
364 lines
9.3 KiB

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright (C) 2010 Extreme Tuxracer Team
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include <etr_config.h>
#include "audio.h"
#include "spx.h"
// the global instances of the 3 audio classes
CAudio Audio;
CMusic Music;
CSound Sound;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// class CAudio
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
CAudio::CAudio () {
IsOpen = false;
void CAudio::Open () {
// first initialize audio (SDL, not SDL_Mixer).
if (SDL_Init (SDL_INIT_AUDIO) < 0) {
Message ("Couldn't initialize SDL Audio", SDL_GetError());
Uint16 format = AUDIO_S16SYS;
int channels = 2;
if (Mix_OpenAudio (param.audio_freq, format, channels, param.audio_buffer_size) < 0)
Message ("Couldn't open SDL_mixer", Mix_GetError());
IsOpen = CheckOpen ();
Mix_AllocateChannels (8);
void CAudio::Close () {
if (IsOpen) {
Music.FreeMusics ();
Sound.FreeSounds ();
IsOpen = false;
bool CAudio::CheckOpen() {
int freq;
Uint16 format;
int channels;
int ret = Mix_QuerySpec (&freq, &format, &channels);
return (ret > 0);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// class CSound
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
size_t CSound::LoadChunk (const std::string& name, const char *filename) {
if (Audio.IsOpen == false) return -1;
sounds.back().chunk = Mix_LoadWAV (filename);
if (sounds.back().chunk == NULL) return -1;
sounds.back().channel = -1; // default: no channel
sounds.back().loop_count = 0; // default: playing once
Mix_VolumeChunk (sounds.back().chunk, param.sound_volume);
SoundIndex[name] = sounds.size()-1;
return sounds.size()-1;
// Load all soundfiles listed in "/sounds/sounds.lst"
void CSound::LoadSoundList () {
if (!Audio.IsOpen) {
Message ("cannot load music, first open Audio");
CSPList list(200);
if (list.Load (param.sounds_dir, "sounds.lst")) {
for (size_t i=0; i<list.Count(); i++) {
const string& line = list.Line(i);
string name = SPStrN (line, "name", "");
string soundfile = SPStrN (line, "file", "");
string path = MakePathStr (param.sounds_dir, soundfile);
LoadChunk (name, path.c_str());
void CSound::FreeSounds () {
HaltAll ();
for (size_t i=0; i<sounds.size(); i++)
if (sounds[i].chunk != NULL) Mix_FreeChunk (sounds[i].chunk);
size_t CSound::GetSoundIdx (const string& name) const {
if (Audio.IsOpen == false) return -1;
try {
return SoundIndex.at(name);
} catch (...) {
return -1;
void CSound::SetVolume (size_t soundid, int volume) {
if (Audio.IsOpen == false) return;
if (soundid >= sounds.size()) return;
volume = clamp(0, volume, MIX_MAX_VOLUME);
if (sounds[soundid].chunk == NULL) return;
Mix_VolumeChunk (sounds[soundid].chunk, volume);
void CSound::SetVolume (const string& name, int volume) {
SetVolume (GetSoundIdx (name), volume);
// ------------------- play -------------------------------------------
void CSound::Play (size_t soundid, int loop) {
if (!Audio.IsOpen) return;
if (soundid >= sounds.size()) return;
if (sounds[soundid].active == true) return;
if (sounds[soundid].chunk == NULL) return;
sounds[soundid].channel = Mix_PlayChannel (-1, sounds[soundid].chunk, loop);
sounds[soundid].loop_count = loop;
if (loop < 0) sounds[soundid].active = true;
void CSound::Play (const string& name, int loop) {
Play (GetSoundIdx (name), loop);
void CSound::Play (size_t soundid, int loop, int volume) {
if (!Audio.IsOpen) return;
if (soundid >= sounds.size()) return;
if (sounds[soundid].active == true) return;
if (sounds[soundid].chunk == NULL) return;
volume = clamp(0, volume, MIX_MAX_VOLUME);
Mix_VolumeChunk (sounds[soundid].chunk, volume);
sounds[soundid].channel = Mix_PlayChannel (-1, sounds[soundid].chunk, loop);
sounds[soundid].loop_count = loop;
if (loop < 0) sounds[soundid].active = true;
void CSound::Play (const string& name, int loop, int volume) {
Play (GetSoundIdx (name), loop, volume);
void CSound::Halt (size_t soundid) {
if (!Audio.IsOpen) return;
if (soundid >= sounds.size()) return;
if (sounds[soundid].chunk == NULL) return;
// loop_count must be -1 (endless loop) for halt
if (sounds[soundid].loop_count < 0) {
Mix_HaltChannel (sounds[soundid].channel);
sounds[soundid].loop_count = 0;
sounds[soundid].channel = -1;
sounds[soundid].active = false;
void CSound::Halt (const string& name) {
Halt (GetSoundIdx (name));
void CSound::HaltAll () {
if (!Audio.IsOpen) return;
Mix_HaltChannel (-1);
for (size_t i=0; i<sounds.size(); i++) {
sounds[i].loop_count = 0;
sounds[i].channel = -1;
sounds[i].active = false;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// class CMusic
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void Hook () {
PrintStr ("halted");
CMusic::CMusic () {
curr_musid = -1;
curr_volume = 10;
loop_count = 0;
// Mix_HookMusicFinished (Hook);
size_t CMusic::LoadPiece (const string& name, const char *filename) {
if (!Audio.IsOpen) return -1;
Mix_Music* m = Mix_LoadMUS (filename);
if (m == NULL) {
Message ("could not load music", filename);
return -1;
MusicIndex[name] = musics.size();
return musics.size()-1;
void CMusic::LoadMusicList () {
if (!Audio.IsOpen) {
Message ("cannot load music, first open audio");
// --- music ---
CSPList list(200);
if (list.Load (param.music_dir, "music.lst")) {
for (size_t i=0; i<list.Count(); i++) {
const string& line = list.Line(i);
string name = SPStrN (line, "name", "");
string musicfile = SPStrN (line, "file", "");
string path = MakePathStr (param.music_dir, musicfile);
LoadPiece (name, path.c_str());
} else {
Message ("could not load music.lst");
// --- racing themes ---
if (list.Load (param.music_dir, "racing_themes.lst")) {
for (size_t i=0; i<list.Count(); i++) {
const string& line = list.Line(i);
string name = SPStrN (line, "name", "");
ThemesIndex[name] = i;
string item = SPStrN (line, "race", "race_1");
themes[i].situation[0] = GetMusicIdx (item);
item = SPStrN (line, "wonrace", "wonrace_1");
themes[i].situation[1] = GetMusicIdx (item);
item = SPStrN (line, "lostrace", "lostrace_1");
themes[i].situation[2] = GetMusicIdx (item);
} else Message ("could not load racing_themes.lst");
void CMusic::FreeMusics () {
Halt ();
for (size_t i=0; i<musics.size(); i++)
if (musics[i] != NULL)
Mix_FreeMusic (musics[i]);
curr_musid = -1;
curr_volume = 10;
size_t CMusic::GetMusicIdx (const string& name) const {
if (Audio.IsOpen == false) return -1;
try {
return MusicIndex.at(name);
} catch (...) {
return -1;
size_t CMusic::GetThemeIdx (const string& theme) const {
if (Audio.IsOpen == false) return -1;
try {
return ThemesIndex.at(theme);
} catch (...) {
return -1;
void CMusic::SetVolume (int volume) {
int vol = clamp(0, volume, MIX_MAX_VOLUME);
Mix_VolumeMusic (vol);
curr_volume = vol;
// If the piece is played in a loop, the volume adjustment gets lost.
// probably a bug in SDL_mixer. Help: we have to refresh the volume
// in each (!) frame.
void CMusic::Update () {
Mix_VolumeMusic (curr_volume);
bool CMusic::Play (size_t musid, int loop) {
if (!Audio.IsOpen) return false;
if (musid >= musics.size()) return false;
Mix_Music *music = musics[musid];
if (music == NULL) return false;
if (musid != curr_musid) {
Halt ();
Mix_PlayMusic (music, loop);
curr_musid = (int)musid;
loop_count = loop;
Mix_VolumeMusic (curr_volume);
return true;
bool CMusic::Play (const string& name, int loop) {
return Play (GetMusicIdx (name), loop);
bool CMusic::Play (size_t musid, int loop, int volume) {
if (!Audio.IsOpen) return false;
if (musid >= musics.size()) return false;
Mix_Music *music = musics[musid];
int vol = clamp(0, volume, MIX_MAX_VOLUME);
if (musid != curr_musid) {
Halt ();
Mix_PlayMusic (music, loop);
Mix_VolumeMusic (vol);
curr_musid = (int)musid;
loop_count = loop;
return true;
bool CMusic::Play (const string& name, int loop, int volume) {
return Play (GetMusicIdx (name), loop, volume);
bool CMusic::PlayTheme (size_t theme, ESituation situation) {
if (theme >= themes.size()) return false;
if (situation >= SITUATION_COUNT) return false;
size_t musid = themes [theme].situation[situation];
return Play (musid, -1);
void CMusic::Refresh (const string& name) {
Play (name, -1);
void CMusic::Halt () {
if (Mix_PlayingMusic ()) Mix_HaltMusic();
loop_count = -1;
curr_musid = -1;