better graphviz

Serge Bazanski 2018-10-06 13:55:49 +01:00
parent c7be4a115b
commit de869df9ac
1 changed files with 13 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
@ -61,32 +62,31 @@ func (s *Service) Run() {
http.HandleFunc("/debug/graphviz", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "graph G {\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " rankdir = LR\n")
for _, machine := range s.gr.Machines {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " subgraph cluster%s {\n", machine.Name)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " label = %s\n", machine.Name)
portNames := []string{}
for _, port := range machine.Ports {
a := machine.Name + "|" + port.Name
fmt.Fprintf(w, " %q [label = %q]\n", a, port.Name)
name := fmt.Sprintf("<%s> %s", port.Name, port.Name)
portNames = append(portNames, name)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
ports := strings.Join(portNames, "|")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " %s [shape=record label=\"{ %s | { %s }}\"]\n", machine.Name, machine.Name, ports)
for _, sw := range s.gr.Switches {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " subgraph cluster%s {\n", sw.Name)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " label = %s\n", sw.Name)
portNames := []string{}
for _, port := range sw.Ports {
a := sw.Name + "|" + port.Name
fmt.Fprintf(w, " %q [label = %q]\n", a, port.Name)
name := fmt.Sprintf("<%s> %s", port.Name, port.Name)
portNames = append(portNames, name)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
ports := strings.Join(portNames, "|")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " %s [shape=record label=\"{{ %s } | %s}\"]\n", sw.Name, ports, sw.Name)
for _, machine := range s.gr.Machines {
for _, port := range machine.Ports {
if port.OtherEnd == nil {
a := machine.Name + "|" + port.Name
b := port.OtherEnd.Switch.Name + "|" + port.OtherEnd.Name
fmt.Fprintf(w, " %q -- %q\n", a, b)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " %s:%q -- %s:%q\n", machine.Name, port.Name, port.OtherEnd.Switch.Name, port.OtherEnd.Name)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n")