
218 lines
5.9 KiB

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Volker Stroebel (Planetpenguin Racer)
Copyright (C) 2010 Extreme Tuxracer Team
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include <etr_config.h>
#include "translation.h"
#include "spx.h"
CTranslation Trans;
CTranslation::CTranslation () {
languages_ok = false;
// if anything is wrong with an translation, the program will fall back
// to these defaults (only the wrong items)
void CTranslation::SetDefaultTranslations () {
texts[0] = "Press any key to start";
texts[1] = "Enter an event";
texts[2] = "Practice";
texts[3] = "Configuration";
texts[4] = "Credits";
texts[5] = "Quit";
texts[6] = "Select an event";
texts[7] = "Select a cup";
texts[8] = "Back";
texts[9] = "Continue";
texts[10] = "You cannot enter this cup yet";
texts[11] = "Herring:";
texts[12] = "Time:";
texts[13] = "Race!";
texts[14] = "seconds";
texts[15] = "Ok";
texts[16] = "Congratulations! You won the cup!";
texts[17] = "You have reached level";
texts[18] = "Sorry, you didn't advance";
texts[19] = "You don't have any lives left";
texts[20] = "Select a race";
texts[21] = "Failed, -1 Tuxlive";
texts[22] = "Success, +/- 0 Tuxlive";
texts[23] = "Success, +1 Tuxlive";
texts[24] = "Success, +2 Tuxlive";
texts[25] = "Race aborted [trans]";
texts[26] = "Score:";
texts[27] = "points";
texts[28] = "Cancel";
texts[29] = "Loading";
texts[30] = "Please wait ...";
texts[31] = "Fullscreen:";
texts[32] = "Resolution:";
texts[33] = "Music volume:";
texts[34] = "Sound volume:";
texts[35] = "Language:";
texts[36] = "Level of detail:";
texts[37] = "Contributed by:";
texts[38] = "Event:";
texts[39] = "Cup:";
texts[40] = "Race Over";
texts[41] = "For more configuration options, please edit the";
texts[42] = "file 'options.lst' and read the documentation.";
texts[43] = "Help";
texts[44] = "1, 2, 3 - change view mode";
texts[45] = "F - hide/show fps display";
texts[46] = "H - hide/show hud display";
texts[47] = "S - screenshot";
texts[48] = "U - toggle ui snow";
texts[49] = "P - set pause mode";
texts[50] = "T - trick";
texts[51] = "ESC - abort Race";
texts[52] = "SPACE - jump";
texts[53] = "CRSR Left - turn left";
texts[54] = "CRSR Right - turn right";
texts[55] = "CRSR Up - accelerate";
texts[56] = "CRSR down - brake";
texts[57] = "Keyboard functions";
texts[58] = "Select your player name:";
texts[59] = "Select a character:";
texts[60] = "Enter";
texts[61] = "Register a new player";
texts[62] = "Highscore list";
texts[63] = "No entries for this race";
texts[64] = "Back";
texts[65] = "Press any key to return to the main menu";
texts[66] = "Enter a name for the new player and select an avatar:";
texts[67] = "Loading resources,";
texts[68] = "please wait ...";
texts[69] = "Mirror track: Off";
texts[70] = "Mirror track: On";
texts[71] = "Light: Sunny";
texts[72] = "Light: Cloudy";
texts[73] = "Light: Evening";
texts[74] = "Light: Night";
texts[75] = "Snow: No";
texts[76] = "Snow: A little";
texts[77] = "Snow: Some";
texts[78] = "Snow: A lot";
texts[79] = "Wind: No";
texts[80] = "Wind: Breeze";
texts[81] = "Wind: Strong";
texts[82] = "Wind: Blustery";
texts[83] = "Randomize settings";
const string& CTranslation::Text (size_t idx) const {
if (idx >= NUM_COMMON_TEXTS) return emptyString;
return texts[idx];
void CTranslation::LoadLanguages () {
languages_ok = false;
if (!list.Load (param.trans_dir, "languages.lst")) {
Message ("could not load language list");
languages[0].lang = "en_GB";
languages[0].language = "English";
for (size_t i=1; i<list.Count()+1; i++) {
const string& line = list.Line(i-1);
languages[i].lang = SPStrN (line, "lang", "en_GB");
languages[i].language = SPStrN (line, "language", "English");
LangIndex[languages[i].lang] = i;
if (!languages.empty()) languages_ok = true;
if(param.language == string::npos)
param.language = GetSystemDefaultLangIdx();
size_t CTranslation::GetLangIdx (const string& lang) const {
return LangIndex.at(lang);
const string& CTranslation::GetLanguage (size_t idx) const {
if (idx >= languages.size()) return errorString;
return languages[idx].language;
const string& CTranslation::GetLanguage (const string& lang) const {
return GetLanguage (GetLangIdx (lang));
void CTranslation::LoadTranslations (size_t langidx) {
SetDefaultTranslations ();
if (!languages_ok) return;
if (langidx == 0 || langidx >= languages.size()) return;
string filename = languages[langidx].lang + ".lst";
if (!list.Load (param.trans_dir, filename)) {
Message ("could not load translations list:", filename);
for (size_t i=0; i<list.Count(); i++) {
const string& line = list.Line(i);
int idx = SPIntN (line, "idx", -1);
if (idx >= 0 && idx < NUM_COMMON_TEXTS) {
texts[idx] = SPStrN (line, "trans", texts[idx]);
string CTranslation::GetSystemDefaultLang() {
#ifdef _WIN32
wchar_t buf[10] = {0};
GetUserDefaultLocaleName(buf, 10);
char buf2[10] = {0};
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, buf, -1, buf2, 10, NULL, NULL);
string ret = buf2;
while(ret.find('-') != string::npos)
ret[ret.find('-')] = '_';
return ret;
return "";
size_t CTranslation::GetSystemDefaultLangIdx() const {
try {
return GetLangIdx(GetSystemDefaultLang());
} catch(...) {
return 0;