
521 lines
12 KiB

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright (C) 2010 Extreme Tuxracer Team
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include <etr_config.h>
#include "spx.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
const string emptyString = "";
const string errorString = "error";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// elementary string functions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
string MakePathStr (const string& src, const string& add) {
string res = src;
res += SEP;
res += add;
return res;
void SInsertN (string &s, size_t pos, const string& ins) {
if (pos > s.size()) pos = s.size();
s.insert (pos, ins);
void SDeleteN (string &s, size_t pos, size_t count) {
if (pos > s.size()) pos = s.size();
s.erase (pos, count);
size_t SPosN (const string &s, const string& find) {
return s.find (find);
void STrimLeftN (string &s) {
size_t i = s.find_first_not_of(" \t");
if (i > 0)
SDeleteN (s, 0, i);
void STrimRightN (string &s) {
size_t i = s.find_last_not_of(" \t");
if (i != s.size()-1)
s.erase (i+1);
void STrimN (string &s) {
STrimLeftN (s);
STrimRightN (s);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// conversion functions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void Int_StrN (string &s, const int val) {
ostringstream os;
os << val;
s = os.str();
string Int_StrN (const int val) {
ostringstream os;
os << val;
return os.str();
string Int_StrN (const int val, const streamsize count) {
ostringstream os;
os << setw(count) << setfill('0') << val;
return os.str();
void Float_StrN (string &s, const float val, const streamsize count) {
ostringstream os;
os << setprecision(count) << fixed << val;
s = os.str();
string Float_StrN (const float val, const streamsize count) {
ostringstream os;
os << setprecision(count) << fixed << val;
return os.str();
string Vector_StrN (const TVector3& v, const streamsize count) {
string res = Float_StrN (v.x, count);
res += ' ' + Float_StrN (v.y, count);
res += ' ' + Float_StrN (v.z, count);
return res;
int Str_IntN (const string &s, const int def) {
int val;
istringstream is(s);
is >> val;
if (is.fail()) return def;
else return val;
bool Str_BoolN (const string &s, const bool def) {
if (s == "0" || s == "false")
return false;
if (s == "1" || s == "true")
return true;
return Str_IntN(s, (int)def) != 0; // Try to parse as int
float Str_FloatN (const string &s, const float def) {
float val;
istringstream is(s);
is >> val;
if (is.fail()) return def;
else return val;
TVector2 Str_Vector2N (const string &s, const TVector2 &def) {
float x, y;
istringstream is(s);
is >> x >> y;
if (is.fail()) return def;
else return TVector2 (x, y);
TVector3 Str_Vector3N (const string &s, const TVector3 &def) {
float x, y, z;
istringstream is(s);
is >> x >> y >> z;
if (is.fail()) return def;
else return TVector3 (x, y, z);
TIndex3 Str_Index3N (const string &s, const TIndex3 &def) {
int i, j, k;
istringstream is(s);
is >> i >> j >> k;
if (is.fail()) return def;
else return TIndex3 (i, j, k);
TVector4 Str_Vector4N (const string &s, const TVector4 &def) {
float x, y, z, w;
istringstream is(s);
is >> x >> y >> z >> w;
if (is.fail()) return def;
else return TVector4 (x, y, z, w);
TColor Str_ColorN (const string &s, const TColor &def) {
float r, g, b, a;
istringstream is(s);
is >> r >> g >> b >> a;
if (is.fail()) return def;
else return TColor(r, g, b, a);
TColor3 Str_Color3N (const string &s, const TColor3 &def) {
float r, g, b;
istringstream is(s);
is >> r >> g >> b;
if (is.fail()) return def;
else return TColor3(r, g, b);
void Str_ArrN (const string &s, float *arr, size_t count, float def) {
istringstream is(s);
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
is >> arr[i];
if (is.fail())
for (size_t i=0; i<count; i++) arr[i] = def;
string Bool_StrN (const bool val) {
if (val == true) return "true";
else return "false";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// SP functions for parsing lines
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
string SPItemN (const string &s, const string &tag) {
if (s.empty() || tag.empty()) return "";
string tg = '[' + tag + ']';
size_t i = SPosN (s, tg);
if (i == string::npos) return "";
size_t ii = i + tg.size();
string item;
while (ii < s.size() && s[ii] != '[' && s[ii] != '#') {
item += s[ii];
return item;
string SPStrN (const string &s, const string &tag, const string& def) {
string item = SPItemN (s, tag);
if (item.empty()) return def;
STrimN (item);
return item;
int SPIntN (const string &s, const string &tag, const int def) {
return (Str_IntN (SPItemN (s, tag), def));
bool SPBoolN (const string &s, const string &tag, const bool def) {
string item = SPItemN (s, tag);
STrimN (item);
return Str_BoolN (item, def);
float SPFloatN (const string &s, const string &tag, const float def) {
return (Str_FloatN (SPItemN (s, tag), def));
TVector2 SPVector2N (const string &s, const string &tag, const TVector2& def) {
return (Str_Vector2N (SPItemN (s, tag), def));
TVector3 SPVector3N (const string &s, const string &tag, const TVector3& def) {
return (Str_Vector3N (SPItemN (s, tag), def));
TIndex3 SPIndex3N (const string &s, const string &tag, const TIndex3& def) {
return (Str_Index3N (SPItemN (s, tag), def));
TVector4 SPVector4N (const string &s, const string &tag, const TVector4& def) {
return (Str_Vector4N (SPItemN (s, tag), def));
TColor SPColorN (const string &s, const string &tag, const TColor& def) {
return (Str_ColorN (SPItemN (s, tag), def));
TColor3 SPColor3N (const string &s, const string &tag, const TColor3& def) {
return (Str_Color3N (SPItemN (s, tag), def));
void SPArrN (const string &s, const string &tag, float *arr, size_t count, float def) {
Str_ArrN (SPItemN (s, tag), arr, count, def);
bool SPExistsN (const string &s, const string &tag) {
string tg = '[' + tag + ']';
size_t i = SPosN (s, tg);
return i != string::npos;
size_t SPPosN (const string &s, const string &tag) {
string tg = '[' + tag + ']';
return SPosN (s, tg);
// ------------------ add ---------------------------------------------
void SPAddIntN (string &s, const string &tag, const int val) {
s += '[';
s += tag;
s += ']';
s += Int_StrN (val);
void SPAddFloatN (string &s, const string &tag, const float val, size_t count) {
s += '[';
s += tag;
s += ']';
s += Float_StrN (val, count);
void SPAddStrN (string &s, const string &tag, const string &val) {
s += '[';
s += tag;
s += ']';
s += val;
void SPAddVec2N (string &s, const string &tag, const TVector2 &val, size_t count) {
s += '[';
s += tag;
s += ']';
s += ' ';
s += Float_StrN (val.x, count);
s += ' ';
s += Float_StrN (val.y, count);
void SPAddVec3N (string &s, const string &tag, const TVector3 &val, size_t count) {
s += '[';
s += tag;
s += ']';
s += ' ';
s += Float_StrN (val.x, count);
s += ' ';
s += Float_StrN (val.y, count);
s += ' ';
s += Float_StrN (val.z, count);
void SPAddIndx3N (string &s, const string &tag, const TIndex3 &val) {
s += '[';
s += tag;
s += ']';
s += ' ';
s += Int_StrN (val.i);
s += ' ';
s += Int_StrN (val.j);
s += ' ';
s += Int_StrN (val.k);
void SPAddIndx4N (string &s, const string &tag, const TIndex4 &val) {
s += '[';
s += tag;
s += ']';
s += ' ';
s += Int_StrN (val.i);
s += ' ';
s += Int_StrN (val.j);
s += ' ';
s += Int_StrN (val.k);
s += ' ';
s += Int_StrN (val.l);
void SPAddBoolN (string &s, const string &tag, const bool val) {
s += '[';
s += tag;
s += ']';
if (val == true) s += "true";
else s+= "false";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void SPSetIntN (string &s, const string &tag, const int val) {
size_t pos = SPPosN (s, tag);
if (pos != string::npos) {
size_t ipos = pos + tag.size() + 2;
string item = SPItemN (s, tag);
if (item.size() != string::npos) SDeleteN (s, ipos, item.size());
SInsertN (s, ipos, Int_StrN (val));
} else SPAddIntN (s, tag, val);
void SPSetFloatN (string &s, const string &tag, const float val, size_t count) {
size_t pos = SPPosN (s, tag);
if (pos != string::npos) {
size_t ipos = pos + tag.size() + 2;
string item = SPItemN (s, tag);
if (item.size() != string::npos) SDeleteN (s, ipos, item.size());
SInsertN (s, ipos, Float_StrN (val, count));
} else SPAddFloatN (s, tag, val, count);
void SPSetStrN (string &s, const string &tag, const string &val) {
size_t pos = SPPosN (s, tag);
if (pos != string::npos) {
size_t ipos = pos + tag.size() + 2;
string item = SPItemN (s, tag);
if (item.size() != string::npos) SDeleteN (s, ipos, item.size());
SInsertN (s, ipos, val);
} else SPAddStrN (s, tag, val);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// class CSPList
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
CSPList::CSPList (size_t maxlines, bool newlineflag) {
fmax = maxlines;
fnewlineflag = newlineflag;
const string& CSPList::Line (size_t idx) const {
if (idx >= flines.size()) return emptyString;
return flines[idx].first;
void CSPList::Clear () {
void CSPList::Add (const string& line) {
if (flines.size() < fmax) {
flines.push_back(make_pair(line, 0));
void CSPList::Add (const string& line, int flag) {
if (flines.size() < fmax) {
flines.push_back(make_pair(line, flag));
void CSPList::Append (const string& line, size_t idx) {
if (idx >= flines.size()) return;
flines[idx].first += line;
void CSPList::SetFlag (size_t idx, int flag) {
if (idx >= flines.size()) return;
flines[idx].second= flag;
int CSPList::Flag (size_t idx) const {
if (idx >= flines.size()) return 0;
return flines[idx].second;
void CSPList::Print () const {
for (size_t i=0; i<flines.size(); i++) cout << flines[i].first << endl;
bool CSPList::Load (const string &filepath) {
std::ifstream tempfile(filepath.c_str());
string line;
if (!tempfile) {
Message ("CSPList::Load - unable to open " + filepath, "");
return false;
} else {
bool backflag = false;
while (getline(tempfile, line)) {
// delete new line char if in string
size_t npos = line.rfind ('\n');
if (npos != string::npos) SDeleteN (line, npos, 1);
bool valid = true;
if (line.empty()) valid = false; // empty line
else if (line[0] == '#') valid = false; // comment line
if (valid) {
if (flines.size() < fmax) {
if (!fnewlineflag) {
if (line[0] == '*' || flines.empty()) Add (line);
else Append (line, flines.size()-1);
} else {
bool fwdflag;
if (line[line.length()-1] == '\\') {
SDeleteN (line, line.length()-1, 1);
fwdflag = true;
} else {
fwdflag = false;
if (backflag == false) Add (line);
else Append (line, flines.size()-1);
backflag = fwdflag;
} else {
Message ("CSPList::Load - not enough lines","");
return false;
return true;
bool CSPList::Load (const string& dir, const string& filename) {
return Load (dir + SEP + filename);
bool CSPList::Save (const string &filepath) const {
std::ofstream tempfile(filepath.c_str());
if (!tempfile) {
Message ("CSPList::Save - unable to open " + filepath, "");
return false;
} else {
for (size_t i=0; i<flines.size(); i++) {
tempfile << flines[i].first << '\n';
return true;
bool CSPList::Save (const string& dir, const string& filename) const {
return Save (dir + SEP + filename);
void CSPList::MakeIndex (map<string, size_t>& index, const string &tag) {
size_t idx = 0;
for (size_t i=0; i<flines.size(); i++) {
string item = SPItemN (flines[i].first, tag);
STrimN (item);
if (!item.empty()) {
index[item] = idx;