
166 lines
4.7 KiB

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Jasmin F. Patry (Tuxracer)
Copyright (C) 2010 Extreme Tuxracer Team
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#ifndef TUX_H
#define TUX_H
#include "bh.h"
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#define MAX_ACTIONS 8
#define MAX_CHAR_NODES 256
#define MAX_CHAR_MAT 32
#define MIN_SPHERE_DIV 3
#define MAX_SPHERE_DIV 16
struct TCharMaterial {
TColor diffuse;
TColor specular;
float exp;
string matline;
struct TCharAction {
size_t num;
int type[MAX_ACTIONS];
TVector3 vec[MAX_ACTIONS];
double dval[MAX_ACTIONS];
string name;
string order;
string mat;
struct TCharNode {
TCharNode *parent;
TCharNode *next;
TCharNode *child;
TCharAction* action;
size_t node_idx; // number in node_array
size_t node_name; // int identifier of node itself
size_t parent_name; // int identifier of parent
size_t child_name;
size_t next_name;
string joint;
TMatrix trans;
TMatrix invtrans;
double radius;
int divisions;
TCharMaterial *mat;
bool render_shadow;
bool visible;
class CCharShape {
TCharNode *Nodes[MAX_CHAR_NODES];
size_t Index[MAX_CHAR_NODES];
size_t numNodes;
bool useActions;
bool newActions;
vector<TCharMaterial> Materials;
map<string, size_t> MaterialIndex;
// nodes
size_t GetNodeIdx (size_t node_name) const;
TCharNode *GetNode (size_t node_name);
void CreateRootNode ();
bool CreateCharNode
(int parent_name, size_t node_name, const string& joint,
const string& name, const string& order, bool shadow);
bool VisibleNode (size_t node_name, float level);
bool MaterialNode (size_t node_name, const string& mat_name);
bool TransformNode (size_t node_name, const TMatrix mat, const TMatrix invmat);
// material
TCharMaterial* GetMaterial (const string& mat_name);
void CreateMaterial (const string& line);
// drawing
void DrawCharSphere (int num_divisions);
void DrawNodes (const TCharNode *node);
TVector3 AdjustRollvector (const CControl *ctrl, TVector3 vel, const TVector3& zvec);
// collision
bool CheckPolyhedronCollision (const TCharNode *node, const TMatrix modelMatrix,
const TMatrix invModelMatrix, const TPolyhedron& ph);
bool CheckCollision (const TPolyhedron& ph);
// shadow
void DrawShadowVertex (double x, double y, double z, const TMatrix mat);
void DrawShadowSphere (const TMatrix mat);
void TraverseDagForShadow (const TCharNode *node, const TMatrix mat);
// testing and developing
void AddAction (size_t node_name, int type, const TVector3& vec, double val);
CCharShape ();
bool useMaterials;
bool useHighlighting;
map<string, size_t> NodeIndex;
// nodes
bool ResetNode (size_t node_name);
bool ResetNode (const string& node_trivialname);
bool TranslateNode (size_t node_name, const TVector3& vec);
bool RotateNode (size_t node_name, int axis, double angle);
bool RotateNode (const string& node_trivialname, int axis, double angle);
void ScaleNode (size_t node_name, const TVector3& vec);
void ResetRoot ();
void ResetJoints ();
// global functions
void Reset ();
void Draw ();
void DrawShadow ();
bool Load (const string& dir, const string& filename, bool with_actions);
void AdjustOrientation (CControl *ctrl, double dtime,
double dist_from_surface, const TVector3& surf_nml);
void AdjustJoints (double turnFact, bool isBraking,
double paddling_factor, double speed,
const TVector3& net_force, double flap_factor);
bool Collision (const TVector3& pos, const TPolyhedron& ph);
// testing and tools
bool highlighted;
size_t highlight_node;
size_t GetNodeName (size_t idx) const;
size_t GetNodeName (const string& node_trivialname) const;
string GetNodeJoint (size_t idx) const;
size_t GetNumNodes () const;
const string& GetNodeFullname (size_t idx) const;
size_t GetNumActs (size_t idx) const;
TCharAction *GetAction (size_t idx) const;
void PrintAction (size_t idx) const;
void PrintNode (size_t idx) const;
void RefreshNode (size_t idx);
void SaveCharNodes (const string& dir, const string& filename);
// only for char tools, the characters for playing are in
// CCharacter (game_ctrl)
extern CCharShape TestChar;