
259 lines
6.9 KiB

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Jasmin F. Patry (Tuxracer)
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Volker Stroebel (Planetpenguin Racer)
Copyright (C) 2010 Extreme Tuxracer Team
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include <etr_config.h>
#include "font.h"
#include "spx.h"
#include "ogl.h"
#include "winsys.h"
#include "gui.h"
#define USE_UNICODE 1
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// First some common function used for textboxes and called by
// CFont::MakeLineList. This bundle of functions generates
// a vector<string> from a textstring and adapts the lines to the textbox
static void MakeWordList(std::vector<std::string>& wordlist, const char *s) {
std::size_t start = 0;
for (std::size_t i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++) {
if (s[i] == ' ') {
if (i != start)
wordlist.emplace_back(s + start, i - start);
while (s[i+1] == ' ')
start = i+1;
if (s[start] != '0')
wordlist.emplace_back(s + start);
static std::size_t MakeLine(std::size_t first, const std::vector<std::string>& wordlist, std::vector<std::string>& linelist, float width) {
if (first >= wordlist.size()) return wordlist.size()-1;
std::size_t last = first;
float lng = 0;
float spacelng = FT.GetTextWidth("a a") - FT.GetTextWidth("aa");
while (last < wordlist.size()) {
float wordlng = FT.GetTextWidth(wordlist[last]);
lng += wordlng;
lng += spacelng;
if (lng >= width && first != last) // If first == last, we write beyond line
std::string line;
for (std::size_t j=first; j<last; j++) {
line += wordlist[j];
if (j < last)
line += ' ';
return last-1;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFont
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
CFont FT;
CFont::CFont() {
// setting default values
curr_col.r = 0; // default color: black
curr_col.g = 0;
curr_col.b = 0;
curr_col.a = 255; // default: no transparency
curr_size = 20; // default size: 20 px
curr_fact = 0;
curr_font = 0;
CFont::~CFont() {
void CFont::Clear() {
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < fonts.size(); i++)
delete fonts[i];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// public
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
int CFont::LoadFont(const std::string& name, const std::string& path) {
fonts.push_back(new sf::Font());
if (!fonts.back()->loadFromFile(path)) {
Message("Failed to open font");
return -1;
fontindex[name] = fonts.size()-1;
return (int)fonts.size()-1;
int CFont::LoadFont(const std::string& name, const std::string& dir, const std::string& filename) {
std::string path = dir;
path += SEP;
path += filename;
return LoadFont(name, path);
bool CFont::LoadFontlist() {
CSPList list;
if (!list.Load(param.font_dir, "fonts.lst")) {
fonts.push_back(new sf::Font()); // Insert an empty font, otherwise ETR will crash
return false;
for (CSPList::const_iterator line = list.cbegin(); line != list.cend(); ++line) {
std::string fontfile = SPStrN(*line, "file");
std::string name = SPStrN(*line, "name");
int ftidx = LoadFont(name, param.font_dir, fontfile);
if (ftidx < 0) {
Message("couldn't load font", name);
return true;
std::size_t CFont::GetFontIdx(const std::string &name) const {
return fontindex.at(name);
void CFont::SetProps(const std::string &fontname, unsigned int size, const sf::Color& col) {
SetProps(fontname, size);
curr_col = col;
void CFont::SetProps(const std::string &fontname, unsigned int size) {
curr_font = (int)GetFontIdx(fontname);
curr_size = size;
void CFont::SetFont(const std::string& fontname) {
try {
curr_font = (int)fontindex[fontname];
} catch (...) {
curr_font = -1;
if (fontname == "pc20") curr_fact = 1.25;
else curr_fact = 1.0;
void CFont::SetFontFromSettings() {
if (param.use_papercut_font > 0)
// -------------------- auto ------------------------------------------
unsigned int CFont::AutoSizeN(int rel_val) {
unsigned int size = (rel_val + 2) * 4;
size *= curr_fact * Winsys.scale;
return size;
int CFont::AutoDistanceN(int rel_val) const {
float fact = (rel_val + 5) * 0.2f;
float dist = curr_size * fact;
return (int) dist;
// -------------------- draw (x, y, text) -----------------------------
void CFont::DrawText(float x, float y, const sf::String& text, std::size_t font, unsigned int size) const {
if (font >= fonts.size()) return;
sf::Text temp(text, *fonts[font], size);
if (x == CENTER)
x = (Winsys.resolution.width - temp.getLocalBounds().width) / 2;
temp.setPosition(x, y);
void CFont::DrawString(float x, float y, const sf::String &s) const {
DrawText(x, y, s, curr_font, curr_size);
void CFont::DrawString(float x, float y, const sf::String& s, const std::string &fontname, unsigned int size) const {
DrawText(x, y, s, GetFontIdx(fontname), size);
// --------------------- metrics --------------------------------------
void CFont::GetTextSize(const sf::String& text, float &x, float &y, std::size_t font, unsigned int size) const {
if (font >= fonts.size()) { x = 0; y = 0; return; }
sf::Text temp(text, *fonts[font], size);
x = temp.getGlobalBounds().width;
y = temp.getGlobalBounds().height;
void CFont::GetTextSize(const sf::String& text, float &x, float &y, const std::string &fontname, unsigned int size) const {
GetTextSize(text, x, y, GetFontIdx(fontname), size);
void CFont::GetTextSize(const sf::String& text, float &x, float &y) const {
GetTextSize(text, x, y, curr_font, curr_size);
float CFont::GetTextWidth(const sf::String& text) const {
float x, y;
GetTextSize(text, x, y, curr_font, curr_size);
return x;
float CFont::GetTextWidth(const sf::String& text, const std::string &fontname, unsigned int size) const {
std::size_t temp_font = GetFontIdx(fontname);
float x, y;
GetTextSize(text, x, y, temp_font, size);
return x;
std::vector<std::string> CFont::MakeLineList(const char *source, float width) {
std::vector<std::string> wordlist;
MakeWordList(wordlist, source);
std::vector<std::string> linelist;
for (std::size_t last = 0; last < wordlist.size();)
last = MakeLine(last, wordlist, linelist, width)+1;
return linelist;