
253 lines
6.8 KiB

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Jasmin F. Patry (Tuxracer)
Copyright (C) 2010 Extreme Tuxracer Team
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include <etr_config.h>
#include "game_over.h"
#include "audio.h"
#include "ogl.h"
#include "view.h"
#include "course_render.h"
#include "env.h"
#include "hud.h"
#include "track_marks.h"
#include "particles.h"
#include "gui.h"
#include "font.h"
#include "spx.h"
#include "game_ctrl.h"
#include "translation.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "race_select.h"
#include "event.h"
#include "winsys.h"
#include "physics.h"
CGameOver GameOver;
static CKeyframe *final_frame;
static int highscore_pos = 999;
void QuitGameOver () {
if (g_game.game_type == PRACTICING) {
State::manager.RequestEnterState (RaceSelect);
} else {
State::manager.RequestEnterState (Event);
void CGameOver::Keyb (unsigned int key, bool special, bool release, int x, int y) {
if (release) return;
if (key == 13 || key == SDLK_ESCAPE) QuitGameOver ();
void CGameOver::Mouse (int button, int state, int x, int y) {
QuitGameOver ();
void DrawMessageFrame (float x, float y, float w, float h, int line,
TColor backcol, TColor framecol, float transp) {
float yy = Winsys.resolution.height - y - h;
if (x < 0) x = (Winsys.resolution.width - w) / 2;
glDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);
glColor4f (framecol.r, framecol.g, framecol.b, transp);
glTranslatef (x, yy, 0);
glBegin (GL_QUADS);
glVertex2f (0, 0);
glVertex2f (w, 0);
glVertex2f (w, h);
glVertex2f (0, h);
glColor4f (backcol.r, backcol.g, backcol.b, transp);
glBegin (GL_QUADS);
glVertex2f (0 + line, 0 + line);
glVertex2f (w - line, 0 + line);
glVertex2f (w - line, h - line);
glVertex2f (0 + line, h - line);
glEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);
void GameOverMessage (const CControl *ctrl) {
int fwidth = 500;
float leftframe = (Winsys.resolution.width - fwidth) / 2;
float topframe = 80;
const TColor& backcol = colWhite;
static const TColor framecol(0.7, 0.7, 1, 1);
if (param.use_papercut_font > 0) FT.SetSize (28); else FT.SetSize (22);
if (g_game.raceaborted) {
DrawMessageFrame (leftframe, topframe, fwidth, 100, 4, backcol, framecol, 0.5);
FT.SetColor (colDBlue);
FT.DrawString (CENTER, topframe+30, Trans.Text(25));
} else {
DrawMessageFrame (leftframe, topframe, fwidth, 210, 4, backcol, framecol, 0.5);
if (param.use_papercut_font > 0) FT.SetSize (20); else FT.SetSize (14);
if (g_game.race_result >= 0 || g_game.game_type != CUPRACING) FT.SetColor (colDBlue);
else FT.SetColor (colDRed);
string line = "Score: ";
FT.DrawString (leftframe+80, topframe+15, line);
line = Int_StrN (g_game.score);
line += " pts";
FT.DrawString (leftframe+240, topframe+15, line);
line = "Herring: ";
FT.DrawString (leftframe+80, topframe+40, line);
line = Int_StrN (g_game.herring);
if (g_game.game_type == CUPRACING) {
line += " (";
line += Int_StrN (g_game.herring_req.i);
line += ")";
FT.DrawString (leftframe+240, topframe+40, line);
line = "Time: ";
FT.DrawString (leftframe+80, topframe+65, line);
line = Float_StrN (g_game.time, 2);
line += " s";
if (g_game.game_type == CUPRACING) {
line += " (";
line += Float_StrN (g_game.time_req.x, 2);
line += ")";
FT.DrawString (leftframe+240, topframe+65, line);
line = "Path length: ";
FT.DrawString (leftframe+80, topframe+90, line);
line = Float_StrN (ctrl->way, 2);
line += " m";
FT.DrawString (leftframe+240, topframe+90, line);
line = "Average speed: ";
FT.DrawString (leftframe+80, topframe+115, line);
line = Float_StrN (ctrl->way / g_game.time * 3.6, 2);
line += " km/h";
FT.DrawString (leftframe+240, topframe+115, line);
if (param.use_papercut_font > 0) FT.SetSize (28); else FT.SetSize (22);
if (g_game.game_type == CUPRACING) {
switch (g_game.race_result) {
case -1: FT.DrawString (CENTER, topframe+150, Trans.Text(21)); break;
case 0: FT.DrawString (CENTER, topframe+150, Trans.Text(22)); break;
case 1: FT.DrawString (CENTER, topframe+150, Trans.Text(23)); break;
case 2: FT.DrawString (CENTER, topframe+150, Trans.Text(24)); break;
} else {
if (highscore_pos < 5) {
line = "Position ";
line += Int_StrN (highscore_pos + 1);
line += " in highscore list";
FT.DrawString (CENTER, topframe+150, line);
// =========================================================================
void CGameOver::Enter() {
Sound.HaltAll ();
if (!g_game.raceaborted) highscore_pos = Score.CalcRaceResult ();
if (g_game.game_type == CUPRACING) {
if (g_game.race_result >= 0) {
Music.PlayTheme (g_game.theme_id, MUS_WONRACE);
} else {
Music.PlayTheme (g_game.theme_id, MUS_LOSTRACE);
} else {
if (g_game.raceaborted) {
Music.PlayTheme (g_game.theme_id, MUS_LOSTRACE);
} else {
Music.PlayTheme (g_game.theme_id, MUS_WONRACE);
if (g_game.raceaborted || !g_game.use_keyframe) {
final_frame = NULL;
} else {
if (g_game.game_type == CUPRACING) {
if (g_game.race_result < 0) final_frame =
Char.GetKeyframe (g_game.char_id, LOSTRACE);
else final_frame = Char.GetKeyframe (g_game.char_id, WONRACE);
} else final_frame = Char.GetKeyframe (g_game.char_id, FINISH);
if (!g_game.raceaborted) {
const CControl *ctrl = Players.GetCtrl (g_game.player_id);
final_frame->Init (ctrl->cpos, -0.18);
SetStationaryCamera (true);
void CGameOver::Loop(double time_step) {
CControl *ctrl = Players.GetCtrl (g_game.player_id);
int width, height;
width = Winsys.resolution.width;
height = Winsys.resolution.height;
Music.Update ();
ClearRenderContext ();
Env.SetupFog ();
update_view (ctrl, 0);
if (final_frame != NULL) final_frame->Update (time_step);
SetupViewFrustum (ctrl);
Env.DrawSkybox (ctrl->viewpos);
Env.DrawFog ();
Env.SetupLight ();
RenderCourse ();
DrawTrackmarks ();
DrawTrees ();
UpdateWind (time_step);
UpdateSnow (time_step, ctrl);
DrawSnow (ctrl);
Char.Draw (g_game.char_id);
ScopedRenderMode rm(GUI);
SetupGuiDisplay ();
if (final_frame != NULL) {
if (!final_frame->active) GameOverMessage (ctrl);
} else GameOverMessage (ctrl);
DrawHud (ctrl);
Reshape (width, height);
Winsys.SwapBuffers ();