
292 lines
8.3 KiB

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright (C) 2010 Extreme Tuxracer Team
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include <etr_config.h>
#include "score.h"
#include "ogl.h"
#include "textures.h"
#include "audio.h"
#include "gui.h"
#include "particles.h"
#include "font.h"
#include "game_ctrl.h"
#include "translation.h"
#include "course.h"
#include "spx.h"
#include "game_type_select.h"
#include "winsys.h"
CScore Score;
int CScore::AddScore (size_t list_idx, const TScore& score) {
if (list_idx >= Scorelist.size()) return 999;
if (score.points < 1) return 999;
TScoreList *list = &Scorelist[list_idx];
int num = list->numScores;
int pos = 0;
int lastpos = num-1;
int val = score.points;
if (num == 0) {
list->scores[0] = score;
} else if (num == MAX_SCORES) {
while (val <= list->scores[pos].points && pos < num) pos++;
if (pos == lastpos) {
list->scores[pos] = score;
} else if (pos < lastpos) {
for (int i=lastpos; i>pos; i--) list->scores[i] = list->scores[i-1];
list->scores[pos] = score;
} else {
while (val <= list->scores[pos].points && pos < num) pos++;
for (int i=num; i>pos; i--) list->scores[i] = list->scores[i-1];
list->scores[pos] = score;
return pos;
// for testing:
void CScore::PrintScorelist (size_t list_idx) const {
if (list_idx >= Scorelist.size()) return;
const TScoreList *list = &Scorelist[list_idx];
if (list->numScores < 1) {
PrintStr ("no entries in this score list");
} else {
for (int i=0; i<list->numScores; i++) {
string line = "player: " + list->scores[i].player;
line += " points: " + Int_StrN (list->scores[i].points);
line += " herrings: " + Int_StrN (list->scores[i].herrings);
line += " time: " + Float_StrN (list->scores[i].time, 2);
PrintString (line);
const TScoreList *CScore::GetScorelist (size_t list_idx) const {
if (list_idx >= Scorelist.size()) return NULL;
return &Scorelist[list_idx];
bool CScore::SaveHighScore () const {
CSPList splist ((int)Scorelist.size()*MAX_SCORES);
for (size_t li=0; li<Scorelist.size(); li++) {
const TScoreList* lst = &Scorelist[li];
if (lst != NULL) {
int num = lst->numScores;
if (num > 0) {
for (int sc=0; sc<num; sc++) {
const TScore& score = lst->scores[sc];
string line = "*[course] " + Course.CourseList[li].dir;
line += " [plyr] " + score.player;
line += " [pts] " + Int_StrN (score.points);
line += " [herr] " + Int_StrN (score.herrings);
line += " [time] " + Float_StrN (score.time, 1);
splist.Add (line);
if (!splist.Save (param.config_dir, "highscore")) {
Message ("could not save highscore list");
return false;
return true;
bool CScore::LoadHighScore () {
CSPList list (520);
if (!list.Load (param.config_dir, "highscore")) {
Message ("could not load highscore list");
return false;
TScore score;
for (size_t i=0; i<list.Count(); i++) {
const string& line = list.Line(i);
string course = SPStrN (line, "course", "unknown");
size_t cidx = Course.GetCourseIdx (course);
score.player = SPStrN (line, "plyr", "unknown");
score.points = SPIntN (line, "pts", 0);
score.herrings = SPIntN (line, "herr", 0);
score.time = SPFloatN (line, "time", 0);
AddScore (cidx, score);
return true;
int CScore::CalcRaceResult () {
g_game.race_result = -1;
if (g_game.time <= g_game.time_req.x &&
g_game.herring >= g_game.herring_req.i) g_game.race_result = 0;
if (g_game.time <= g_game.time_req.y &&
g_game.herring >= g_game.herring_req.j) g_game.race_result = 1;
if (g_game.time <= g_game.time_req.z &&
g_game.herring >= g_game.herring_req.k) g_game.race_result = 2;
double herringpt = g_game.herring * 10;
double timept = Course.GetDimensions().y - (g_game.time * 10);
g_game.score = (int)(herringpt + timept);
if (g_game.score < 0) g_game.score = 0;
TempScore.points = g_game.score;
TempScore.herrings = g_game.herring;
TempScore.time = g_game.time;
TempScore.player = Players.GetName (g_game.player_id);
return AddScore (g_game.course_id, TempScore);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// score screen
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
static TCourse *CourseList;
static TUpDown* course;
static TWidget* textbutton;
void CScore::Keyb (unsigned int key, bool special, bool release, int x, int y) {
KeyGUI(key, 0, release);
if (release) return;
switch (key) {
case SDLK_ESCAPE: State::manager.RequestEnterState (GameTypeSelect); break;
case SDLK_q: State::manager.RequestQuit(); break;
case SDLK_s: Score.SaveHighScore (); break;
case SDLK_l: Score.LoadHighScore (); break;
case SDLK_RETURN: State::manager.RequestEnterState (GameTypeSelect); break;
void CScore::Mouse (int button, int state, int x, int y) {
if (state == 1) {
TWidget* clicked = ClickGUI(x, y);
if (clicked == textbutton)
State::manager.RequestEnterState (GameTypeSelect);
void CScore::Motion (int x, int y) {
MouseMoveGUI(x, y);
if (param.ui_snow) push_ui_snow (cursor_pos);
static TArea area;
static int framewidth, frameheight, frametop;
static int linedist, listtop;
static int dd1, dd2, dd3, dd4;
void CScore::Enter() {
Winsys.ShowCursor (!param.ice_cursor);
Winsys.KeyRepeat (true);
Music.Play (param.menu_music, -1);
framewidth = 550 * Winsys.scale;
frameheight = 50 * Winsys.scale;
frametop = AutoYPosN (32);
area = AutoAreaN (30, 80, framewidth);
FT.AutoSizeN (3);
linedist = FT.AutoDistanceN (1);
listtop = AutoYPosN (44);
dd1 = 50 * Winsys.scale;
dd2 = 115 * Winsys.scale;
dd3 = 250 * Winsys.scale;
dd4 = 375 * Winsys.scale;
CourseList = &Course.CourseList[0];
ResetGUI ();
course = AddUpDown(area.right + 8, frametop, 0, (int)Course.CourseList.size()-1, 0);
int siz = FT.AutoSizeN (5);
textbutton = AddTextButton (Trans.Text(64), CENTER, AutoYPosN (80), siz);
g_game.loopdelay = 1;
const string ordinals[10] =
{"1:st", "2:nd", "3:rd", "4:th", "5:th", "6:th", "7:th", "8:th", "9:th", "10:th"};
void CScore::Loop (double timestep) {
int ww = Winsys.resolution.width;
int hh = Winsys.resolution.height;
Music.Update ();
ClearRenderContext ();
ScopedRenderMode rm(GUI);
SetupGuiDisplay ();
if (param.ui_snow) {
update_ui_snow (timestep);
Tex.Draw (BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, hh - 256, 1);
Tex.Draw (BOTTOM_RIGHT, ww-256, hh-256, 1);
Tex.Draw (TOP_LEFT, 0, 0, 1);
Tex.Draw (TOP_RIGHT, ww-256, 0, 1);
Tex.Draw (T_TITLE_SMALL, CENTER, AutoYPosN (5), Winsys.scale);
// DrawFrameX (area.left, area.top, area.right-area.left, area.bottom - area.top,
// 0, colMBackgr, colBlack, 0.2);
FT.AutoSizeN (7);
FT.SetColor (colWhite);
FT.DrawString (CENTER, AutoYPosN (22), Trans.Text(62));
DrawFrameX (area.left, frametop, framewidth, frameheight, 3, colMBackgr, colDYell, 1.0);
FT.AutoSizeN (5);
FT.SetColor (colWhite);
FT.DrawString (area.left+20, frametop, CourseList[course->GetValue()].name);
const TScoreList *list = Score.GetScorelist (course->GetValue());
FT.SetColor (colWhite);
if (list != NULL) {
FT.AutoSizeN (3);
if (list->numScores < 1) {
FT.DrawString (CENTER, area.top + 140, Trans.Text(63));
} else {
for (int i=0; i<min(MAX_SCORES, list->numScores); i++) {
int y = listtop + i*linedist;
FT.DrawString (area.left, y, ordinals[i]);
FT.DrawString (area.left + dd1, y, Int_StrN (list->scores[i].points));
FT.DrawString (area.left + dd2, y, list->scores[i].player);
FT.DrawString (area.left + dd3, y,
Int_StrN (list->scores[i].herrings) + " herrings");
FT.DrawString (area.left + dd4, y,
Float_StrN (list->scores[i].time, 1) + " sec");
} else Message ("score list out of range");