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Revert "cluster/kube/lib/nginx: use Local traffic policy"

This reverts commit 09a0f06d2a.

Reason for revert: prevents registry from being accessible on nodes:

q3k@anathema ~/Software/hscloud $ curl registry.k0.hswaw.net
[..., ok]

[root@bc01n03:~]# curl registry.k0.hswaw.net

Change-Id: I0da97aaf7a8791ea3f62c70b6c1502f4a48a300f
q3k 2019-06-29 22:58:19 +00:00
parent 09a0f06d2a
commit 92be486f39
1 changed files with 0 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -142,10 +142,6 @@ local kube = import "../../../kube/kube.libsonnet";
target_pod:: env.deployment.spec.template,
spec+: {
type: "LoadBalancer",
// The nginx ingress instrance is single-instance and metallb l2 (which we run)
// does SNAT on 'Cluster', thereby losing the source IP address.
// See: https://metallb.universe.tf/usage/#cluster-traffic-policy
externalTrafficPolicy: "Local",
ports: [
{ name: "ssh", port: 22, targetPort: 22, protocol: "TCP" },
{ name: "http", port: 80, targetPort: 80, protocol: "TCP" },