
205 lines
7.7 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# all the imports
from __future__ import with_statement
from contextlib import closing
import sqlite3
from flask import Flask, request, session, g, redirect, url_for, abort, render_template, flash, jsonify
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import smtplib
from note import Note, Page, convert_datestring_to_date
# configuration
DATABASE = 'notes.db'
DEBUG = True
SECRET_KEY = 'development key'
USERNAME = 'admin'
PASSWORD = 'dupa.8'
app = Flask(__name__)
class Thumb:
def __init__(self, source, href, tags):
self.src = source
self.href = href
self.tags = tags
#DB functions
def connect_db():
return sqlite3.connect(app.config['DATABASE'])
def init_db():
with closing(connect_db()) as db:
with app.open_resource('schema.sql') as f:
def query_db(query, args=(), one=False):
Simple wrapper around query
cur = g.db.execute(query, args)
rv = [dict((cur.description[idx][0], value)
for idx, value in enumerate(row)) for row in cur.fetchall()]
return (rv[0] if rv else None) if one else rv
def before_request():
g.db = g._db.cursor()
except AttributeError:
g._db = connect_db()
g.db = g._db.cursor()
def teardown_request(exception):
except AttributeError:
def home(subject= "mechanika", datestring= "14grudnia2012"):
other_dates = prepare_other_dates(subject)
all_dates = prepare_all_dates()
all_subjects = [sub["subject"] for sub in get_all_subjects()]
thumbs = get_thumbs(subject, datestring)
if datestring in other_dates:
thumbs_info = {"subject": subject, "datestring": datestring, "other_dates": other_dates}
thumbs = [dict(href=thumb.href, src=thumb.src) for thumb in thumbs]
return render_template('index.html', thumbs=thumbs, main_page_src=main_page_src,thumbs_info=thumbs_info,
all_dates=all_dates, all_subjects=all_subjects)
def show_subject(subject):
dates = prepare_other_dates(subject)
all_dates = prepare_all_dates()
all_subjects = [sub["subject"] for sub in get_all_subjects()]
return render_template('subject.html', subject=subject, dates=dates, all_dates=all_dates, all_subjects=all_subjects)
def show_date(datestring):
all_dates = prepare_all_dates()
all_subjects = [sub["subject"] for sub in get_all_subjects()]
notes = get_notes_for_day(datestring)
separated_notes = {}
for note in notes:
if not note["subject"] in separated_notes:
separated_notes[note["subject"]] = []
return render_template('date.html', date=datestring, all_dates=all_dates, all_subjects=all_subjects, separated_notes=separated_notes)
def show_search():
all_dates = prepare_all_dates()
all_subjects = [sub["subject"] for sub in get_all_subjects()]
return render_template('search.html', all_dates=all_dates, all_subjects=all_subjects )
def about():
all_dates = prepare_all_dates()
all_subjects = [sub["subject"] for sub in get_all_subjects()]
return render_template('about.html', all_dates=all_dates, all_subjects=all_subjects )
def add_note(subject, datestring, notes):
g.db.execute('insert into notes (subject, datestring ) values (?, ?)', [subject, datestring])
note_id = g.db.lastrowid
for note in notes:
g.db.execute('insert into pages (note_id, name, tags ) values (?, ?, ?)', [note_id, note["name"], note["tags"]])
def create_thumb(subject, datestring, name, tags, author_string):
src = "notes/" + author_string + "/mini/" + subject + "/" + datestring + "/" + name
href = "notes/" + author_string + "/" + subject + "/" + datestring + "/" + name
thumb = Thumb(src, href, tags)
return thumb
def get_thumbs(subject, datestring=""):
query_result = query_db("select pages.* from pages left join notes on = pages.note_id where notes.subject = ?", [subject,])
query_result = query_db("select pages.*, notes.author_string from pages left join notes on = pages.note_id \
where notes.subject = ? and datestring = ?", [subject, datestring])
return [create_thumb(subject, datestring, t["name"], t["tags"], t["author_string"]) for t in query_result ]
def get_possible_dates(subject):
dates = query_db("select distinct datestring from notes where subject = ? ", [subject])
return dates
def get_notes_for_day(datestring):
"""return pages which where written that day (daystring) with other info"""
query_result = query_db("select pages.*,notes.subject,notes.author_string, from pages left join notes on = pages.note_id \
where datestring = ?", [datestring])
return [{"subject": t["subject"], "author_string":t["author_string"], "author":t["author"], "datestring": datestring, "name": t["name"]}for t in query_result ]
def get_all_dates():
"""return all dates from database"""
dates = query_db("select distinct datestring from notes ")
return dates
def get_all_subjects():
"""return all subject from database"""
subjects = query_db("select distinct subject from notes ")
return subjects
def prepare_all_dates():
"""return all dates in well formated form of nested dictionaries"""
datestrings = [date["datestring"] for date in get_all_dates()]
all_dates = [convert_datestring_to_date(date) for date in datestrings]
return sort_dates(datestrings, all_dates)
def prepare_other_dates(subject):
datestrings = [date["datestring"] for date in get_possible_dates(subject)]
dates = [convert_datestring_to_date(date) for date in datestrings]
return sort_dates(datestrings, dates)
def sort_dates(datestrings, dates):
sorted_dates = {}
for date, datestring in zip(dates, datestrings):
if not date.datetime.year in sorted_dates:
sorted_dates[date.datetime.year] = {}
if not date.datetime.month in sorted_dates[date.datetime.year]:
sorted_dates[date.datetime.year][date.datetime.month] = []
sorted_dates[date.datetime.year][date.datetime.month].append({"day" :, "source": datestring,
"weekday": weekday(date.datetime.weekday())})
sorted = sort_number_strings(sorted_dates[date.datetime.year][date.datetime.month])
sorted_dates[date.datetime.year][date.datetime.month] = sorted
return sorted_dates
def sort_number_strings(data):
"""return array of dictionaries sorted by day treated as a number, i.e. 12 is after 3."""
number_data = [int(day["day"]) for day in data]
return [{"day": number, "source": data[get_index_for(number, data)]["source"],
"weekday": data[get_index_for(number, data)]["weekday"] } for i, number in enumerate(number_data)]
def weekday(number):
"""return name of the weekday for a specific number in range 0-6"""
weekdays = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]
return weekdays[number]
def get_index_for(number, data):
"""get index of dictionary which day value equals number"""
index = 0
for i, day in enumerate(data):
if day["day"] == number:
index = i
return index
if __name__ == '__main__':