#!/busybox sh NORMAL="\\033[0m" # white on black, or whatever your terminal is FAIL="\\033[1;31m" # red foreground OK="\\033[1;32m" # green foreground INFO="\\033[1;34m" # blue foreground alias tar='/busybox tar -C /roottmpfs -xpf -' alias bzcat='/busybox bzcat' alias xzcat='/busybox xzcat' alias mount='/busybox mount' alias umount='/busybox umount' emergency() { echo "" echo -e "${FAIL}It failed! Panic shell!${NORMAL}" echo "" /busybox --install -s exec /bin/sh } info() { echo -en "-${INFO}|${NORMAL}-" ${@} "... " } isok() { if [[ $1 -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "${INFO}[ ${OK}OK${INFO} ]${NORMAL}" else echo -e "${INFO}[ ${FAIL}FAIL${INFO} ]${NORMAL}" emergency fi } info "disabling console blanking, hopefully" echo -e '\033[9;0]\033[14;0]' > /dev/console info "waiting for usb devices to settle" echo "" for i in 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0; do echo -en ${i}'\r' /busybox sleep 1 done echo "" isok 0 info "mounting devtmpfs" /busybox mount -n -t devtmpfs devtmpfs ./dev isok $? info "mounting proc" /busybox mount -n -t proc proc ./proc isok $? info "getting root tmpfs size" for var in $(cat /proc/cmdline); do if [[ ${var/=*} = rootfs_size ]]; then size=${var/*=} fi done if [[ -z ${size} ]]; then info "going with default: 4G" size="4G" fi isok 0 info "trying to mount root tmpfs" /busybox mount -n -o size=${size} -t tmpfs roottmpfs /roottmpfs isok $? info "checking if the user wants to use a different init" for var in $(cat /proc/cmdline); do if [[ ${var/=*} = init ]]; then init="${var/*=}" info "user wants ${init}" fi done if [[ -z "${init}" ]]; then info "no; default: /sbin/init" init="/sbin/init" isok $? fi info "checking for network configuration on kernel commandline" echo "" for var in $(cat /proc/cmdline); do if [[ ${var/=*} = ipcmd ]]; then # Split the "value" part of this parameter into parts, with "," as # separators and then use them for constructing iproute2 commandline. # Don't do any input validation; escape to the shell if things break. # Do it in a subshell to prevent IFS change leak. ( IFS="," set -- ${var/*=} info "ip ${@}" /busybox ip ${@} isok $? ) fi done # syntax examples: # rootfs_part=uuid|f822d881-d88a-4200-a9cf-6986c5a3e69a/some_directory/file|xzcat|tar # -> findfs -> mount -> xzcat | tar # rootfs_part=url||bzcat|tar # -> wget -O - | bzcat | tar # You might find bugs & dragons here; patches accepted. info "looking for root filesystem tarballs" echo "" for var in $(cat /proc/cmdline); do if [[ "${var/=*}" = rootfs_part ]]; then part="${var/*=}" info "found ${part}" # uuid or url url_type="${part/|*}" # url + transformations url="${part#${url_type}|}" # transformations transformations="${url#*|}" # url url="${url/|*}" ( if [[ ${url_type} = "uuid" ]]; then uuid="${url%%/*}" filepath="${url#*/}" info "mounting $(findfs UUID="${uuid}") on /mnt" mount -n -o ro "$(findfs UUID="${uuid}")" /mnt isok $? info "unpacking /mnt/${filepath}" echo "" /pv "/mnt/${filepath}" | eval ${transformations} isok $? info "unmounting" umount -n /mnt isok $? else info "wgetting ${url} and transforming it on the fly" /busybox wget -O - "${url}" | eval ${transformations} isok $? fi ) fi done info "unmounting /dev" /busybox umount -n /dev isok $? info "unmounting /proc" /busybox umount -n /proc isok $? info "checking if /roottmpfs/${init} exists" [[ -e /roottmpfs/${init} ]] isok $? info "trying to switch root" exec /busybox switch_root /roottmpfs /sbin/init echo "" echo -e "${FAIL}we should not reach this place! here be dragons!${NORMAL}" echo "" emergency