
341 lines
12 KiB

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright (C) 2010 Extreme Tuxracer Team
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
If you want to add a new option, do this:
First add the option to the TParam struct (game_config.h).
Then edit the below functions:
- LoadConfigFile. Use
SPIntN for integer and boolean values
SPStrN for strings.
The first value is always 'line', the second defines the tag within the
brackets [ ], and the last value is the default.
- SetConfigDefaults. These values are used as long as no options file exists.
It's a good idea to use the same values as the defaults in LoadConfigFile.
- SaveConfigFile. See the other entries; it should be self-explanatory.
If an options file exists, you will have to change any value at runtime
on the configuration screen to overwrite the file. Then you will see the
new entry.
#include <etr_config.h>
#include "game_config.h"
#include "spx.h"
#include "translation.h"
TParam param;
void LoadConfigFile () {
CSPList list(4);
if (!list.Load (param.configfile)) {
Message ("Could not load 'options'");
for (size_t i=0; i<list.Count(); i++) {
const string& line = list.Line(i);
param.fullscreen = SPBoolN (line, "fullscreen", false);
param.res_type = SPIntN (line, "res_type", 0);
param.perf_level = SPIntN (line, "detail_level", 0);
param.language = SPIntN (line, "language", 0);
param.sound_volume = SPIntN (line, "sound_volume", 100);
param.music_volume = SPIntN (line, "music_volume", 20);
param.forward_clip_distance = SPIntN (line, "forward_clip_distance", 75);
param.backward_clip_distance = SPIntN (line, "backward_clip_distance", 20);
param.fov = SPIntN (line, "fov", 60);
param.bpp_mode = SPIntN (line, "bpp_mode", 1);
param.tree_detail_distance = SPIntN (line, "tree_detail_distance", 20);
param.tux_sphere_divisions = SPIntN (line, "tux_sphere_divisions", 10);
param.tux_shadow_sphere_divisions = SPIntN (line, "tux_shadow_sphere_div", 3);
param.course_detail_level = SPIntN (line, "course_detail_level", 75);
param.use_papercut_font = SPIntN (line, "use_papercut_font", 1);
param.ice_cursor = SPBoolN (line, "ice_cursor", true);
param.full_skybox = SPBoolN (line, "full_skybox", false);
param.audio_freq = SPIntN (line, "audio_freq", 22050);
param.audio_buffer_size = SPIntN (line, "audio_buffer_size", 512);
param.use_quad_scale = SPBoolN (line, "use_quad_scale", false);
param.menu_music = SPStrN (line, "menu_music", "start_1");
param.credits_music = SPStrN (line, "credits_music", "credits_1");
param.config_music = SPStrN (line, "config_music", "options_1");
void SetConfigDefaults () {
param.fullscreen = true;
param.res_type = 0; // 0=auto / 1=800x600 / 2=1024x768 ...
param.perf_level = 3; // detail level
param.language = string::npos; // If language is set to npos, ETR will try to load default system language
param.sound_volume = 100;
param.music_volume = 20;
// ---------------------------------------
param.forward_clip_distance = 75;
param.backward_clip_distance = 20;
param.fov = 60;
param.bpp_mode = 1;
param.tree_detail_distance = 20;
param.tux_sphere_divisions = 10;
param.tux_shadow_sphere_divisions = 3;
param.course_detail_level = 75;
param.audio_freq = 22050;
param.audio_buffer_size = 512;
param.use_papercut_font = 1;
param.ice_cursor = true;
param.full_skybox = false;
param.use_quad_scale = false;
param.menu_music = "start_1";
param.credits_music = "credits_1";
param.config_music = "options_1";
void AddItem (CSPList &list, const string& tag, const string& content) {
string item = " [" +tag + "] " + content;
list.Add (item);
void AddIntItem (CSPList &list, const string& tag, int val) {
string vs = Int_StrN (val);
AddItem (list, tag, vs);
void AddComment (CSPList &list, const string& comment) {
string line = "# " + comment;
list.Add (line);
void SaveConfigFile () {
CSPList liste (512);
liste.Add ("# ------------------------------------------------------------------");
liste.Add ("# The first group of params can be adjusted ");
liste.Add ("# on the configuration screen, too");
liste.Add ("# ------------------------------------------------------------------");
liste.Add ("");
AddComment (liste, "Full-screen mode [0...1]");
AddIntItem (liste, "fullscreen", param.fullscreen);
liste.Add ("");
AddComment (liste, "Screen resolution [0...9]");
AddComment (liste, "0 = auto, 1 = 800x600, 2 = 1024x768");
AddComment (liste, "3 = 1152x864, 4 = 1280x960, 5 = 1280x1024");
AddComment (liste, "6 = 1360x768, 7 = 1400x1050, 8 = 1440x900, 9=1680x1050");
AddIntItem (liste, "res_type", (int)param.res_type);
liste.Add ("");
AddComment (liste, "Level of details [1...3]");
AddComment (liste, "1 = best performance, 3 = best appearance");
AddIntItem (liste, "detail_level", param.perf_level);
liste.Add ("");
AddComment (liste, "Language code [0...]");
AddComment (liste, "0 = English etc.");
AddIntItem (liste, "language", (int)param.language);
liste.Add ("");
AddComment (liste, "Sound volume [0...120]");
AddComment (liste, "Sounds are the terrain effects or the pickup noise.");
AddIntItem (liste, "sound_volume", param.sound_volume);
liste.Add ("");
AddComment (liste, "Volume of the background music [0...120]");
AddIntItem (liste, "music_volume", param.music_volume);
liste.Add ("");
liste.Add ("# ------------------------------------------------------------------");
liste.Add ("# The second group of params must be adjusted in this file.");
liste.Add ("# ------------------------------------------------------------------");
liste.Add ("");
AddComment (liste, "Forward clipping distance");
AddComment (liste, "Controls how far ahead of the camera the course");
AddComment (liste, "is rendered. Larger values mean that more of the course is");
AddComment (liste, "rendered, resulting in slower performance. Decreasing this ");
AddComment (liste, "value is an effective way to improve framerates.");
AddIntItem (liste, "forward_clip_distance", param.forward_clip_distance);
liste.Add ("");
AddComment (liste, "Backward clipping distance");
AddComment (liste, "Some objects aren't yet clipped to the view frustum, ");
AddComment (liste, "so this value is used to control how far up the course these ");
AddComment (liste, "objects are drawn.");
AddIntItem (liste, "backward_clip_distance", param.backward_clip_distance);
liste.Add ("");
AddComment (liste, "Field of View of the camera");
AddIntItem (liste, "fov", param.fov);
liste.Add ("");
AddComment (liste, "Bpp mode - bits per pixel [0...2]");
AddComment (liste, "Controls the color depth of the OpenGL window");
AddComment (liste, "0 = use current bpp setting of operating system,");
AddComment (liste, "1 = 16 bpp, 2 = 32 bpp");
AddIntItem (liste, "bpp_mode", param.bpp_mode);
liste.Add ("");
AddComment (liste, "Tree detail distance");
AddComment (liste, "Controls how far up the course the trees are drawn crosswise.");
AddIntItem (liste, "tree_detail_distance", param.tree_detail_distance);
liste.Add ("");
AddComment (liste, "Tux sphere divisions");
AddComment (liste, "Controls how detailled the character is drawn");
AddIntItem (liste, "tux_sphere_divisions", param.tux_sphere_divisions);
liste.Add ("");
AddComment (liste, "Tux shadow sphere divisions");
AddComment (liste, "The same but for the shadow of the character");
AddIntItem (liste, "tux_shadow_sphere_div", param.tux_shadow_sphere_divisions);
liste.Add ("");
AddComment (liste, "Detail level of the course");
AddComment (liste, "This param is used for the quadtree and controls the");
AddComment (liste, "LOD of the algorithm. ");
AddIntItem (liste, "course_detail_level", param.course_detail_level);
liste.Add ("");
AddComment (liste, "Font type [0...2]");
AddComment (liste, "0 = always arial-like font,");
AddComment (liste, "1 = papercut font on the menu screens");
AddComment (liste, "2 = papercut font for the hud display, too");
AddIntItem (liste, "use_papercut_font", param.use_papercut_font);
liste.Add ("");
AddComment (liste, "Cursor type [0...1]");
AddComment (liste, "0 = normal cursor (arrow), 1 = icicle");
AddIntItem (liste, "ice_cursor", param.ice_cursor);
liste.Add ("");
AddComment (liste, "Draw full skybox [0...1]");
AddComment (liste, "A normal skybox consists of 6 textures. In Tuxracer");
AddComment (liste, "3 textures are invisible (top, bottom and back).");
AddComment (liste, "These textures needn't be drawn.");
AddIntItem (liste, "full_skybox", param.full_skybox);
liste.Add ("");
AddComment (liste, "Audio frequency");
AddComment (liste, "Typical values are 11025, 22050 ...");
AddIntItem (liste, "audio_freq", param.audio_freq);
liste.Add ("");
AddComment (liste, "Size of audio buffer");
AddComment (liste, "Typical values are 512, 1024, 2048 ...");
AddIntItem (liste, "audio_buffer_size", param.audio_buffer_size);
liste.Add ("");
AddComment (liste, "Select the music:");
AddComment (liste, "(the racing music is defined by a music theme)");
AddItem (liste, "menu_music", param.menu_music);
AddItem (liste, "credits_music", param.credits_music);
AddItem (liste, "config_music", param.config_music);
liste.Add ("");
AddComment (liste, "Use sqare root of scale factors for menu screens [0...1]");
AddComment (liste, "Exprimental: these factors reduce the effect of screen scaling.");
AddComment (liste, "The widgets are closer to their default sizes.");
AddIntItem (liste, "use_quad_scale", param.use_quad_scale);
liste.Add ("");
// ---------------------------------------
liste.Save (param.configfile);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitConfig (const char *arg0) {
#if defined (OS_WIN32_MINGW) || defined (OS_WIN32_MSC)
// the progdir is always the current dir
param.config_dir = "config";
param.data_dir = "data";
param.configfile = param.config_dir + SEP + "options.txt";
#if 0
char buff[256];
if (strcmp (arg0, "./etr") == 0) { // start from work directory
char *s = getcwd (buff, 256);
if (s==NULL) {};
} else { // start with full path
strcpy (buff, arg0);
if (strlen (buff) > 5) {
buff[strlen(buff)-3] = 0;
param.prog_dir = buff;
struct passwd *pwent = getpwuid (getuid ());
param.config_dir = pwent->pw_dir;
param.config_dir += SEP;
param.config_dir += CONFIG_DIR;
// or: param.config_dir = param.prog_dir + SEP + "config";
if (!DirExists (param.config_dir.c_str()))
mkdir (param.config_dir.c_str(), 0775);
param.data_dir = ETR_DATA_DIR;
param.data_dir += SEP;
param.data_dir += "etr";
// param.data_dir = param.prog_dir + SEP + "data";
param.configfile = param.config_dir + SEP + "options";
param.screenshot_dir = param.data_dir + SEP + "screenshots";
param.obj_dir = param.data_dir + SEP + "objects";
param.env_dir2 = param.data_dir + SEP + "env";
param.char_dir = param.data_dir + SEP + "char";
param.terr_dir = param.data_dir + SEP + "terrains";
param.tex_dir = param.data_dir + SEP + "textures";
param.common_course_dir = param.data_dir + SEP + "courses";
param.sounds_dir = param.data_dir + SEP + "sounds";
param.music_dir = param.data_dir + SEP + "music";
param.font_dir = param.data_dir + SEP + "fonts";
param.trans_dir = param.data_dir + SEP + "translations";
param.player_dir = param.data_dir + SEP + "players";
param.ui_snow = true;
param.view_mode = FOLLOW;
param.display_fps = false;
param.show_hud = true;
if (FileExists (param.configfile)) {
LoadConfigFile ();
} else {
SetConfigDefaults ();
SaveConfigFile ();
/*string playerfile = param.config_dir + SEP + PLAYER_FILE;
if (FileExists (playerfile)) {
} else {